Obama: European Discovery of New World Introduced ‘Disease, Devastation and Violence’ [+video]

By Penny Starr. In a proclamation marking Columbus Day issued by the White House on Friday, President Barack Obama said that while the federal holiday recognizes the accomplishments of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus and his discovery of the New World, it is marred by mistreatment of indigenous people.

“Though these early travels expanded the realm of European exploration, to many they also marked a time that forever changed the world for the indigenous peoples of North America,” Obama wrote. “Previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence were introduced to their lives — and as we pay tribute to the ways in which Columbus pursued ambitious goals — we also recognize the suffering inflicted upon Native Americans and we recommit to strengthening tribal sovereignty and maintaining our strong ties.”

Obama noted that Columbus’ curious nature has become part of the national “spirit” and highlighted his ethnic heritage. (Read more from “Obama: European Discovery of New World Introduced ‘Disease, Devastation and Violence'” HERE)


Farrakhan on Columbus Day: ‘No Indigenous People Want to Celebrate ‘the Wicked One’ Who ‘Dislodged Them’

By CNS News. Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan called Christopher Columbus “the wicked one.”

(Read more from this story HERE)

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