America Is in REAL Danger and You’ll Never Guess Who’s to Blame

Photo Credit: Politichicks

Photo Credit: Politichicks

An ABC News & Washington Post poll showed that the majority of Americans support a nuclear deal with Iran. The poll demonstrated that Americans were willing to welcome a deal that restricts Iran’s nuclear ambitions in exchange for the lifting of sanctions. In addition to this finding, according to the report, “Nearly six in 10 say they are not confident that a deal will prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.”

However, these issues are not what has the United States of America, in real danger, it’s the following information that sent alarm bells ringing. A Pew Research Center survey released on Monday showed that only 62 percent of the public believes Congress, and not the President, should have final authority in establishing a treaty with Iran. If that does not alarm you let me explain a little more what that means.

The power to grant treaties with foreign nations is one specifically outlined in the U.S. Constitution and it was made clear that no one person could create such a treaty. While it is true the President takes the lead role in establishing a relationship and treaty with foreign nations, it is equally true that any document he or she draws up must then be reviewed by the Senate. The Senate, after reviewing the document, will give advice for changes or by a two thirds supermajority, approve the treaty. Any document not approved by the Senate is not a binding treaty with the United States but merely an executive agreement…powerless beyond the Presidents sphere of influence. (Read more from “America Is in REAL Danger (and It’s America’s Fault)” HERE)

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