Hillary Skips Public Forum to Tell Reporters That Regular Voters Don’t Care About Email Scandal

clinton-e1439584814871Hillary Clinton asserted at the Iowa State Fair Saturday that average voters don’t care about her use of a private email server as secretary of state.

But the Democrat avoided testing out her theory, opting to answer questions from reporters rather than attending The Des Moines Register Presidential Soapbox, a forum nearly all of the other candidates for president will have attended by the time the fair ends next week.

“We’ll see how this all plays out, but it’s not anything people talk to me about as I travel around the country. It is never raised in my town halls. It’s never raised in my other meetings with people,” Clinton told reporters at the fair when asked about the FBI’s investigation into her home-brew email server . . .

Clinton’s qualification that she did not receive any emails that were “marked classified” is a relatively new wrinkle in her explanation of the use of a private email account.

The FBI seized Clinton’s home-brew email server from a New Jersey data center earlier this week. That’s after I. Charles McCullough, the Intelligence Community inspector general, found two emails he believes contained “top secret” information at the time they were sent. Clinton did not send the emails, but they traversed her server, which was housed at the time in the basement of her Chappaqua, N.Y. home. (Read more from “Hillary Skips Public Forum to Tell Reporters That Regular Voters Don’t Care About Email Scandal” HERE)

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