Gowdy Heard What Obama Said About Syrian Refugees and Pulled the Pin on a Truth Grenade

President Obama has taken up the cause of importing Syrian refugees into the U.S. with a vengeance, saying that they are harmless, despite the fact that some of the terrorists who killed over 100 in Paris are linked to Syrian refugees. Congressman Trey Gowdy isn’t remaining silent in the face of Obama’s claims.

As President Obama continues to push for a wide expansion of his program to import Syrian refugees into the U.S., Congressman Trey Gowdy, R – SC, is blaming the President’s policies for creating the Syrian refugee crisis in the first place.

According to The Hill newspaper, Gowdy addressed the issue as he chaired a meeting of the House Judiciary subpanel on immigration.

“The president says we’re scared of widows and orphans, with all due respect to him, what I’m afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more widows and orphans,” Gowdy said on Capitol Hill.

Gowdy is responding to Obama’s attack on Republicans who oppose the expansion of his refugee importation program delivered to reporters on November 18 where he called the opposition “political posturing.”

“Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said on Wednesday. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three-year-old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.” (Read more from “Gowdy Heard What Obama Said About Syrian Refugees and Pulled the Pin on a Truth Grenade” HERE)

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