Supreme Court to Hear Case of Web Designer Refusing to Do Gay Wedding Sites

Lorie Smith, 38, of Littleton, Colo., may be the new face of a national debate pitting gay rights against freedom of speech in a case some have called a “free speech blockbuster.”

The Colorado web site designer, who has sued her state for the right to not include gay couples in her wedding design business, will see her case argued before the Supreme Court on Monday. . .

The case is a preemptive move against the Colorado’s public accommodations law, which mandates that businesses cannot refuse to serve people based on race, religion or sexual orientation. Smith, who does not believe in gay marriages because of her religious convictions, says the current law forces her to either design sites for same-sex weddings – if she offers them for opposite-sex couples – or face fines and jail time. (Read more from “Supreme Court to Hear Case of Web Designer Refusing to Do Gay Wedding Sites” HERE)

Photo credit: Flickr

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