Obama Issues Veto Threat on House GOP Abortion Bill

By Paige Winfield Cunningham. President Obama would likely veto a ban on abortion past the midway point of pregnancy, the White House said Tuesday.

The GOP-led House plans to vote Thursday on a bill restricting abortion past 20 weeks of pregnancy, based on the idea that a fetus can feel pain beyond that point. The vote will take place the same day as anti-abortion activists participate in the annual March for Life.

While supporters of the bill say it’s a reasonable limit on mid- and late-term abortions — and one that a majority of the public supports — the administration called it an “assault on a woman’s right to choose.” (Read more about the possible veto on the GOP abortion bill HERE)


Ban on Abortions Past 20 Weeks Would Save Down Syndrome Babies Targeted in Abortion

By Penny Nance. 327,653: the number of babies who did not get to experience a first Christmas last year thanks to Planned Parenthood. On average, taxpayers gave an enormous $528 million in 2013 to fund the inhumane killing of innocent babies. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, this year’s taxpayer-funded abortion rates may be even higher.

The upcoming March for Life theme “Every Life is a Gift” comes at an opportune time as the upcoming New Year will mark the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The act should have reinstated dignity to the lives of disabled people both young and old. Yet, babies diagnosed with a disability like Down syndrome in the womb are still being aborted at rates near 90 percent.

Sickening statistics such as these stress the important job legislators have to make sure that the 20-week abortion ban is passed into law. This act would prohibit the termination of a child’s life past 20 weeks gestation for any non-fatal reason—including diagnosed disabilities. According to disabilities groups, the majority of abortions typically occur after 20 weeks due to the fact that most disability testing procedures are done between 18 and 20 weeks gestation. (Read more from this story HERE)

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