The White House Just Made This Disgusting, Ludicrous Suggestion for High School Locker Rooms

By Melanie Hunter. White House Spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Friday that the Department of Education issued specific suggestions today along with its directive that federally funded schools nationwide must allow students to use bathrooms and locker rooms according to their “gender identity” and that one of those suggestions was “just putting up curtains” in school locker rooms.

“There are some school districts across the country that have sought to enhance the privacy of their students by making relatively minor changes to shared use facilities,” Earnest said. “In some cases that means just putting up curtains, so that people are, have more privacy when they are changing their clothes or taking showers in what had previously been shared use facilities.”

The Department of Education and Justice Department issued guidance on Friday saying public schools nationwide must treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity – not their biological sex.

“The challenge here is not to isolate anybody. It is not to discriminate against anybody. It’s not to make anybody unsafe. It is actually to ensure that our schools are as inclusive and respectful and safe as they can possibly be, and that’s why the guidance that we’ve put forward includes tangible specific suggestions for how that can be achieved,” Earnest said. (Read more from “The White House Just Made This Disgusting Suggestion for High School Locker Rooms” HERE)


Obama Admin. Forces Transgender Bathrooms, Locker Rooms, on Schools as Condition of Funding

By Ben Johnson. The Obama administration has issued a “guidance” to all public schools telling them to allow students of either biological sex to use the showers, locker rooms, and restrooms – and stay in the same hotel rooms during field trips – designated for the opposite sex or risk losing federal funding.

A joint letter from the Departments of Education and Justice, released Friday morning, states that students who identify as “transgender” must be allowed to use the private facilities that match their gender identity.

The letter clarified that schools should not require a “medical diagnosis or treatment” before accepting a student’s transgender self-identification. The moment a child’s parent or guardian says the child identifies as a member of the opposite sex, the school must recognize that and act accordingly “as a condition of receiving federal funds,” the eight-page letter says.

A school also cannot require a transgender student to use separate facilities, although it may choose to allow students who object to the new arrangement to use individual restrooms or changing facilities. (Read more from “Obama Admin. Forces Transgender Bathrooms, Locker Rooms, on Schools as Condition of Funding” HERE)

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