Department of Education: Unaccompanied Illegal Immigrant Minors 'Entitled To' Public Education

Photo Credit: breitbart

Photo Credit: breitbart

The Department of Education released a fact sheet Monday about the availability of public school education for undocumented immigrant children — specifically the tens of thousands unaccompanied minors who have recently entered the U.S. illegally.

“We have begun to receive inquiries regarding educational services for a specific group of immigrant children who have been in the news – children from Central America who have recently crossed the U.S. – Mexico border,” the Department of Education explains.

“This new fact sheet provides information to help education leaders better understand the responsibilities of States and local educational agencies (LEAs) in connection with such students, and the existing resources available to help educate all immigrant students – including children who recently arrived in the United States,” it adds.

The fact sheet lays out the basics about the undocumented immigrant children’s rights and what communities can do to help with enrollment.

Read more from this story HERE.
