Trump Smacked: America Won’t Elect ‘Birther’ Prez [+video]

By WND. The polls may show Donald Trump is the front-runner in the Republican presidential race, but one of his fellow GOP candidates says the billionaire businessman and reality-TV star will never become the next president of the United States because “he’s a birther.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., doubled down on his criticism of Trump during an interview Thursday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show.”

Graham, who will not make it onto the main Fox News debate stage next Thursday night due to low poll numbers, argues Trump isn’t “marketable” and would be the end of the GOP’s chances in 2016.

“I don’t think you’re going to elect a man president of the United States who is a birther,” Graham said. “I don’t believe you’re going to elect a man president of the United States who spent thousands of his own dollars, he claims, trying to find out if Obama was born in Kenya. I don’t think you’re going to elect a man president of the United States who basically said most illegal immigrants are drug dealers and rapists (and) who slandered veterans like John McCain.”

As WND reported, Trump recently expressed doubts once again about the site of President Obama’s birth, while answering a question from CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know,” Trump said, when asked if he thought Obama had been born in America. “I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.” (Read more from “Trump Smacked: America Won’t Elect ‘Birther’ Prez” HERE)


Trump Just Scored Two Huge Wins in a Way That Could Redefine the Race

By Norvell Rose. When the home team suffers an unexpected and startling defeat on its own field, fans and commentators will most likely take notice. And that’s just what’s happening today as the GOP front-runner for the 2016 presidential nomination, Donald Trump, scores a big win in a state where a rival or two could certainly be considered favorite sons.

The website Florida Politics reports on what it calls the “shock poll” that finds Trump leading Jeb Bush by a significant margin in Florida, the state where George W.’s younger brother served as a very popular governor from 1999-2007.

According to the just-released St. Pete Polls survey of more than 1900 likely GOP primary voters in the Sunshine State:

And what about Marco Rubio’s standing in the newly released survey of GOP voters? The senator from Florida is also found to be trailing Trump. Rubio places fourth in the new poll with 10 percent of the respondents backing him. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker came in third with 12 percent.

What many observers and analysts of presidential politics might find equally if not more surprising are the results of a different voter poll — one conducted by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP). In this national survey, Donald Trump has a higher favorability rating than any of his GOP competitors among Latinos who were questioned July 20-21 about their candidate preferences. (Read more from this story HERE)

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