The Hillary Clinton Rap Sheet Explodes with New Entries

Photo Credit: NY Post By John Podhoretz. Another day, another three Hillary stories — all of which continue the ongoing tarnishment of the Clinton brand . . .

First, Fox News revealed the contents of a Defense Intelligence Agency report written one day after four Americans were killed in Benghazi in 2012.

According to the report, “the attack was planned ten or more days prior to approximately 01 September 2012. . . No YouTube video. No spontaneous demonstration.

Second, The New York Times revealed Mrs. Clinton had a secret private e-mail account through which she communed with her longtime consigliere, Sidney Blumenthal, despite having sworn (though not under oath) she’d only had the one.

Third, Politico reported yesterday that a federal judge has ordered the State Department to start releasing Mrs. Clinton’s e-mails from her time as secretary of state — or whatever’s left of them following the mass destruction of tens of thousands of such communications. (Read more from “The Hillary Clinton Rap Sheet Explodes with New Entries” HERE)


Hillary Clinton News More Like a Rap Sheet

By Michael Goodwin. Wading through the daily deluge of Hillary Clinton news, I feel like I’m reading the police blotter. The litany of her shameful shenanigans resembles the litany of neighborhood crimes recorded by cops. There are simply too many to stomach.

There is another similarity, too: In both cases, fear and revulsion are the proper responses from honest Americans.

More than 17 months before Election Day, Clinton scandals are piling up faster than robberies during a police strike. There is a media feeding frenzy over her shady dealings and the sheer volume of unsavory revelations is approaching a critical mass. The pace of disclosures probably can’t continue, but already she’s looking less and less inevitable.

Yesterday brought a new batch of bombshells. The Washington Post reported that, in addition to $5 million she earned from her latest book, Clinton earned $11.7 million by delivering 51 speeches since January, 2014. The paper reported that she was paid an astonishing $625,000 for two speeches — in one day!

Stack those facts up against her recent remark that the only answer to income inequality is to “topple” the 1 percent of wealthy Americans, and it’s obvious that she’s long past the point of simple hypocrisy. (Read more from this story HERE)

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