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315 search results for: federal corruption


Ron Paul campaign confronts Alaska corruption: attacks Republican Party for illegally disenfranchising non-Romney delegates

The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign condemned today the efforts of the Alaska Republican Party and its chairman Randy Reudrich to disenfranchise Paul and other non-Romney delegates to the party’s upcoming state convention.  In doing so, the Paul campaign also announced that it will utilize all legal tools at its disposal to prevent or reverse […]


Nine Benefactors of “Alaskans Standing Together” in Violation of Federal Election Law

Complaint Reveals Federal Contractors Illegally Spending Millions to Re-Elect Murkowski Anchorage, Alaska. October 20, 2010 — The Joe Miller for U.S. Senate Campaign Committee today filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that nine benefactors of “Alaskans Standing Together” (“AST”) and two of its officers have acted in violation of federal law in […]


House ethics committee considering full scale investigation into allegations against Alaska’s Rep. Don Young

The House Ethics Committee announced on Monday that it will take another 45 days to determine whether to launch full-scale investigations into allegations against Reps. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) and Don Young (R-Alaska). Reps. Jo Bonner (R-Ala.) and Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.), the chairman and the ranking member of the Ethics Committee, made the statement in response […]