Constitutional Carry Clears Texas Senate as Governor Vows to Sign

The Texas Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would allow residents to carry a handgun without a permit as Gov. Greg Abbott is poised to sign the legislation in its final hurdle.

HB 1927, which allows Texans 21 or older to possess a pistol on their person provided they are not “otherwise prohibited by state or federal law,” cleared the Senate 18-13.

The move, which is commonly referred to as constitutional carry, passed the House 84-56 on April 16, and it was initially believed that the Senate might vote down the measure following staunch opposition from police unions and prominent gun control groups.

Abbott will sign the legislation once it hits his desk, he said.

“I support it, and I believe it should reach my desk, and we should have constitutional carry in Texas,” the Republican governor said April 28. (Read more from “Constitutional Carry Clears Texas Senate as Governor Vows to Sign” HERE)

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