More Clinton Dirt: Hillary Clinton Engaged in a ‘Scheme to Conceal’ Her Email

By Hunter Walker. The congressional committee dedicated to investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya believes that Hillary Clinton engaged in a “scheme to conceal” her email while she was secretary of state.

Jamal Ware, a spokesman for the committee which is chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina), issued a statement on Wednesday responding to a tweet Clinton sent the prior night. Clinton wrote that she wants “the public to see” her email and asked the State Department to release her messages. Ware dismissed this and said it “does not answer questions” about Clinton’s email “scheme.”

Ware’s response highlighted the fact that Clinton’s aides reviewed her emails and decided which ones should be turned over to the State Department. (Read more from “Hillary Clinton Engaged in a ‘Scheme to Conceal’ Her Email” HERE)


Hillary Clinton Created Multiple Email Addresses on Shaky Private Server

By James Rosen. Hillary Clinton appears to have established multiple email addresses for her private use, and possibly the use of her aides, under the domain of “,” according to a prominent member of the hacking community who supplied independent research data, conducted with high-tech tools, to Fox News.

The hacker used an open-source tool, publicly available, called “The Harvester” to search a variety of data sources – including well-known platforms such as Google, Bing, LinkedIn, Twitter and others – for any stored references to email addresses seen using a particular domain, in this case Hackers working under contract for private firms, also known as “White Hat hackers,” routinely use The Harvester during so-called “penetration testing,” or “pen testing,” on behalf of clients trying to ensure that their internal systems are secure.

The application of The Harvester to revealed additional email addresses besides the one that Clinton aides have insisted publicly that she used, and have said was the only one that she used, when she served as Secretary of State: namely, [email protected]. (Read more from this story HERE)

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