‘Antifa’ Preps Mass Uprising to Remove ‘Fascist’ Trump

On Nov. 4, the group Refuse Fascism is calling for gatherings around America to demand “the Trump/Pence regime must go.”

The group claims the Trump administration is “fascist” and must be resisted, channeling the rhetoric of the antifa, or “anti-fascists,” which have been active across the country.

Yet the group has a larger agenda than simply resisting “fascism.”

Refuse Fascism is a front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party, a fiercely anti-American leftist group noted for its overt call to abolish the United States. WND reported in July the group protested the United States and burned American flags outside the Republican National Convention.

The party has even drafted a “Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America” as a template for the post-American order. (Read more from “‘Antifa’ Preps Mass Uprising to Remove ‘Fascist’ Trump” HERE)

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