Hypocrite McConnell Says There’s No Money For Trump’s Vote Fraud Investigation. What’s He Afraid Of?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Sunday said he doesn’t want to spend federal funds to investigate what President Trump claimed was massive voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election. . .

“I don’t think we ought to spend any federal money investigating that. I think the states can take a look at this issue. Many of them have tried to tighten their voter rolls, tried to purge people who are dead,” [McConnell stated]. . .

The president announced on Jan. 25 that he would ask for “a major investigation” into voter fraud, including a review of people who are registered to vote in two states and people who are deceased but still on voter rolls. (read more about the vote fraud investigation McConnell is trying to avoid HERE)