Dem Senator Refuses to Discuss Constituent Raped by Illegal Alien

Democratic Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden on Tuesday blew off wanting to talk about an elderly constituent in his state who was raped by an illegal immigrant that was previously deported 20 times.

Wyden refused to answer The Daily Caller’s questions about the illegal immigrant accused of raping a 65-year-old woman at her Portland home and assaulting another female in the area. Portland is a sanctuary city.

“We’ll have more to say about that another time. Today is about taxes,” Wyden said, before he veered off to discuss issues pertaining to the Russia investigation.

The man charged with attacking the women on July 24, 31-year-old Sergio Martinez, was released by the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office one week before the attacks, according to a letter from Sheriff Mike Reese.

Martinez only served 31 days in the Multnomah County Jail before he was released on July 17. (Read more from “Dem Senator Refuses to Discuss Constituent Raped by Illegal Alien” HERE)

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