DNC Mocks Rule of Law, Showcases Love Affair With Illegal Immigration

At this point, the Democrat Party is flagrantly pouring salt in a wound that has barely any room left to receive it, all in the name of the “American dream.”

Speaking at the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Francisca Ortiz and Astrid Silva, illegal aliens currently permitted to continue living in the United States as a result of Obama’s DAPA and DACA executive amnesty programs addressed the crowd to shame American citizens who simply want their own laws enforced.

“Valiente, brave. That is what Hillary Clinton called me when I was worried my family would be deported,” said Ortiz’s daughter Karla, who was born in Las Vegas. “My parents came here looking for a better life for the American dream.”

“My family believed so deeply in the promise of this country that we risked everything for the American dream,” added Silva just a few moments later.

Once again, the open borders crowd substitutes “risking everything for the American dream” for “breaking federal law to cross America’s border without the consent of the American people.”

Ortiz and Silva are here illegally, strictly speaking. And federal immigration law (8 USC 1324, to be exact) SHOULD also implicate anyone who knowingly assisted in transporting them from Nevada to Pennsylvania and helped pay for their hotel rooms. But this is open borders America, where the laws are ignored and the Constitution doesn’t matter.
Ortiz and Silva were solely able to speak at the convention partly because of the Obama administration’s executive amnesty program, and the fact that they left one sanctuary city in Las Vegas to speak at another in Philadelphia.

While conservatives were actually thrown a judicial bone with June’s DAPA/DACA ruling last month after a split Supreme Court upheld the injunction of the Fifth Circuit it should be noted that the ruling only effectively applied to the Fifth Circuit and that Americans are playing a failed, rigged game if they ever expect the courts to enforce immigration law on a consistent basis.

But, digression aside, what the Democrat party trod out were yet two more impassioned arguments against the Constitution and American sovereignty.

One of the trademarks of a Republic is the ability of the body politic to make decisions for itself through laws passed by elected officials. Per the United States Constitution, decisions regarding who is permitted to enter the body politic and how they are allowed to do so is held by the United States Congress, and this shouldn’t be subject to emotional arguments. Laws matter.

Under the current administration, this has been little more than a farce, as shown by the lawless actions of President Obama and his gratuitous use of the “pen and phone” whenever a duly elected Congress doesn’t do what he and his open borders cronies want them to.

Now, to set the tone of what could be the next four-to-eight years of the American executive branch, the Democrat party has shown that they only plan to continue and expand these sorts of gross and lawless practices, parsing out American sovereignty all in the name of the “American dream.”

This should, however, come as no surprise whatsoever to the average voter who has already watched Hillary Clinton skirt prosecution for the “extremely careless” mishandling of classified information on her private email server while secretary of state, and the laundry list of other political scandals with which she and her husband have been associated.

The oath of office for the President of the United States proscribed by the Constitution states that the incoming officeholder will “solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” To do so would mean to “take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

The Democrat party can’t seem to help but thumb its nose at Constitutionally enacted immigration law, even if that means brazenly defying it on the national convention stage. If anything, tonight’s speaker list just goes to prove that the Clinton campaign merely wants to take care that the laws are flagrantly mocked and summarily ignored. (For more from the author of “DNC Mocks Rule of Law, Showcases Love Affair With Illegal Immigration” please click HERE)

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