Leftists Push Gun Control After Florida Shooting. Then Facts Come Out.

. . .Predictably, pro-gun control politicians and activists instantly politicized the shooting before any details were confirmed by law enforcement officials because it is often in that window of time — when the facts are unknown — that gun control advocates are able to advance their agenda the furthest.

The shooter had also been hospitalized twice as a teenager in psychiatric facilities for mental health issues, according to the Associated Press — which also noted that he “was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medications.” . . .

It is currently unknown how the shooter was able to purchase the two firearms [in Baltimore] if he had been hospitalized multiple times for psychiatric issues. It is worth noting that if he voluntarily sought and entered treatment at a hospital for psychiatric issues, he most likely would not have been prohibited from purchasing firearms.

Transgender activist Charlotte Clymer tweeted a list of gun laws from the state of Florida which ended up being completely irrelevant as the shooter bought the firearms in Maryland:

Maryland has strict gun laws and the process for buying a handgun is complicated. A buyer must be fingerprinted with the Maryland State Police (MSP), must submit an application to MSP to receive a Handgun Qualification License (HQL card), must take a firearms safety course, must verify their HQL card to an FFL dealer, submit an ATF background check, and wait seven days before they’re able to purchase a single handgun. . .

(Read more from “Leftists Push Gun Control After Florida Shooting. Then Facts Come Out.” HERE)

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