Alaska Plane That Went Missing Found in Sea Ice With All 10 on Board Dead

The wreckage of the small plane that went missing flying over Alaska was found Friday on sea ice — with all 10 on board dead, authorities said.

Coast Guard spokesperson Mike Salerno said rescue crews located the plane by helicopter while scouring over the aircraft’s last known location and lowered two rescue swimmers to investigate.

The two swimmers identified three bodies inside the plane, while seven others are believed to be inside the wreckage but were inaccessible due to the condition of the aircraft, the US Coast Guard Alaska said in a statement on X.

The Cessna Caravan carrying nine passengers and one pilot left Unalakleet around 2:37 p.m. Thursday and was headed for Nome, about 150 miles away, but lost contact with officials less than an hour later.

(Credit: USCG)

Wreckage of the missing aircraft was located 34 miles southeast of Nome, officials said.

Officials on Friday said the plane experienced a “rapid loss” in elevation and speed just before vanishing. (Read more from “Alaska Plane That Went Missing Found in Sea Ice With All 10 on Board Dead” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

Awesome Republican Addresses Transgender ‘Congresswoman’ as ‘The Gentleman’ in Epic Floor Session (VIDEO)

Republican Congresswoman Mary Miller said she ‘refused to deny biological reality’ by addressing Sarah McBride as ‘the gentleman from Delaware’ on the floor of the House Thursday.

McBride is the first transgender member of Congress, winning Delaware’s at-large seat in November.

Republicans have successfully sought to block [his] access to the women’s restroom at the Capitol.

Miller, an Illinois representative, gave the introduction as McBride was set to give her first speech on the House floor.

‘The chair recognizes the gentleman from Delaware, Mr. McBride, for five minutes,’ Miller said. (Read more from “Ruthless Republican Addresses Transgender ‘Congresswoman’ as ‘The Gentleman’ in Awkward Floor Session” HERE)

Top Federal Agency With History of Wasteful Spending Could Be Next DOGE Target

Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) chief Elon Musk’s efforts to clean up waste and fraud in the federal government will soon shift its focus to the Social Security Administration (SSA) in a move likely to create a firestorm with Democrats.

The SSA, created by the Social Security Act under President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935 and tasked with establishing a federal benefits system for older Americans, will soon become a focus of DOGE, according to a report from Semafor that was not denied by the White House when contacted by Fox News Digital.

While several Democrats — including Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., in a post on X — have been quick to accuse this move as being aimed at slashing Social Security benefits for the elderly, several areas with potential waste exist in the agency that don’t involve cutting current benefits.

Just Facts, a nonprofit research institute, previously reported that the agency disbursed roughly $2 billion in fraudulent or improper payments in 2022, which it calculated was enough “to pay 89,947 retired workers the average annual old-age benefit of $21,924 for 2023.”

Just Facts explained that through a policy known as “administrative finality,” once the “SSA mistakenly overpays a beneficiary for more than four years, it does not recover past overpayments and deliberately continues to make future overpayments excepting cases of fraud.” (Read more from “Top Federal Agency With History of Wasteful Spending Could Be Next DOGE Target” HERE)

Trump’s Response to Time Magazine’s Attempt to Troll Him With Its New Cover Is Brilliant

President Donald Trump’s response to Time Magazine’s latest cover, which many saw as a blatant attempt to troll him, is nothing short of brilliant. In typical Trump fashion, he swiftly turned the tables, using the magazine’s mockery to his advantage and drawing attention to his achievements while turning the spotlight back onto his critics. His quick-witted reaction highlights his knack for commanding the narrative, proving again that he’s always ready to fight back when the left-wing media takes aim.

On Friday, during a press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba, reporters asked Trump about Time Magazine’s latest front cover, which has Elon Musk sitting behind the president’s resolute desk.

In an apparent attempt to troll Trump, the magazine’s effort backfired spectacularly.

“Is Time magazine still in business?” Trump asked. “I didn’t even know that.”

(Read more from “Trump’s Response to Time Magazine’s Attempt to Troll Him With Its New Cover Is Brilliant” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

How the CIA Has Been Using Propaganda Against U.S. Citizens

The Intelligence Community

The United States “Intelligence Community” (“IC”) consists of 18 intelligence organizations. Of these, only the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are supposed to be focused on activities occurring within the United States. The CIA in particular is supposed to have no responsibilities or operations within the United States. However, the very nature of the CIA makes it impossible for Americans to know in real time what the CIA is doing domestically, especially with respect to propagandizing Americans. However eventually, as Shakespeare wrote, the “truth will out,” and it has now been demonstrated that the CIA has not followed this limitation on its activities.

The CIA’s Propaganda Function

Three years after World War II ended, President Truman approved issuance of the “National Security Council Directive on Office of Special Projects.” NSC 10/2 (June 18, 1948). This Directive authorized the CIA to conduct covert operations during peacetime of the sort we think of only being conducted during wartime, including:

propaganda, economic warfare; preventative direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refuge liberation groups…. [Emphasis added.]

All of these authorized activities were required to be conducted covertly, in order to ensure what is generally known as “plausible deniability”:

all activities … which are conducted or sponsored by this Government against hostile foreign states or groups or in support of friendly foreign states or groups but which are so planned and executed that any US Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the US Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them. [Id. (emphasis added)]

The TV series Mission Impossible (1966-73) has immortalized this aspect of the NSC Directive with the warning given at the end of each mission assignment, immediately before being told “this tape will self-destruct in five seconds”:

As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions.

So here we have been as a nation:

the CIA is tasked to use propaganda overseas,
the Smith-Mundt Act (until recently, as discussed below) prohibited propaganda aimed at America,
the CIA is required to conduct that propaganda covertly, and
the CIA is required to design its operations so that if discovered, the CIA can (and is required to) lie, denying involvement.

In such a system, the only assurance the American People can have that the law is being followed comes from: (i) the press, which the CIA has made certain is anything but independent; (ii) CIA whistleblowers, who are routinely hounded, threatened, and even prosecuted; or (iii) the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, which few believe have provided effective oversight.

The Beginnings of CIA Propaganda

The U.S. government’s work to propagandize the world began with the wartime creation of the Voice of America (VOA) in 1942 to counter propaganda from Nazi Germany. When the world transitioned to the Cold War, America expanded its propaganda outreach with Radio Free Europe (RFE) in 1950 and Radio Liberty (RL), beginning in 1953. See RFE/RL. Then Radio Martí joined team America in 1983, and TV Marti in 1990, all focused on Cuba. Was the CIA involved? In its denial of continuing CIA involvement, the RFE/RL website actually admits CIA had been involved: “[i]n 1971, all CIA involvement in RFE and RL ended.” One analysis states:

Periodic rumors about CIA involvement in the stations’ operations were quickly dismissed. Then, in 1971, the floodgates opened to reveal a wealth of evidence that the stations had indeed been covertly financed by the CIA…. It became apparent that over the course of twenty years these “private” stations had received about $500,000,000 in U.S. Government funds.

These outlets were intended to serve an important role in spreading pro-freedom messaging behind the iron curtain and elsewhere, but it should never be assumed the content of their propaganda is pro-American. Just today, the RFE/RL website leads with the stories: “Ukraine Needs U.S. Weapons” and “Why Trump’s China Tariffs Bring Both Pain And Opportunity For Xi.

Communist Infiltration

One can imagine that these American propaganda outlets would be targeted by communists for infiltration, which occurred early in their history.

The VOA chief news writer and editor in 1943 was American novelist Howard Fast, who was later a Communist Party activist and the recipient of the 1953 Stalin International Peace Prize. Censorship in favor of Soviet Russia has also been part of VOA history…. In the 1970s, VOA even censored Russian dissident writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Although it may seem impossible that a communist sympathizer could infiltrate the top ranks of the VOA, it becomes less incredible when one considers that President Obama appointed a former communist supporter as Director of the CIA — John Brennan. In 1976, Brennan had voted for Gus Hall, the presidential candidate of the Communist Party USA. Despite a heroic 13-hour filibuster by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), debate on Brennan’s confirmation was ended by a vote of 81 to 16 on March 7, 2013. Eventually, Brennan was confirmed by a vote of 63 to 34, with the support of 13 Republican Senators, including John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsay Graham (R-SC).

The CIA Turns the Propaganda Machine Domestic

By law, the propaganda disseminated could only be directed at foreign nations — not at American citizens. As amended in 1972, the Smith-Mundt Act provided that “[a]ny such information … shall not be disseminated within the United States, its territories, or possessions, but, on request, shall be available … for examination only by representatives of United States press associations [and] Members of Congress.” Thus, ordinary Americans had no right to know what messages they were funding with their tax dollars.

In 2012, President Obama signed the euphemistically named Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, “making it legal for government-produced media — such as was broadcast overseas by Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and other outlets throughout the Cold War — to be directed toward U.S. citizens themselves.” With the help of Congress, Obama empowered the CIA with authority to direct propaganda to shape the views of Americans.

CIA Propaganda Veers Left

In 2017, The Columbia Journalism Review published a story by Dan Robinson, a 35-year veteran of VOA, stating that: “VOA already established an Extremism Watch Desk…. It’s hard to imagine there won’t be interaction between this VOA extremism unit and the Global Engagement Center,” created by Obama executive order to “combat disinformation.”

In 2021, Ted Lipien, who served as VOA’s acting associate director and as president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, wrote that “[i]n less than 40 years, the taxpayer-funded Voice of America went from exposing the crimes and economic failures of communism to in some cases glorifying communists, including Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.” (Emphasis added.) Lipien warned that “under the watch of recent and current VOA and USAGM executives, employees and contractors produced news reports and graphics that glorified repressive communist leaders. They did not mention the crimes of Marxist dictators and the failures of socialist state economies.”

CIA Reveals Its Domestic Political Agenda

The CIA’s politicization has become undeniable as recounted by a 12-year CIA veteran Dr. John A. Gentry, explaining the beginning of what he called “a new form of the ‘politicization’ of intelligence” in an article for the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence.

On 5 August 2016, in an op-ed piece in the New York Times, former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Michael Morrell endorsed Hillary Clinton for president of the United States over Donald J. Trump, citing his career as an intelligence officer as authority for his partisanship: “My training as an intelligence officer taught me to call it as I see it. This is what I did for the C.I.A. This is what I am doing now. Our nation will be much safer with Hillary Clinton as president. [Emphasis added.]

Gentry noted that: “Leaks have increased sharply in an apparent bid to undermine Trump, and Gentry said a long-held prohibition against discussing partisan politics in the office has been set aside. Anti-Trump conversations are common in CIA analytical units, and anti-Trump analysts also express their political views on Facebook.”

Propagandizing America Through USAID

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has long been known as “a contract vehicle for various CIA covert activities.” Americans have now learned that the CIA, through USAID, has been propagandizing America through one of the most prominent Leftist websites, Politico.

Politico is no digital backwater. Politico led the effort to elect Joe Biden by banning the Hunter laptop story and censor those sharing it. Politico published the Supreme Court’s draft Dobbs opinion, leading to illegal leftists protests at the homes of, and attempted assassination of, Supreme Court justices. There are reports that Politico has been the recipient of over $34 million from U.S. taxpayers, including $27.5 million during the Biden administration. Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has terminated the government’s $10,000-per-year Politico Pro “policy intelligence platform” subscriptions.

As President Trump continues to expose and end the USAID and other funding of Leftist publications and organizations, we may see many of them collapse. More and more, it appears that the political Left in America does not emanate from the desires of Americans, but rather is an artificial construct of the CIA. The CIA’s massive funding of Leftist domestic activities can no longer be “plausibly denied.”

Editor’s Note: To read the articles in this series, please click here.

(For more from the author of “How the CIA Has Been Using Propaganda Against U.S. Citizens” please click HERE)

CIA’s USAID “Gave Chelsea Clinton Tens of Millions of Dollars and Partnered With Their Sex Trafficking Organization the Clinton Foundation”

Author and journalist Liz Crokin post this on X: “USAID gave Chelsea Clinton tens of millions of dollars and partnered with their sex trafficking organization The Clinton Foundation.”

“In 2010, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped oversee $4.4 billion that Congress had earmarked for ‘recovery’ efforts in Haiti by the USAID in 2010.”

“So USAID was funding organizations sex trafficking kids and lining the pockets of their family members all while the USAID also funded media organizations to cover up that they were sex trafficking kids AKA Pizzagate and all with YOUR hard earned taxpayer money!”

Crokin continued: “The level of corruption and criminality – including crimes that are deemed capital offenses with death penalty as a potential punishment – are astounding and unprecedented.

“We must demand accountability and justice for these crimes.” (Read more from “CIA’s USAID “Gave Chelsea Clinton Tens of Millions of Dollars and Partnered With Their Sex Trafficking Organization the Clinton Foundation” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

LEAKED: Next ATF Director May Be an Anti-Gunner

Unfortunately, it appears that gun owners were right to be concerned about the appointment of Attorney General Pam Bondi.

According to leaked information that is being reported by the New York Times and now also by pro-gun YouTubers like Jared (of Guns & Gadgets) and Braden Langley, Bondi is considering recommending a “non-ideological” person who is an “older, more seasoned LEO” to be the new head of the ATF.

Her shortlist allegedly includes several former and current top ATF officials.

To put it bluntly, that would be a DISASTER for the Second Amendment.

Biden’s head of the ATF Steven Dettelbach was an “older, non-ideological, more seasoned LEO” – and as millions of gun owners are painfully aware, he spent years leading an all-out assault on our 2A rights!

You know who else was a “seasoned LEO?” The anti-gun radical David Chipman – whose nomination to lead the Biden ATF was torpedoed thanks to GOA members like you. Also, during his first administration, President Trump chose anti-gun president of the Fraternal Order of Police Chuck Canterbury and GOA members had to spend months fighting to tank his nomination.

It would be a mistake for a “pro-gun” administration to appoint another “seasoned” bureaucrat who knows nothing about the Second Amendment.

A lot of harm has been done in the name of “law and order” over the years.

Things such as registering gun owners in the name of fighting crime; attacking a group of loners in Waco, Texas; shutting down long-established gun stores for simple mistakes; abusing mentally handicapped people in gun “stings” in Milwaukee; victimizing pro-gun sheriffs with nonsensical new legal theories; murdering airport executives in Arkansas; and much, much more.

In fact, the ATF is defying judicial rulings against its unconstitutional gun control measures. Despite courts striking down their policies, the ATF has continued attempts to unlawfully enforce its pistol brace ban on multiple occasions—acting as if they are above the law!

Pam Bondi must understand that truly restoring “law and order” in the eyes of gun owners means fundamentally transforming the rogue ATF.

That means appointing an ATF director who will do ALL of the following:

• Stand up to ATF’s rogue officials;

• Help President Trump downsize the federal government (including ATF);

• Unravel Biden’s weaponization of law enforcement (especially ATF);

• Scale back the ATF’s infringements of constitutional rights; and

• Return freedom to the hands of the people to whom it belongs.

Maintaining the corrupt, tyrannical status quo by appointing current or former top ATF officials is not the kind of “law and order” that the American people want or expect.

In fact, President Trump began his second administration by taking an ax to the Deep State that has enabled “seasoned” bureaucrats to run wild in Washington.

He needs to do the same to the ATF by appointing a fighter who will defend the Second Amendment from the lawless bureaucrats who’ve waged war on our God-given rights for far too long.

Trump Pentagon Reportedly Preparing To Close Curtain On One Of America’s Projects Abroad

The Trump administration is reportedly developing a plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria, marking an end to the decade-long excursion in the region, two defense sources told NBC News on Wednesday.

The Department of Defense (DOD) is reportedly drafting a plan to withdraw all 2,000 troops from Syria in either 30, 60 or 90 days, sources told NBC News. Since 2014, the U.S. has maintained a troop presence in the region, mainly to fight the Islamic State out of its headquarters at al-Tanf in southern Syria.

Trump previously expressed his desire to avoid involvement in the region’s civil war, which reignited after a long quiet period after Islamic fundamentalist rebels Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) swiftly toppled President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in December.

“I don’t know who said that. I mean, I don’t know who said that, but we’ll make a determination on that. We’re not getting, we’re not involved in Syria,” Trump said on Jan. 28 in response to rumors that he had informed Israel of his intentions. “Syria is its own mess. They got enough messes over there. They don’t need us involved in everyone.” (Read more from “Trump Pentagon Reportedly Preparing To Close Curtain On One Of America’s Projects Abroad” HERE)

Latest CIA Announcement Shows the Deep State Must Be Panicking

It has been quite the Tuesday: Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he declared we will take over the Gaza Strip, Pam Bondi was confirmed as attorney general, and USAID will begin a significant drawdown on Friday when all overseas missions are shut down.

Trump’s slash-and-burn campaign is real, with the DC bureaucrat swine class trembling as Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency becoming the grim reaper for lazy government workers, waste, and fraud. The Treasury Department got a DOGE smacking, as did USAID. Now, the CIA is running for cover, offering buyouts to its entire workforce (via WSJ):

The Central Intelligence Agency offered buyouts to its entire workforce Tuesday, in what officials said is a bid to bring the agency in line with President Trump’s priorities, including targeting drug cartels.

The CIA appeared to be the first intelligence agency to tell its employees that they can quit their jobs and receive about eight months of pay and benefits as part of Trump’s push to downsize the federal government. The offer last month made to most civilian federal agencies exempted some categories of federal workers, including those with national security roles.

(Read more from “Latest CIA Announcement Shows the Deep State Must Be Panicking” HERE)

Vance Exposes DEI ‘Scandal’ Involving Air Traffic Controllers

Vice President JD Vance offered insight into President Donald Trump‘s comments about how DEI policies were a factor in the deadly mid-air collision between an American Airlines jet and Army Black Hawk Helicopter near Reagan National Airport in the Washington, D.C., area last week.

Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo asked Vance if he had any evidence that any of the employees at the control were “DEI hires” during a “Sunday Morning Futures” interview.

“No, the president’s been very clear about this. This is not saying that the person who was at the controls is a DEI hire,” Vance replied, adding: “Let’s just say, first of all, we should investigate everything. But let’s just say the person at the controls didn’t have enough staffing around him or her because we were turning people away because of DEI reasons. There is a very direct connection between the policies of the last administration and short-staffed air traffic controllers. That has to stop.”

Vance continued his answer by responding to the media coverage of Trump’s remarks in the wake of the tragedy in which 67 people were killed.

“By the way, it’s so funny to me. The media has picked up on this — not you, of course, Maria — but others have picked up on this. The president made very clear that he wasn’t blaming anybody, but he was being very explicit about the fact that DEI policies have led our air traffic controllers to be short-staffed. That is a scandal,” Vance said. “Thankfully, it’s a scandal that the president has stopped.” (Read more from “Vance Exposes DEI ‘Scandal’ Involving Air Traffic Controllers” HERE)