McConnell Declares Iran Failure a Success

McConnellSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would like everyone to know that Obama’s Iran deal has “a great likelihood of success” in Congress.

“He can win by getting one-third plus one of either house. So he’s still got a great likelihood of success.” […]

“I hope we can defeat it, but the procedure is obviously stacked in the president’s favor.”

And one more doozey from the AP report of McConnell’s speech:

McConnell said he hoped to have a “respectful, uplifting debate” when the deal reaches the Senate floor.

“What I’ve asked my colleagues to do is to sit at their desks, listen to each other and treat the consideration of this agreement with the respect that it deserves,” he said. “This is a major, major foreign policy decision.”

Them fightin’ words, Mitch!

Anyone who has followed Mitch McConnell’s career, especially as the sitting GOP leader in the Senate, will notice that instead of sounding like a confident and defiant leader fighting the existential threats of our time, he often sounds like a Fox News commentator prognosticating and pontificating about the political dynamic and the likely outcome of a vote. So Mitch, tell us how you really feel.

These timid statements from McConnell are undoubtedly resonating in the halls of the White House at the same time the AP has publicly confirmed the UN will allow Iran to inspect its nuclear sites with its own nuclear scientists! It is now clear that one of the side agreements Obama cut with Ayatollah Khamenei was to allow their foxes to guard their own nuclear hen house. This comes on the heels of the revelation that the Obama administration promised Iran, as early as 2011, they could continue enriching uranium while enjoying relief from sanctions.

Instead of sounding like a confident and defiant leader fighting the existential threats of our time, he often sounds like a Fox News commentator prognosticating and pontificating about the political dynamic and the likely outcome of a vote.

Couple these acts of treachery with Obama preempting the congressional review period by consummating the deal at the UN Security Council, and it is clear Obama has reneged on every facet of the unconstitutional Corker-Cardin review process. Yet, McConnell is still legitimizing the process that is designed to fail until the bitter end. Why is he not working on defunding implementation of the deal and promising to block State Department nominees until Obama comes clean on his multiple lies and acts of treachery – assuming he really does think the Iran deal is such a calamity? Why is he not bringing the Iran deal up for a vote of approval – now that Obama has nullified Corker-Cardin – and voting it down to help delegitimize the deal?

Instead, McConnell is openly legitimizing the deal by admitting that as long as one-third of one house of Congress supports it, the deal is a success.

And speaking of this absurdly new low threshold of congressional support that can now bestow validity on a deal of such magnitude, why didn’t McConnell divulge this to the American people during the debate over Corker-Cardin? At the time, he offered the vague promise that the Senate would “take a vote to approve or disprove of the agreement before congressional sanctions could be lifted.” Clearly, anyone who doesn’t understand McConnell’s modus operandi would have concluded that Congress must affirmatively approve the deal before sanctions are lifted. Now he lets us know it’s just a show vote.

This show vote in many ways emblematizes Mitch McConnell and the GOP establishment. Far from being disgruntled about the high vote-threshold he accepted as part of this deal, McConnell embraces every opportunity to protest a Democrat policy without using live ammo that will actually hit the target down range.

In 2011, McConnell concocted his infamous debt ceiling plan, which would have allowed Obama to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling but afford Congress the opportunity to overturn it…if they mustered two-thirds support in both houses for the resolution of disapproval. This plan was formally incorporated into the debt ceiling suspension bill (section 1002 (b)) on October 16, 2013. On that day, all but 18 Republicans voted to waive the debt limit, but 13 days later the entire GOP conference, led by McConnell, lodged their show vote of disapproval to the very process they had set into motion.

On that very day, McConnell issued a press release titled,” McConnell Rejects Schumer-Obama Plan for Permanent Debt Ceiling Extension.” He acted as if he had just successfully blocked the permanent debt ceiling increase he just consummated with the October 16 vote and knowingly failed to block during the October 29 vote. He even had the nerve to repudiate his own plan by calling it the “Schumer plan,” even though Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) previously tweaked McConnell by introducing his debt ceiling plan as permanent law.

This duplicitous form of ‘press release conservatism’ is exactly what McConnell has in store for the Iran resolution of disapproval in September. McConnell wants all of the senators to sit at their desks during the debate with the full display of theatrics feigning outrage over the Iran deal that McConnell did nothing to stop over the past two years. Each senator will then issue a press release and breathe a sigh of relief that they can oppose this deal without actually taking the ownership for blowing it up.

Sadly, this insidious display of cowardice and showmanship is not unique to the debt ceiling or Iran alliance. Yesterday, yet another Planned Parenthood video was released – this time showing an organization official discussing harvesting the brains of babies with beating hearts.

I’ve seen many conservative pundits, even those who weren’t with the grassroots on previous budget fights, openly predicting there is no way GOP leadership can shirk their responsibility to defund Planned Parenthood in the September budget bill. One would also think there is no way they can continue funding the DHS without defunding Obama’s amnesty, which has directly led to a trail of blood through releasing violent criminal aliens into the population.

Think again. McConnell would like you to know: “there will be no government shutdown” and they don’t have a “great likelihood of success.”

That September budget bill is one vote you can rest assured will not be cast with all of the senators present at their desks. (Re-posted with permission, “McConnell Declares Iran Failure a Success”, originally appeared HERE)

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