Law Enforcement Sides With Chris Crane After Rubio’s Anti-ICE Tirade

Law enforcement are vocally backing Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council President Chris Crane following Sen. Marco Rubio’s apparent attempt to discredit Crane, an ICE officer of 13 years and U.S. veteran.

Crane has been described by Senator Sen. Jeff Sessions, a renowned leader in the conservative nation-state movement, as “an American hero” for blowing the whistle on immigration corruption.

Following an exclusive interview with Breitbart News in which Crane detailed how law enforcement was treated “like absolute trash” by Sen. Rubio during his effort to ram the Gang of Eight amnesty bill through the Senate, Rubio took to national television to denounce Crane and his service to his country.

“He’s not an ICE official. He’s the head of a union,” Rubio declared on Fox News when asked about the criticism leveled by Crane. “That individual is not an ICE official; he’s the head of a union,” Rubio responded.

Prominent sheriffs throughout the country, however, have rushed to Crane’s aide–praising him for his “courage to tell the truth amidst attacks.” (Read more from “Law Enforcement Sides With Chris Crane After Rubio’s Anti-ICE Tirade” HERE)

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