Kansas Candidate Rips ‘Snowflake Meltdown’ After Uproar Over What Was on His Parade Jeep

Kris Kobach, a Republican who’s running for governor of Kansas, said he won’t cave in the face of a “snowflake meltdown and outrage culture” after being slammed for riding a jeep with a replica gun during a parade.

“The outrage over the replica gun on the back of a patriotic jeep is the left trying to attack guns and your #2A rights,” Koback tweeted amid the uproar. “I will not back down in the face of a snowflake meltdown and outrage culture.”

Koback, who’s currently the secretary of state of Kansas, was slammed on social media for riding in a jeep mounted with a fake gun during the Old Shawnee Days Parade on June 2.

Koback said he did that because he wanted to underscore his support for the Second Amendment, which has increasingly come under attack by liberals.

The fake gun caused such backlash that the city of Shawnee later issued a groveling statement, where it apologized no less than three times.

(Read more from “Kansas Candidate Rips ‘Snowflake Meltdown’ After Uproar Over What Was on His Parade Jeep” HERE)

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