Obama Accused of Creating 'Constitutional Crisis'

Photo Credit: WND

Photo Credit: WND

If President Obama goes ahead with his plan to unilaterally implement immigration reform, it will violate one of the foundations of the U.S. Constitution, according to an immigration-policy expert.

“In effect, he is making law, which is a fundamental violation of the separation of powers. He’s supposed to enforce the law; Congress is supposed to make the law,” said Steven Camarota. “He is, by design, creating a constitutional crisis.”

Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, believes the constitutional conflict is the most troublesome aspect of Obama’s planned executive amnesty. However, a unilateral amnesty would damage the United States in other ways as well, he said.

Take, for example, the plight of America’s less-educated, low-skilled population. The labor market is unkind to them as it is. According to Camarota, only about half of all young people with a high-school diploma or less have a job. And for those who do, their real wages have been declining for decades.

Now the president is planning to grant work permits to millions of illegal aliens, many of whom are unskilled.

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