More than 1,000 ObamaCare Plans Include Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Coverage

Photo Credit: ReutersThe Government Accountability Office (GAO), the non-partisan government watchdog, has issued a new report that identifies 1,036 Obamacare plans that cover abortion on demand at the expense of taxpayers through subsidies, a fact that confirms the provision in the health reform law requiring individuals to pay separately for abortion coverage is being widely ignored.

As reports, Republican lawmakers say the “bombshell” finding demonstrates the Obama administration misled the American people when it insisted that under Obamacare, abortions would not be paid for with federal funds.

According to a press release by the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List (SBA-List), the GAO discovered that nearly all of the insurance issuers sampled are not itemizing the required separate abortion surcharge on their bills, again confirming that the Obama administration is ignoring the law’s abortion accounting gimmick.

The GAO report also reveals that disclosure of abortion coverage in plans is inconsistent, a claim that has been made by both pro-life and pro-abortion individuals and suggests that coverage transparency is lacking.

“The report directly contradicts President Obama’s 2009 promise that ‘under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions’ and his claim of being ‘the most transparent administration in history,’” states SBA-List.

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