Nuclear Facility in U.S. On Lockdown After Security Incident

Savannah-Nuclear-facility-913x512By Randy DeSoto. The Savannah River Site nuclear facility, approximately 60 miles southeast of Columbia, S.C. is on lockdown following a “security event.”

The Aiken County Sheriff’s Office has notified the public that no one is allowed in or out of the facility. Barricades now block the entrance.

According to the Aiken Standard, a bomb-sniffing dog alerted security personnel to explosives potentially present onboard a vehicle.

Savannah River Site (SRS) issued a press release stating: “a potential security event is in progress that has triggered emergency response activities at the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site,” and the release is “being sent to you as part of our emergency response organization information process.”

SRS also stated there is no indication of a “consequence beyond the Savannah River Site boundaries.” (Read more from “Nuclear Facility in U.S. On Lockdown After Security Incident” HERE)

UPDATE: Both “Electronic and Canine Scans” Registered Positive for Explosives on a Delivery Truck

According to a local Fox News affiliate, the Savannah River nuclear facility security personnel used both electronic scanning and the use of dogs to determine the probability of explosive residue on a delivery truck that attempted to drive into the plant. Although there is no further information on whether the electronic and canine positives were confirmed by any subsequent examination of the vehicle, the lockdown was recently lifted.

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