They kicked her around, victimized her, tried to destroy her. But all of a sudden, the lamestream media is coming to Sarah Palin’s defense. Faced with a barrage of negative portrayals — a much-hyped investigative book, a Levi Johnston memoir and a new movie — Palin is finding support in the unlikeliest of places. Film […]
Sarah Palin’s husband jumped to her defense Thursday over an upcoming tell-all book that claims she had a premarital fling with a basketball star and dabbled with cocaine. The allegations in “The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin” clash with the Tea Party darling’s persona as a champion of homespun values — including abstinence […] 12:51:482011-09-15 12:51:48Husband hits out at Palin sex, cocaine claims
In 2008, reporters gushed about the Obama campaign’s brilliant use of the Internet and social media. In the run-up to 2012, a high-profile effort by the re-election campaign to counter critics has become an online bulletin board for jokes at President Obama’s expense. Obama for America, the official campaign organization, recently rolled out The […] 12:47:252011-09-15 12:47:25OBAMA’S TWITTER Disaster – WSJ Political Diary
September 13, 2011 – Unfortunately, it’s true. Al Gore will be on a variety of multi-media outlets on September 15 for a full, agonizing 24 hours. His “24 Hours of Reality” will drone on across every time zone in the world as he attempts to revitalize his tattered reputation as the god of environmental hysteria. […] 12:05:412011-09-15 12:05:41Please, Say It Ain’t So: 24 Hours Of Al Gore
It is time for Democrats across the United States to panic, as a Congressional district that has not elected a Republican in almost 90 years handed an easy victory to the GOP candidate. The victor Bob Turner cast his effort as a referendum on President Obama, a chance to send a message to Washington. As […] 15:27:282011-09-14 15:27:28Weiner’s NY District elects Republican Turner in special election
A day after they clashed at a GOP presidential debate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry told conservatives in rival Mitt Romney’s home state that their former governor sounds like a liberal. And without naming him directly, Perry said Romney has changed his position on Social Security. “Other candidates in this race have used words like ‘fraud’ […] 15:22:592011-09-14 15:22:59Perry: Romney Sounds Like a Liberal
For decades now political consultants, especially those of the Florida sub-species, have been able to charge big bucks to advise Republican candidates not to say anything about Social Security during campaigns. It’s the “third rail” of politics, they breathlessly warn. Touch it and your political career goes up in smoke. On the other side, consultants […] 15:18:112011-09-14 15:18:11The Third Rail Unplugged
Of California’s 12.1 percent unemployed, not many of them are teachers. Teachers here, thanks to their powerful public employee union, are doing pretty good, pulling down well above average wages and excessive pension rights that taxpayers really cannot afford, which contribute mightily to our state government’s perpetual debt crisis, itself a huge drag on the […] 15:14:122011-09-14 15:14:12Maxine Waters is Right: Obama’s Jobs Plan Stinks
This author has observed, “If the media wanted to conserve resources, they could simply fuse the words ‘The Obama administration lied’ to the opening line of each day’s edition and fill in the blank appropriately.” Today proved no exception. Despite President Barack Obama’s assurances that no ground troops would ever be sent to Libya, the […] 14:42:272011-09-14 14:42:27Videos: Obama Lied About Troops on the Ground in Libya
While the market continues to trade purely on rumor, counter-rumor and refutation of a refutation, the facts demonstrate that Europe is ugly and getting worse. Today’s now daily update focuses on continuing deterioration in both liquidity and solvency. First, the usage of the ECB Deposit Facility soared to €198 billion on Monday from €182 billion […] 15:40:222011-09-13 15:40:22Europe Facts, Not Fiction: Usage Of ECB Deposit Facility Goes Parabolic, Sov CDS Wider Across The Board
The recent Texaswildfires have consumed nearly 4600 square miles of vegetation destroyed over 1000 homes and taken several lives. If only Texas´ (not to mentionArizona,Californiaand New Mexico´s) forests could have been systematically harvested to help our economy! Unfortunately, this isn’t the case as Obama´s Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Bob Abbey, has opposed […] 15:31:282011-09-13 15:31:28Keep your “bulwarks” Barry and just SHOOT THE BUNNY: America needs fuel not tree hugging smugness
On 9/11 we ran for cover. On 9/12 we ran to God. Churches overflowed. Synagogues were packed. Sanctuaries and temples swelled to capacity. Four thousand people gathered in a Manhattan Cathedral. A New York City church filled and emptied six times in one day. Street vendors were replaced by prayer counselors who stood beneath banners […] 15:27:402011-09-13 15:27:40On 9/12 We Ran to God
Count me out from those who would conclude that we got it just right in marking the 10th anniversary of 9/11. We got it only half right — the well-deserved honors to the nearly 3,000 victims, the formal and informal remembrances of who they were and what a great loss they were to family, friends […]
What is there to say about Barack Obama’s speech to Congress Thursday night and the so-called American Jobs Act he said Congress must pass? Several thoughts occur, all starting with P. Projection. That’s psychologist-speak term for projecting your own faults on others. “This isn’t political grandstanding,” Obama told members of Congress, as Republicans snickered (but […] 13:53:302011-09-12 13:53:30Barone: Obama buys the drinks other guys pay for
Obama reminded us that he is the exquisite showman minus the show. There was nothing new in his “I can’t create jobs” campaign speech. If you were unfortunate enough to have to watch it as I was, you were treated to his change from the mantra of, “I inherited this mess,” to “Who can I […] 13:50:162011-09-12 13:50:16Obama’s Jobs Ponzi Scheme
On the morning after the debate, I sat with two nice GOP women as we baked in the sun and waited for Gov. Rick Perry to show up at his event at an upscale garden center. Both said they like Perry and Mitt Romney. Both said they’ll vote for the one with the best chance […] 15:12:212011-09-09 15:12:21Perry keeps close to tea party roots on California trip
Betcha didn’t see this one coming. On MSNBC’s Thursday broadcast of “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews committed the mortal sin — he nearly parroted the theory that mortified so many of the network’s hosts and guests throughout the day. Matthews called Social Security “a Ponzi scheme” the day after Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry doubled down […] 15:08:392011-09-09 15:08:39Chris Matthews’ Social Security admission: ‘It is a Ponzi scheme’
A New York-based video game developer has set his virtual crosshairs on Republican and conservative political figures in a game called “Tea Party Zombies Must Die,” which allows players to indiscriminately slaughter politicians like Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin. The gruesome game, created by StarvingEyes Advergaming, is billed as “first-person shooter” featuring “Tea […] 15:04:552011-09-09 15:04:55Video Game Targets ‘Tea Party Zombies,’ Fox News Personalities
Recent polling indicates that seventy-six percent (76%) of voters say the country is heading down the wrong track. Clearly, something needs to be done to turn the train around and head in a different direction. First we need to know where we’ve been headed and then make a conscious decision to do a 180. Three […] 14:51:322011-09-08 14:51:32What Obama Could Say in His Speech That Would Really Turn the Economy around
A Magellan Strategies poll indicates voters could be on the brink of delivering a real shocker to New York City’s Democratic establishment by electing Republican Bob Turner over Democrat David Weprin to succeed firebrand Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner. Magellan surveyed 2,055 voters in the 9th Congressional District. Turner led Weprin 44.6 percent to 40.4 percent. […] 14:48:092011-09-08 14:48:09Poll Shocker: GOP Set to Win Weiner’s NY Seat
With an avalanche of ever-tantalizing news stories and upcoming nail-biting scheduled officialdom events in both Europe and the U.S. all hitting the gold market at once in September, discerning the story that could propel some distance from Jim Sinclair’s exosphere target of $1,764 in the gold price weighs heavily in favor of the WikiLeaks story […] 14:39:072011-09-08 14:39:07WikiLeaks drops Bombshell on Gold Market; GATA right again
In 1994, abortion-lobby champion Ted Kennedy passed the Free Access to Clinics Act (FACE), which imposes stricter limitations on peaceful protests of abortion clinics than any other peaceful protest. This law, which strikes me as pretty darn unconstitutional, has never really been enforced. Tom McClusky at the Family Research Council says the decision to […] 16:50:502011-09-07 16:50:50Obama’s abortion absolutism and the 1st Amendment
As President Obama prepares to deliver yet another speech about stimulating the economy — this one to a joint-session of Congress (with or without the NFL game on the monitors) — it’s worth reviewing the results of his efforts to date. It has now been a little over two years — and eight full economic […] 16:48:042011-09-07 16:48:04Obama’s Recovery A Flop Of Historical Proportions
Everyone knows that in life there are some situations where you’re “damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” Either way, in the eyes of liberals, Republicans are always damned. Such is the case with Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress. Seems that “Several lawmakers are still determining whether it is worth […] 16:45:342011-09-07 16:45:34Organizing a ‘Barbarian’ Boycott
Sarah Palin lashed out at Teamster President James Hoffa’s “thuggery” in maligning tea partyers as “sons of bitches” as he introduced President Barack Obama at a Labor Day rally in Detroit. Hoffa called members of the conservative grouping “sons of bitches” during his intro to the president at the Motor City event. “President Obama, this […] 11:38:272011-09-06 11:38:27Palin Assails Hoffa ‘Thuggery’ for SOB Swipe at Tea Party
‘Lamestream media’ defends Palin
/7 Comments/in News /by newseditorThey kicked her around, victimized her, tried to destroy her. But all of a sudden, the lamestream media is coming to Sarah Palin’s defense. Faced with a barrage of negative portrayals — a much-hyped investigative book, a Levi Johnston memoir and a new movie — Palin is finding support in the unlikeliest of places. Film […]
Husband hits out at Palin sex, cocaine claims
/14 Comments/in News /by newseditorSarah Palin’s husband jumped to her defense Thursday over an upcoming tell-all book that claims she had a premarital fling with a basketball star and dabbled with cocaine. The allegations in “The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin” clash with the Tea Party darling’s persona as a champion of homespun values — including abstinence […]
OBAMA’S TWITTER Disaster – WSJ Political Diary
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorIn 2008, reporters gushed about the Obama campaign’s brilliant use of the Internet and social media. In the run-up to 2012, a high-profile effort by the re-election campaign to counter critics has become an online bulletin board for jokes at President Obama’s expense. Obama for America, the official campaign organization, recently rolled out The […]
Please, Say It Ain’t So: 24 Hours Of Al Gore
/4 Comments/in News /by newseditorSeptember 13, 2011 – Unfortunately, it’s true. Al Gore will be on a variety of multi-media outlets on September 15 for a full, agonizing 24 hours. His “24 Hours of Reality” will drone on across every time zone in the world as he attempts to revitalize his tattered reputation as the god of environmental hysteria. […]
Weiner’s NY District elects Republican Turner in special election
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorIt is time for Democrats across the United States to panic, as a Congressional district that has not elected a Republican in almost 90 years handed an easy victory to the GOP candidate. The victor Bob Turner cast his effort as a referendum on President Obama, a chance to send a message to Washington. As […]
Perry: Romney Sounds Like a Liberal
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorA day after they clashed at a GOP presidential debate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry told conservatives in rival Mitt Romney’s home state that their former governor sounds like a liberal. And without naming him directly, Perry said Romney has changed his position on Social Security. “Other candidates in this race have used words like ‘fraud’ […]
The Third Rail Unplugged
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorFor decades now political consultants, especially those of the Florida sub-species, have been able to charge big bucks to advise Republican candidates not to say anything about Social Security during campaigns. It’s the “third rail” of politics, they breathlessly warn. Touch it and your political career goes up in smoke. On the other side, consultants […]
Maxine Waters is Right: Obama’s Jobs Plan Stinks
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorOf California’s 12.1 percent unemployed, not many of them are teachers. Teachers here, thanks to their powerful public employee union, are doing pretty good, pulling down well above average wages and excessive pension rights that taxpayers really cannot afford, which contribute mightily to our state government’s perpetual debt crisis, itself a huge drag on the […]
Videos: Obama Lied About Troops on the Ground in Libya
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorThis author has observed, “If the media wanted to conserve resources, they could simply fuse the words ‘The Obama administration lied’ to the opening line of each day’s edition and fill in the blank appropriately.” Today proved no exception. Despite President Barack Obama’s assurances that no ground troops would ever be sent to Libya, the […]
Europe Facts, Not Fiction: Usage Of ECB Deposit Facility Goes Parabolic, Sov CDS Wider Across The Board
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorWhile the market continues to trade purely on rumor, counter-rumor and refutation of a refutation, the facts demonstrate that Europe is ugly and getting worse. Today’s now daily update focuses on continuing deterioration in both liquidity and solvency. First, the usage of the ECB Deposit Facility soared to €198 billion on Monday from €182 billion […]
Keep your “bulwarks” Barry and just SHOOT THE BUNNY: America needs fuel not tree hugging smugness
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorThe recent Texaswildfires have consumed nearly 4600 square miles of vegetation destroyed over 1000 homes and taken several lives. If only Texas´ (not to mentionArizona,Californiaand New Mexico´s) forests could have been systematically harvested to help our economy! Unfortunately, this isn’t the case as Obama´s Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Bob Abbey, has opposed […]
On 9/12 We Ran to God
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditorOn 9/11 we ran for cover. On 9/12 we ran to God. Churches overflowed. Synagogues were packed. Sanctuaries and temples swelled to capacity. Four thousand people gathered in a Manhattan Cathedral. A New York City church filled and emptied six times in one day. Street vendors were replaced by prayer counselors who stood beneath banners […]
A botched 9/11 commemoration
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorCount me out from those who would conclude that we got it just right in marking the 10th anniversary of 9/11. We got it only half right — the well-deserved honors to the nearly 3,000 victims, the formal and informal remembrances of who they were and what a great loss they were to family, friends […]
Barone: Obama buys the drinks other guys pay for
/5 Comments/in News /by newseditorWhat is there to say about Barack Obama’s speech to Congress Thursday night and the so-called American Jobs Act he said Congress must pass? Several thoughts occur, all starting with P. Projection. That’s psychologist-speak term for projecting your own faults on others. “This isn’t political grandstanding,” Obama told members of Congress, as Republicans snickered (but […]
Obama’s Jobs Ponzi Scheme
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorObama reminded us that he is the exquisite showman minus the show. There was nothing new in his “I can’t create jobs” campaign speech. If you were unfortunate enough to have to watch it as I was, you were treated to his change from the mantra of, “I inherited this mess,” to “Who can I […]
Perry keeps close to tea party roots on California trip
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditorOn the morning after the debate, I sat with two nice GOP women as we baked in the sun and waited for Gov. Rick Perry to show up at his event at an upscale garden center. Both said they like Perry and Mitt Romney. Both said they’ll vote for the one with the best chance […]
Chris Matthews’ Social Security admission: ‘It is a Ponzi scheme’
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorBetcha didn’t see this one coming. On MSNBC’s Thursday broadcast of “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews committed the mortal sin — he nearly parroted the theory that mortified so many of the network’s hosts and guests throughout the day. Matthews called Social Security “a Ponzi scheme” the day after Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry doubled down […]
Video Game Targets ‘Tea Party Zombies,’ Fox News Personalities
/6 Comments/in News /by newseditorA New York-based video game developer has set his virtual crosshairs on Republican and conservative political figures in a game called “Tea Party Zombies Must Die,” which allows players to indiscriminately slaughter politicians like Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin. The gruesome game, created by StarvingEyes Advergaming, is billed as “first-person shooter” featuring “Tea […]
What Obama Could Say in His Speech That Would Really Turn the Economy around
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditorRecent polling indicates that seventy-six percent (76%) of voters say the country is heading down the wrong track. Clearly, something needs to be done to turn the train around and head in a different direction. First we need to know where we’ve been headed and then make a conscious decision to do a 180. Three […]
Poll Shocker: GOP Set to Win Weiner’s NY Seat
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorA Magellan Strategies poll indicates voters could be on the brink of delivering a real shocker to New York City’s Democratic establishment by electing Republican Bob Turner over Democrat David Weprin to succeed firebrand Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner. Magellan surveyed 2,055 voters in the 9th Congressional District. Turner led Weprin 44.6 percent to 40.4 percent. […]
WikiLeaks drops Bombshell on Gold Market; GATA right again
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorWith an avalanche of ever-tantalizing news stories and upcoming nail-biting scheduled officialdom events in both Europe and the U.S. all hitting the gold market at once in September, discerning the story that could propel some distance from Jim Sinclair’s exosphere target of $1,764 in the gold price weighs heavily in favor of the WikiLeaks story […]
Obama’s abortion absolutism and the 1st Amendment
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorIn 1994, abortion-lobby champion Ted Kennedy passed the Free Access to Clinics Act (FACE), which imposes stricter limitations on peaceful protests of abortion clinics than any other peaceful protest. This law, which strikes me as pretty darn unconstitutional, has never really been enforced. Tom McClusky at the Family Research Council says the decision to […]
Obama’s Recovery A Flop Of Historical Proportions
/4 Comments/in News /by newseditorAs President Obama prepares to deliver yet another speech about stimulating the economy — this one to a joint-session of Congress (with or without the NFL game on the monitors) — it’s worth reviewing the results of his efforts to date. It has now been a little over two years — and eight full economic […]
Organizing a ‘Barbarian’ Boycott
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditorEveryone knows that in life there are some situations where you’re “damned if you do and damned if you don’t.” Either way, in the eyes of liberals, Republicans are always damned. Such is the case with Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress. Seems that “Several lawmakers are still determining whether it is worth […]
Palin Assails Hoffa ‘Thuggery’ for SOB Swipe at Tea Party
/6 Comments/in News /by newseditorSarah Palin lashed out at Teamster President James Hoffa’s “thuggery” in maligning tea partyers as “sons of bitches” as he introduced President Barack Obama at a Labor Day rally in Detroit. Hoffa called members of the conservative grouping “sons of bitches” during his intro to the president at the Motor City event. “President Obama, this […]