Dominion Voting Machines Reportedly Malfunction in Maricopa County Amid CrowdStrike outage

Recent developments in Maricopa County, Arizona have reignited concerns over election integrity as Dominion voting machines reportedly malfunctioned county-wide due to a CrowdStrike outage. This incident has prompted critics to question longstanding assurances from officials that these machines are secure and never connected to the internet.

According to reports, numerous voting locations in Maricopa County are experiencing technical issues, allegedly linked to problems with e-poll books and print on demand printers, which experts suggest could be related to the CrowdStrike outage. Among those raising alarms is @ColonelReynolds, who has pointed out potential vulnerabilities that may compromise the integrity of election processes.

The outage has affected a significant number of voting locations, leaving only a handful operational. This disruption raises serious doubts about the integrity of these machines.

This incident highlights the susceptibility of voting machines to cyber attacks, despite assurances to the contrary. For years, officials have maintained that Dominion voting machines are isolated from internet connectivity to prevent interference. However, the current situation challenges these claims and calls into question the reliability of such assurances.

“If Maricopa County officials want us to trust their elections, they’re going to need to start being honest about just how easily these machines can be affected by cyber attacks,” remarked an X user.

Scientists Make Unprecedented Discovery on Mars by Accident

NASA scientists expressed that they were “stunned” after their Mars Curiosity rover cracked open a rock that was found to contain pure sulfur crystals, a NASA press release read Thursday.

The Curiosity rover’s social media account tweeted that the “pure sulfur … doesn’t smell” and the discovery of elemental sulfur “is something we’ve never seen before on Mars.”

“We don’t know much about these yellow crystals yet, but my team is excited to investigate,” the rover tweeted.

NASA scientists are still unsure “what relationship, if any, the elemental sulfur has to other sulfur-based minerals in the area” the rock was found in, according to the press release. NASA added that all previous discoveries were that of “sulfur-based minerals — in other words, a mix of sulfur and other materials.”

The rover — following its unprecedented discovery — has found “an entire field of bright rocks that look similar to the one the rover crushed,” the press release revealed. (Read more from “Scientists Make Unprecedented Discovery on Mars by Accident” HERE)

Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security to Allow an Assassination Attempt

Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications, but oh well, because it needs to be said: Joe Biden’s security regime deliberately and with malice aforethought created the conditions that led to an attempted assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war.

They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months.

With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area.

Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter.

Furthermore, Biden’s Secret Service director ordered law enforcement and counter-snipers OFF the roof the assassin used. (Read more from “Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security to Allow an Assassination Attempt” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

J.D. Vance Hits Religious Leaders With Profanity-Riddled ‘Pulp Fiction’ Quote

J.D. Vance offered a profane explanation based on a quote from “Pulp Fiction” to describe his religious faith.

Donald Trump’s freshly minted running mate told a gathering of religious conservatives Thursday morning at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Breakfast about a scene in the 1994 Quentin Tarantino film that he said explained his faith and his view on miracles, reported Politico.

He described an argument between Samuel L. Jackson’s character and ‘his fellow violent gangster’ about ‘whether God had come down from heaven and stopped these mother-effing bullets – that would be the exact phrase,'” Politico reported.

“Jackson’s character says, ‘Well, look, it’s not about whether God changed Coke to Pepsi or found my car keys, what matters is I felt the touch of God,'” Vance reportedly said. (Read more from “J.D. Vance Hits Religious Leaders With Profanity-Riddled ‘Pulp Fiction’ Quote” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

WATCH: Take a Look at Trump’s Face When Nikki Haley Claims He Invited Her to Speak at the RNC

By Daily Caller. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump appeared to scoff at Nikki Haley when she claimed during her speech at the RNC Tuesday night that the former president invited her to speak.

After Haley claimed that Trump asked her to speak at the convention “in the name of unity,” Trump appeared to scoff and immediately turned to his recently tapped vice presidential nominee, J.D. Vance. Trump’s remark to Vance appears to suggest he was not thrilled with Haley, who only accepted an offer to speak on Sunday following the assassination attempt.

Haley finished in a distant second place during the Republican primaries earlier in 2024, winning an insignificant 95 delegates whom she eventually released to Trump.

The former South Carolina governor was a harsh critic of Trump during the primary campaign, calling him “totally unhinged” and claiming that he was suffering from “mental decline.” In a stark change of tone, Haley offered a full-throated endorsement of Trump during her speech Tuesday night.

(Read more from “WATCH: Take a Look at Trump’s Face When Nikki Haley Claims He Invited Her to Speak at the RNC” HERE)


People Can’t Get Over Nikki Haley Shaking Her Head As She Endorsed Trump During Convention Speech

By Comic Sands. Former South Carolina Republican Governor Nikki Haley officially endorsed former President Donald Trump in a speech at the Republican National Convention—though eagle-eyed viewers noted the way she shook her head as if to say “no” even while publicly throwing her support behind him.

Haley, once Trump’s primary rival on the campaign trail, gave him her “strong endorsement” during her appearance in Milwaukee, ending months of speculation about whether she would support her former opponent.

Haley’s remarks came just weeks after she was called out for reversing course by announcing she plans on voting for Trump in the 2024 election after previously calling him a “disaster” in a speech in February.

(Read more from “People Can’t Get Over Nikki Haley Shaking Her Head As She Endorsed Trump During Convention Speech” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Family of Nine Left Behind in Remote Alaska, Charged $9K by Cruise Line

An Oklahoma family of nine was left stranded in remote Alaska after their Norwegian Cruise Lines ship left them behind — and then charged the desperate family $9,000 in customs fees.

The Gault family was traveling with six young kids and a 78-year-old grandmother on July 12 when they disembarked from the Norwegian Encore in Katchikan, a small town in a string of south Alaskan islands, so they could watch a lumberjack show together.

But on their way back, the local tour operator transporting passengers to and from the vessel failed to properly check who had tickets and who didn’t — merely conducting a head count — and told the Gaults there was no room and to wait for another shuttle. . .

However, that bus never came, and after frantically calling the port authority to arrange transportation, they finally arrived back at the docks to see the Norwegian Encore sailing away — taking with it their passports, medication and clothes. . .

The family, which had already spent about $30,000 on the trip, was immediately hit with nearly a $9,000 charge from the cruise line — $971 per passenger — for missing the boat. (Read more from “Family of Nine Left Behind in Remote Alaska, Charged $9K by Cruise Line” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

Here’s Why Kamala Harris’ Post About JD Vance is Particularly Awful

Former and potentially future President Donald Trump on Monday picked Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) as his running mate, and as we’ve been covering since, the Democrats have been going after him nonstop. The Democrats have especially tried to tie Trump and Vance to the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, even when this has repeatedly been confirmed to not be the case. It goes deeper, though.

In a Wednesday morning post, Vice President Kamala Harris not only once again connected Vance to Project 2025, she had the audacity to claim Vance “will be loyal only to Trump, not to our country.”

President Joe Biden’s X account also shared Harris’ post, with yet another message about Project 2025. The Democrats’ X account reposted both Harris and Biden. . .

Such a charge about one’s loyalty is a harsh one to be making about anybody It’s particularly so in Vance’s case, given that he’s a veteran who served in the United States Marine Corps during the Iraq War. Neil W. McCabe at our sister site of RedState also put out a piece highlighting Vance’s military career not long after the Monday announcement was made.

This combative tone stands in stark contrast to how Harris had reportedly just called Vance days before to leave a message congratulating him and welcoming him to the race.

(Read more from “Here’s Why Kamala Harris’ Post About JD Vance is Particularly Awful” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Another Unbelievable Development in the Trump Assassination Attempt Just Dropped

It keeps getting worse. As the Secret Service stonewalls the media and elected lawmakers regarding the glaring security breaches at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Fox News is reporting that federal agents knew there was a threat to the former president’s life ten minutes before he took the stage. They still allowed him to proceed with the rally and had identified the shooter an hour before the attack because he was spotted with a rangefinder by authorities. Former President Donald Trump barely escaped an assassination attempt on July 13, where a bullet grazed his right ear, missing a fatal headshot by millimeters.

The agency has been subjected to extreme scrutiny over the glaring security lapses during the attack, specifically how a rooftop with a clear vantage point to the stage, less than 200 yards away, wasn’t secure. There were reportedly sniper teams inside the building when shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, opened fire. To add to the incompetence, Secret Service sniper teams had spotted Crooks two minutes before he fired the first shot at the former president.

(Read more from “Another Unbelievable Development in the Trump Assassination Attempt Just Dropped” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Insane: Sniper Took Picture of Trump Rally Shooter, Saw Him Use Rangefinder Before Assassination Attempt, Source Says

A sniper from a local tactical team deployed to assist the U.S. Secret Service at former President Donald Trump’s rally on Saturday took a picture of the gunman and saw him looking through a rangefinder minutes before he tried to assassinate the former president, a local law enforcement officer with direct knowledge of the events told CBS News.

The sniper was one of three snipers, members of local tactical teams, who were stationed inside the building that the shooter used in the attack, the officer said. The operations plan had them stationed inside, looking out windows toward the rally, scanning the crowd. The details about the three snipers were first reported by the local news outlet

One sniper inside spotted the gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing, according to the officer who spoke to CBS News. The sniper observed Crooks as he returned to the building, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the local snipers took a picture of Crooks.

Next, the local sniper observed Crooks looking through a rangefinder, an instrument routinely used by marksmen to determine the distance of a target, and he immediately radioed to the command post, according to the local law enforcement officer. The local sniper also attempted to send the photo of the gunman up the chain of command.

The command post, according to multiple law enforcement officials, served as a central hub to streamline communications between U.S. Secret Service and the local officers from nearby state and county police forces. It is unclear if the command post received the alert. (Read more from “Insane: Sniper Took Picture of Trump Rally Shooter, Saw Him Use Rangefinder Before Assassination Attempt, Source Says” HERE)

RFK Jr Apologizes After Leaked Phone Call in Which Trump Seems to Offer Deal

The independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr apologized to Donald Trump on Tuesday, after Kennedy’s son posted video and audio of a call between the two men in which Trump made bizarre remarks about vaccines and babies, as well as appearing to offer Kennedy some sort of political deal.

“When President Trump called me I was taping with an in-house videographer,” Kennedy said. “I should have ordered the videographer to stop recording immediately. I am mortified that this was posted. I apologize to the president.”

The call was apparently made before Trump and Kennedy’s later meeting on Monday at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee, reportedly to discuss the possibility of Kennedy endorsing Trump.

The recording was posted online by Kennedy’s son, Bobby Kennedy III, with the message: “I am a firm believer that these sorts of conversations should be had in public. Here’s Trump giving his real opinion to my dad about vaccinating kids – this was the day after the assassination attempt.” . . .

In posting the recording, Bobby Kennedy III also suggested Anthony Fauci, formerly Biden’s chief medical adviser, should be in prison; appeared to suggest his father should have been Trump’s running mate on a “unity ticket” rather than “JD ‘fire all the unvaccinated nurses’ Vance”, the Ohio senator named on Monday; and implied Republicans and Democrats were subordinate to Pfizer, a multinational vaccine producer. (Read more from “RFK Jr Apologizes After Leaked Phone Call in Which Trump Seems to Offer Deal” HERE)