Focus Group Asked Who Won Debate – Members Shock With This Candidate

Though Detroit voters overwhelmingly described Thursday’s GOP debate as “sophomoric,” when Republican pollster Frank Luntz asked the Michigan focus group who they thought won the night, the group said only one candidate rose above the “disappointing” rhetoric.

Many came into the debate supporting Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, but after the showdown, it was GOP hopeful John Kasich who emerged as the winner.

When asked for a show of hands, the majority of members agreed on Kasich, who they said was the “only adult in the room” and was “mature” in his discourse.

The voters revealed very negative feelings about the debate, saying it was an “embarrassment,” “shameful” and “despicable,” voicing disapproval over the tone of the discussion and the personal attacks that ensued. One even described the evening as a “schoolyard brawl.” (Read more from “Focus Group Asked Who Won Debate – Members Shock With This Candidate” HERE)

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