Democrat Rhetoric Gets Violent: Maxine Claims Trump Supporters ‘Training up in the Hills’ for Civil War

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on this week’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show” that the Department of Justice should investigate “right-wing organizations” who supported former President Donald Trump “training up in the hill” for a civil war.

Waters said, “You cannot trust anything that Donald Trump has to say no matter if he loses he is going to say it was fraud. He still has not accepted what happened in the last presidential election. We have to be very concerned about a former president of the United States talking about attacking his own country, talking about perhaps a bloodbath, talking about perhaps there is going to be trouble. He said it in so many different ways we should take him seriously. This man does not believe in the Constitution. He wants to be a dictator. This is a dangerous human being. We have to know what our country is going to do to protect us from him.” (Read more from “Democrat Rhetoric Gets Violent: Maxine Claims Trump Supporters ‘Training up in the Hills’ for Civil War” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr