STUNNING: Almost 30% Of Young Adults in This Country Suffer Heart Damage From Vax

A new study on cardiovascular impacts of the COVID vaccines done in Thailand is particularly troubling: 29% of the young adults experience non-trivial changes in their cardiac biomarkers.

It is amazing what you find when scientists doing a study are honest and want to know the truth.

“Why isn’t a study like this being done in the US?” asks UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad.

Heck, we don’t even know the d-dimer of people before vs. after the vax.

This is just more evidence of corruption of the medical community that nobody was calling for any of this data.

These vaccines are a disaster. Every day, the evidence gets worse and worse.

Will this new study stop the vaccines for kids? Of course not!

Look, even if the shots killed every child under 20 who takes it, they’d write off the death to something else and recommend that kids get the shot. The brainwashing is that bad. It’s stunning. Facts do not matter.

Note: This was originally buried in my Fox justification article but it’s important enough to call out in a separate article.

The Thailand study

Consider this Thailand study:

(Read more from “Stunning: Almost 30% Of Young Adults in This Country Suffer Heart Damage From Vax” HERE)

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