Special Operations Vets Call for Kerry to Strip Hillary of Security Clearance

Hillary-and-Kerry-1280x922-1-copy-e1440001465600A group of special operations veterans and intelligence community officials have formally asked Secretary of State John Kerry to strip former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of her security clearance along with three of her top aides, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The organization, called the Special Operations Educational Fund, wrote Kerry August 5 asking that he “immediately suspend the security clearances” because of Clinton’s use of a private unsecured email server and domain name that contains classified information. SOF is a 501 (c) 4 nonprofit group . . .

The SOEF demands could significantly escalate the email crisis that has engulfed Clinton’s campaign for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination in recent weeks.

The SOEF previously criticized the Obama administration for leaking sensitive national security information concerning the operation that resulted in the death of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

Mills is a long-time Clinton aide who was White House counsel to President Clinton during his impeachment. She was also chief of staff to Secretary Clinton at the State Department. (Read more from “Special Operations Vets Call for Kerry to Strip Hillary of Security Clearance” HERE)

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