These 100 U.S. Cities Are Begging Obama for More Muslim Refugees

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, mayor of Baltimore, almost gets teary eyed when she talks about the need to rebuild her city with immigrants and refugees.

It’s an issue that’s close to her heart, but the argument she uses is not new. It’s the same line that is touted by the mayors of other cities, mostly in the Rust Belt, like Baltimore, Minneapolis, Detroit and Pittsburgh.

They crave a steady flow of new immigrants and refugees, they say, because their economies depend on it. Too many of the native-born middle class whites have long since departed for the suburbs . . .

In fact, a coalition of 100 immigrant-supporting cities seem to be in competition with each other to see which city can offer the most services and benefits to attract foreign-born residents . . .

So it’s no surprise that Rawlings-Blake is one of the 100 U.S. mayors asking the Obama administration to send her city a fresh wave of Syrian refugees. She is one of 18 mayors who have written a letter to the administration expressing their desire for more refugees. The 18 mayors who signed the letter represent a total of 100 mayors with Cities United for Immigration Action. (Read more from “These 100 U.S. Cities Are Begging Obama for More Muslim Refugees” HERE)

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