Major Congressional Report Confirms Revolver News Pipe Bomb Reporting, Raises More Questions

Just days before the fourth anniversary of the so-called insurrection, the Congressional House Oversight Committee released a major report on the January 6 pipe bomb scandal that resoundingly confirms multiple key aspects of Revolver News’ reporting on this scandal over the past three and a half years. We at Revolver News have faced tremendous difficulty for breaking the pipe bomb story wide open, and, together with our reporting on the Ray Epps breach, which coincided with the suspicious discovery of the pipe bombs, dismantled the entire Fedsurrection narrative.

Revolver News’ Darren Beattie recently explained some of the implications of this report in an interview that has taken the media by storm (over 6 million views on Twitter and counting).

We were universally reviled in the mainstream media as conspiracy theorists. Google Ads and other programmatic ad services cancelled us; over four different email sending services cancelled us, making it next to impossible to get our reporting out to our mailing list. We’ve received threats, including from Ray Epps himself, who promised to sue (he eventually lost his suit against Fox for having Revolver’s Darren Beattie on to talk about Epps). Perhaps nothing better illustrates the hostility with which Biden’s national security state viewed our reporting on January 6 than the fact that an FBI agent was not only put on leave but had his security clearance revoked simply for sharing our January 6 reporting with colleagues (our understanding is that his clearance and job are now reinstated, thank God).

Of course, the hostility we’ve faced is not because we were peddling a baseless conspiracy theory, but rather because we almost single-handedly destroyed a false narrative about January 6 in which the regime had invested billions of dollars and, arguably, an entire election cycle. Indeed, the false story that January 6 was a deadly terrorist attack and MAGA insurrection served as a key pretext for the national security state to weaponize itself against Trump supporters. We, therefore, welcome such reports as the recent pipe bomb report from Congress’ House Admin Committee—the first full government account of the problems we’ve reported concerning the official pipe bomb story (the Secret Service OIG report touched on this a bit, the DOJ OIG report not at all). Congressman Thomas Massie has done a tremendous job of taking Revolver News’ reporting on the pipe bomb to the next level using his Congressional perch, and we are especially pleased to note Massie’s key role in the creation of the House Admin report on the pipe bomb story. (Read more from “Major Congressional Report Confirms Revolver News Pipe Bomb Reporting, Raises More Questions” HERE)