Glenn Beck Reveals What He Believes Obama Meant by ‘Diversifying Neighborhoods’

Glenn Beck explained Wednesday on The Glenn Beck Radio Program what he believes to be President Barack Obama’s motivation behind taking in a large number of Muslim refugees.

Anyone remember when the president said that he wanted to diversify our neighborhoods?” Beck asked.

The Obama administration determined over the summer that housing in the U.S. needed to be diversified, according to a recent Housing and Urban Development rule. The policy calls on cities to analyze their housing patterns for racial and ethnic biases, as well as “patterns of segregation” every few years . . .

“Everybody said, ‘He’s trying to develop some sort of utopia. I mean, you can’t manufacture our neighborhoods. What are you doing?’ And he said, ‘We need to have our neighborhoods much more diverse. We need America to be a much more diverse nation,’” Beck recounted.

Beck went on to suggest that the government sees accepting an influx of Muslim refugees from the Middle East to be the “perfect way” to make the U.S. “much more diverse” because the State Department — in association with nine other agencies — determines where the refugees will be placed. (Read more from “Glenn Beck Reveals What He Believes Obama Meant by ‘Diversifying Neighborhoods'” HERE)

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