Reporter Uses ABC News’ Airwaves to Pop Democrats’ Bubble About Biden’s Re-Election Chances

An NPR reporter delivered news from the campaign trail on Sunday that doesn’t look good for President Joe Biden.

During a roundtable discussion on ABC News’ “This Week,” NPR correspondent Asma Khalid confirmed that voters who typically compose the “core” of the Democratic Party lack enthusiasm for Biden’s re-election.

Khalid was pushing back on Texas Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett’s claim that voters are falsely “glamorizing” Donald Trump’s presidency.

“What I’ve already heard in so many of my interviews with people is a lackluster sense of enthusiasm,” she said of voters’ attitudes toward Biden, “whether it’s black voters, whether it’s — you’d call them, sort of like, disaffected Republicans.” . . .

“There’s a whole bunch of things that went right for Biden, I would argue, in 2020: It was unity and opposition to Donald Trump,” she explained. “To make this a referendum is what the Biden campaign wants, but it’s really challenging because many voters are looking at this election as a referendum on [Biden].”

(Read more from “Reporter Uses ABC News’ Airwaves to Pop Democrats’ Bubble About Biden’s Re-Election Chances” HERE)

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr