Higher Rates of Cancer Found in Military Pilots, Ground Crew Members: Study

A recent Pentagon study found higher cancer rates among military pilots and ground crew members that fuel, maintain, and launch aircraft.

A yearlong study released by the Pentagon in February examined cancer rates among 900,000 service members who either piloted or worked on aircraft between 1992 and 2017.

According to the Associated Press, the study was launched following concerns raised by retired military aviators who noticed that a significant number of air and ground crew members had developed cancer, despite previous studies that found service members were not at a greater risk than the general population.

In the 2021 defense bill, Congress required the Pentagon to perform a comprehensive study.

The Pentagon’s shocking new study found that aircrew members had an 87% higher rate of melanoma and a 39% higher rate of thyroid cancer. It also revealed that men had a 16% higher rate of prostate cancer and women had a 16% higher rate of breast cancer. (Read more from “Higher Rates of Cancer Found in Military Pilots, Ground Crew Members: Study” HERE)

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