Dossier Author Doubted Trump ‘Golden Showers’ Tale

The author of the anti-Trump “dossier” at the center of Trump-Russia collusion allegations already has testified under oath that the document is merely a compilation of bits of “raw intelligence” that were “unverified.”

Now, a new book by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff and progressive journalist David Corn suggests the creators of the dossier had serious doubts from the beginning about the veracity of its most explosive allegation: the tale of Trump with prostitutes performing “golden showers” in a Moscow hotel room that had been occupied once by Barack and Michelle Obama, reports Byron York in the Washington Examiner.

The doubts about the veracity of the tale are significant. It was the “golden showers” allegation that prompted dossier author Christopher Steele to give his information to the FBI.

Further, the tale loomed large in FBI Director James Comey’s briefing of President’s Trump and Obama in January 2017 on the dossier, which then was leaked to the media by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and published by BuzzFeed, igniting the “collusion” allegations on Capitol Hill.

In addition, Comey’s notes of a meeting with Trump show the president asked the FBI director what he could do to “lift the cloud” over himself and the presidency, an apparent reference to the dossier’s allegation of sexual misconduct. Comey wrote that Trump said “he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia.” (Read more from “Dossier Author Doubted Trump ‘Golden Showers’ Tale” HERE)

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