Libs Are Losing It Over a Question Trump Asked About Obama Skipping Scalia’s Funeral

By Jack Davis. Donald Trump took to his favorite form of social media Saturday morning and once again lit fires across the Twittersphere.

In his first comment on the fact that President Obama did not attend Saturday’s funeral for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, Trump sided with those who believe Obama should have attended and — as he often does — took the argument a step further.

“I wonder if President Obama would have attended the funeral of Justice Scalia if it were held in a Mosque? Very sad that he did not go!,” Trump tweeted . . .

Trump’s comments sent fingers flying across keyboards in response.

“Donald Trump just can’t stop making implications about President Obama’s religion,” scolded Josh Feldman on Mediaite. “Yes, during Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral, Trump finally decided to jump in on the criticism of Obama’s decision not to attend with some Muslim-baiting.”

“Did Trump just say what everyone was thinking…again?,” wrote jason on The Hill. “Not a big Trump fan…but he NAILED IT. Obama not being at the Funeral is disgraceful.” (Read more from “Libs Are Losing It Over a Question Trump Asked About Obama Skipping Scalia’s Funeral” HERE)


Washington Pauses for Justice Antonin Scalia’s Funeral

By Peter Baker and Gardiner Harris. With pageantry, spirituality and a touch of his own trademark humor, Justice Antonin Scalia was honored on Saturday as a capital riven by his death briefly set down its political weapons to mourn what his son called “the country’s good servant.”

The nation’s leaders, including justices, judges, lawmakers, current and former vice presidents and a presidential candidate, gathered for a mostly solemn two-hour funeral Mass. The longest-serving member of the current Supreme Court, Justice Scalia died at age 79 last weekend at a Texas ranch after nearly 30 years on the highest bench.

The funeral, only the second for a sitting justice in more than 60 years, was one of those ritual Washington moments when the perpetual struggle at the intersection of law and politics is briefly suspended to honor one of the capital’s most celebrated and cheerfully controversial gladiators. Justice Scalia, who relished a vigorous debate, would hardly be surprised by the fierce battle that has erupted over his now-vacant seat, but his admirers hoped to focus for a few hours at least on his powerful legacy. (Read more from “Washington Pauses for Justice Antonin Scalia’s Funeral” HERE)

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