Director of ER COVID Response: The Real Crisis Facing California Hospitals Isn’t Omicron Cases, It’s Strict Quarantine Rules

A doctor with the University of California San Francisco hospital system is sounding the alarm on the real crisis facing hospitals: staffing shortages made worse by the state’s strict quarantine rules.

Dr. Jeanne Noble, an associate professor of emergency medicine at UCSF, explained to SFGATE that public officials panicking over the surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations are neglecting to account for incidental positives — people who test positive for COVID at the hospital after being admitted for unrelated reasons. Failing to recognize this important distinction has led reported COVID hospitalization rates to “greatly exaggerate COVID burden,” Noble, the director of COVID response for UCSF’s emergency department, said on Twitter this week.

“The real COVID crisis that our hospitals are facing is a severe staffing shortage that is compromising the quality of our care,” Noble told SFGATE.

(Read more from “Director of ER COVID Response: The Real Crisis Facing California Hospitals Isn’t Omicron Cases, It’s Strict Quarantine Rules” HERE)

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