Hillary Clinton’s Legacy of Scandal (+video)

By Jeffrey T. Brown. In the midst of the eruption of near-daily scandals involving the Obama administration, let us not forget that until just a few months ago, Hillary Clinton was the most significant persona within that administration besides the president himself. Let us not also forget that notwithstanding the scandal-grenades going off all around us, Mrs. Clinton diligently plans her run for the presidency, even while several of those scandals are obviously and entirely her responsibility, exposing the State Department during her tenure as an utter sewer of corruption, cronyism, and fatal incompetence.

For as long as Hillary Clinton has been on the national scene, she has left a path of destruction and wreckage in her wake that is both impressive and terrible to behold. She is a testament to the extent of damage that can be done by one person determined to conquer everything before her in the quest for unlimited power and self-gratification. The only prize left to her in American politics is the presidency, which she has always felt is hers by right. Indeed, she would have attained it were it not for the upstart community organizer, a fellow admirer of Saul Alinsky, who spoke in volumes but said nothing.

While such determination comes at a staggering cost, we should remind ourselves that the bill is never paid by Mrs. Clinton or her equally arrogant husband. It is paid by the country. Before we ask yet again for the check, perhaps we should remind ourselves of exactly who this woman is who will soon attempt to seduce the country, and her history as the object of an absurd and undeserved degree of national affection.

Before accompanying her husband to the White House as our first co-president, Mrs. Clinton was working hard on becoming the person we now know her to be. As with her husband, the goal has always been the attainment of power masquerading as public service. Setting an example for the Obamas to emulate, the Clintons put self-absorption and personal victory before all else. The Clintons have always served themselves, and nothing else.

Do you recall the slime that was Whitewater, in which the Clintons dissembled and lied while their former business partners went to jail? Do you remember Mrs. Clinton earning $100,000 in profit in 1979 on a $1,000 investment over the course of only 9 months in volatile cattle futures, about which she knew nothing, thanks to help from a highly placed Tyson Foods connection? Tyson profited handsomely in Arkansas, with state loans and appointments. We are to believe that Clinton studied the Wall Street Journal to achieve a feat against which the odds were one in 250 million. Do you recall the Rose Law Firm billing records that magically appeared in Mrs. Clinton’s White House office, years after they had been subpoenaed? Or the death of Vince Foster under rather extraordinary and inexplicable circumstances, and the lies and cover-up that followed? Do you recall that while testifying before congressional investigators as first lady, she answered “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember” 250 times? Read more from this story HERE.


Chelsea Clinton endorses mom: We need a woman in the White House

By Paul Bedard. Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton says it’s time for a woman in the Oval Office, music to her mom Hillary Clinton’s ears.

In a wide-ranging interview on MSNBC’s “NOW with Alex Wagner” Clinton was asked about getting a woman elected president, as her mother tried to do in 2008 and is expected to in 2016.

Read more from this story HERE.

Why are Justices Scalia and Thomas Lavishing Praise on their Extremist Liberal Colleagues?

On television, Justices Thomas and Scalia lavishly praise extremist liberal activists. For those who eviscerate the Constitution, such praise is unjustified on the merits as well as contradicted by the scathing writings of Thomas and Scalia themselves.


It is daunting to dispute Justice Clarence Thomas when one agrees that he is a “national treasure” and “our greatest justice.” Nevertheless, with the president’s second term ominously portending a Supreme Court nightmare unimaginably more spine-chilling than it already has been for the last two generations, it is vital to place in perspective the justice’s repeated recent televised appearances “lavish with praise for his colleagues — especially the liberals.”

Last September, Thomas averred that all justices are “good people” who “try to get it right” and who “don’t agree with each other, but … agree that this is more important than we are and we’ve got to make this thing work”; he singled out Justice Ginsburg as “a good person” and “fabulous judge.” On January 29, he explained that “she makes all of us better judges” and proclaimed Justice Kagan a “delight.”

Thomas is not alone. Purportedly conservative commentator Jennifer Rubin asserts: “I may not agree … with … Justice Breyer’s constitutional approach, but I have no doubt he is trying to get it ‘right.’” On November 27, Justice Scalia stated all his fellow justices are “honest” and decide cases “fairly and honestly.” Previously, he characterized Justice Ginsburg, with whom he often disagrees, as among “some very good people [who] have some very bad ideas.”

These seemingly reassuring statements are glittering generalities lacking any evidence or explanation of meaning. Specifically, what differentiates “good” and “bad” people? Should officeholders be evaluated in a vacuum divorced from the consequences of their official actions based on “bad ideas”? Does sincerely “trying to get it right” make a judge “good” and “fabulous”? Why is it good to “make this thing work” if doing so causes great harm? Is the televised off-the-cuff warm oral praise by Thomas and Scalia supported by their own considered written words in official Supreme Court opinions?

Before turning to those writings, it is important to provide a context.

A College Bull Session?

The Supreme Court is not a debating society, a scholars’ think tank or an ongoing college “bull session.” Justices wield fearsome power to determine the outcome of real controversies between people engaged in very substantial, often life and death, disputes. Decisions often cause immense joy and agony – for example, joy for rapists and murderers and unspeakable agony for their victims. Moreover, the high court decides not only winners and losers among actual litigants but also among competing public interests on the most critical and fiercely contested political issues. Justices’ “ideas” result in highly consequential decisions adopting or imposing values and policies, often undemocratically.

Lincoln famously warned: if policy “upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers.” To a large extent, that has happened. The high court has become the last best hope of democracy’s losers. When they cannot prevail in fair debates and elections, they zoom to the court to overturn the results.

In his autobiography, Justice Douglas revealed a “shattering” statement by Chief Justice Hughes: “At the constitutional level where we [justices] work, 90 percent of any decision is emotional. The rational part of us supplies the reasons for supporting our predilections” Douglas added: “I had thought of the law [as] principles chiseled in granite. I knew judges had predilections. …But I had never been willing to admit to myself that the ‘gut’ reaction of a judge … was the main ingredient of his decision … Judges … represent ideological schools of thought …. No [justice] was neutral.”

So the “very bad ideas” of justices are not harmless academic musings. They are “gut reaction” value judgments. And not just minor ones. Abusing “interpretation,” justices often ram their own personal morality down the throats of a strongly opposed large majority. Consider two examples.

First, it is largely unknown that media-protected justices have played an immensely toxic role in encouraging highly unpopular illegal immigration. Law professor Lino Graglia demonstrates that, despite widespread misinformation, the Constitution does not grant citizenship to American-born babies of immigrants. It is justices’ rulings that effectively have made them citizens. Moreover, an unelected bare majority explicitly required that illegal foreign-born aliens be given a free public education, gratuitously adding that unlawful aliens’ babies born here are citizens – thus “entitled to all the advantages of the American welfare state.”

Second, for four decades, justices who consider themselves morally superior to the public have done everything they could to subvert and repudiate capital punishment, despite its being explicitly and repeatedly authorized by the Constitution. Those vitally affected, especially victims and their traumatized loved ones, are not likely to yawn about good versus bad ideas. As explained elsewhere, “[a]n unbridgeable values chasm exists between victims of the worst crimes and the zealous devotees of their depraved victimizers.” The latter are likely to pronounce “good” those justices who will do anything to save murderers and rapists; the former are likely to disagree sharply – and painfully.

What’s “Good” about Making “Bad Ideas” “Work”?

Justice Thomas implies that there is something laudatory about making the court work. But as shown by Thomas Sowell, “very bad ideas” can be very destructive and even horrifying. For example, if Iran successfully produces nuclear weapons that “work,” there can be nuclear attacks against Israel and the United States, as well as nuclear blackmail. That would certainly be an example of something that “works.” Scalia himself recently observed: “kings can do … good stuff that a democratic society could never achieve … Hitler produced a marvelous automobile and Mussolini made the trains run on time. So what? That doesn’t demonstrate what’s a proper interpretation of a Constitution.”

Is celebration warranted when improper and often dishonest so-called interpretations “work” to produce both unconstitutional and harmful or even disastrous results? Before giving kudos to the Supreme Court for “working,” it must be determined if this is toward good” or “bad” policies and if it results from abuse of power to impose personal values of justices rather than the People’s as expressed in their Constitution and statutes.

Obviously, the Supreme Court, as an institution, works in the sense that it has questionable legitimacy and its diktats are, so far, accepted. But in another sense, justices, for two generations, have “worked” by undermining the rule of law to achieve a far left agenda that could not be implemented by full, fair and open debate in a democratic republic. And they are not done yet – not by a long shot!

Making bad ideas work has required a frontal assault on the rule of law for a very simple reason: From Woodrow Wilson to Barack Obama, condescending leftist elitists have realized that the Constitution’s protected freedoms would prevent dictatorship of often unpopular “reforms” by those who think they know what’s best for the people better than the people themselves.

Recently, frustrated leftist law professor Louis Michael Seidman has called the Constitution so “utopian [yet] downright evil” that we should “give up” on it. He apparently thinks the Supreme Court has not rendered the document sufficiently unrecognizable to its Framers.

Just last June, five “fabulous” justices, over a vehement ObamaCare dissent joined by Thomas and Scalia, made the court “work” by driving another nail in the coffin of federalism, a critical Constitutional safeguard of liberty against federal tyranny. Justices have been legitimizing unlimited federal power for over 70 years, as they previously sanctified segregation for 58 years. The court “worked” by seizing the highly divisive abortion issue from the states, creating a “right” that even highly respected prominent liberal scholars concede is nowhere in the Constitution. And it should never be forgotten that, notwithstanding President Buchanan’s prediction that the slavery issue would be “speedily and finally settled” by the Supreme Court, six justices “worked” to produce a decision that took “a civil war to overturn,” as the late Judge Bork put it.

“A” for Effort?

There are two problems with the mantra that sincerely “trying to get it right” makes a justice “good.”

First, this is a strikingly low standard for highly educated and trained powerful judges. They don’t have to actually get it right; if they try, give them an “A-for-effort.” Should medical and law licenses be granted to all who study very hard, including those who fail their exams? Does “trying to get it right” trump actually being right? As Winston Churchill pointed out, “[i]t is no use saying, ‘We are doing our best.’ You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.” What is necessary for justices is to apply the law, not misstate and rewrite it.

Second, sincerity can be downright dangerous. It is a short step from “trying to get it right” to arrogantly concluding, not merely that a view or policy is right, but that this must be forced upon everyone for their own good by elitists who presume themselves to be betters because they are cocksure that they know better.

Judge Learned Hand cautioned precisely that “[t]he spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right.” Self-righteous self-certainty has been a hallmark of ruthless fanatics throughout history. After all, for one convinced of being “right,” wouldn’t it be immoral, or even sinful, to tolerate what is “wrong”? If necessary, why not just torture and murder heretics?

Surely, the fanatics who flew planes into the World Trade Center thought they were “right.” By all accounts, sixteenth century Pope Paul IV was personally honest and incorruptible; but he also was convinced of his moral superiority and that he was “right.” So he became a “reformer.” The result: ghettos and persecution for Jews and an intensified Inquisition accompanied by the most unimaginable torture to “save souls.” Positive he had “got it right,” this autocratic pope ordered law student Pomponio Algerio to be slowly boiled to death in oil to save his soul and protect the church from heresy. In turn, an unrepentant Algerio, convinced of his own rectitude, calmly accepted being boiled in oil – also to save his soul!

Giving thanks for small favors, at this point in history, justices do not actually boil in oil those who disagree with them. Nevertheless, the sobering reality, explained below in Part III, is that these “fabulous” and “good people” have no qualms about further and cruelly torturing the tortured to protect their torturers.

Click HERE for Part II.

Federal Agents Now Invade Hospital Exam Rooms, Thanks to HIPPA

Photo Credit: WND

I recently endured my third round of invasion by the Joint Commission, or JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations). I am still reeling from the experience. Without my consent and without warning, the investigator invited herself into the sanctum of our exam room, explaining that she had verbal consent from the patient to observe, “and we learn so much!” I was caught completely off guard, and working as a private contractor in a government sponsored facility, I didn’t resist, but I can say now in retrospect…it will never happen to me again.

Never in more than 20 years of medical practice have I had a government agent invade the sacred space of my private exam room. Oh yes, I have acceded to the review of my private medical records by their auditors, holy ground that never should have been given, but this was too much. Ah, but she had HIPAA in her hand.

It has taken me a while to get the big picture. At first when I heard of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) I was mystified, why should we need such a law? After all, the idea of doctor-patient confidentiality has been an essential foundation of western medicine for two thousand years before there ever was a United States of America, so we surely didn’t just think it up. Furthermore, if the King’s Court jesters (or shall we say ‘Supreme Court’) can find an “implied right to privacy” in the US Constitution for a woman to kill her unborn baby, why in the world would we need a new set of laws to protect privacy between a doctor and patient?

It’s really quite simple, the cost of medicine today has escaped us. When my Grand daddy was still around, he either paid for his medical care out of his pocket, or he didn’t get it, simple as that. Today, nobody can afford to pay their own medical costs, why a small cut on your finger with a trip to the emergency room for a few stitches could run over a thousand dollars, and a woman recently confided to me that her hysterectomy cost in excess of $65,000! Now think about how many women in this country will need a hysterectomy this year, can we afford this? How about a $90,000 heart catheterization and stent followed by a new blood thinner drug that will cost $2000 a month to keep it working? So we see that more and more we have to rely on our government to foot the bill of the things we could never pay for.

There it is… if the government is going to pay for health care, they want to get the ‘most bang for their buck’ so they need a way to measure, and to measure, they need beans to count, and to have beans to count, they have to have records, and to have records—they can’t be in a safe paper chart in some doctors office, they need to be electronic and available, hence the advent of the EHR (Electronic Health Record). Nobody honestly finds this actually facilitates patient care (everyone I talk to finds that all this data entry increases the time need to see one patient), but it sure gives the government beans to count.

Now for them to sell us on this idea, they had to create the illusion of protecting the privacy of medical information when in reality the foxes were just letting themselves into the hen house! Remember, the “P” in HIPAA does not stand for privacy like they want us to believe, but for portability, so it’s easier for them to access. The government now has an information highway to the most private thing you have, your own medical record. And remember, next time you sit down with your doctor in confidence, you may look up and find they have invited themselves to sit in, after all, “they can learn so much!” Welcome to the 21st century and a brave new world (soon to be ‘Logan’s Run’).


AUTHOR’S NOTE: I would like to respond to concerns raised in response to the above article regarding the Joint Commission. Let me clarify, JCAHO was not originally created by the Federal Government nor is it directly funded by Federal moneys. And if my use of the term “agent” created that misunderstanding, I extend my apologies, that was not my intent. Rather my intent is to point out that Joint Commission has become a tool of the Federal machine. Joint Commission accreditation has become a primary measure by which health organizations can qualify for Medicare participation and, in many states, Medicaid participation as well. Medicare funds are clearly of Federal origin, and to put it simply, a health organization which doesn’t have Joint Commission accreditation or, worse yet, fails their accreditation will find it very difficult to access those Federal moneys. Thus, JCAHO is operationally an agent of the Federal system, and reflects Federal intrusion. One cannot deny that Joint Commission is required to comply with Federal regulations in its reporting and that Joint Commission reflects the requirements of CMS (Center for Medicare Services) standards, thus playing a regulatory role for the Federal government.

Think the IRS Is Bad Now? Just Wait

Photo Credit: Corbis

The Internal Revenue Service has never been an agency much loved by the American people. With the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups, its already bad reputation has now sunk to a new low.

But the scandal raises a critical question: If the IRS can’t manage an increase of 1,700 applications for tax-exempt status that the agency said spurred its targeting of conservative groups, how will the IRS handle its massive new role in implementing ObamaCare?

Under the Affordable Care Act, premium subsidies—tax credits in ObamaCare designed to defray the cost of purchasing health insurance—will go to some seven million tax filers and flow to households earning as much as $94,000 a year. The credits are both advanceable and refundable, meaning the IRS will pay them first and verify the claims for them later, what some call “pay and chase.”

Refundable tax credits are essentially a form of spending through the tax code, something the IRS has struggled to administer for years with other programs. That’s why it’s not far-fetched to say that these premium credits will go to a lot of people inappropriately, and that we can expect to see a lot of erroneous and fraudulent payments.

Look at the Earned Income Tax Credit. Whether you like this refundable credit or not, the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration reported in April that improper payments account for 21% to 25% of total EITC payments in 2012. Take the percentage of improper EITC payments and apply it to the approximate $1 trillion we’ll spend on ObamaCare premium credits in the decade beginning 2014. The math shows that we could see between $210 billion and $250 billion distributed to those who shouldn’t get it—because the IRS has no system in place to verify reported household income.

Read more from this story HERE.

Barack Obama, Hell’s Lightning Rod

Photo Credit: senorglory

The U.S. federal government now has the ability and the “legal authority” to collect electronic data regarding the daily activities and associations of every innocent person in the civilized world. This power, needless to say, is susceptible to totalitarian levels of abuse in the hands of dishonorably-motivated men. It is disturbing, however, that so many American conservatives are reducing this issue to a concern over whether Barack Obama can be trusted with such power. One would like to think that the heirs to Jefferson, Franklin, and Madison would be asking whether anyone should be trusted with it.

The American Founders, great statesmen standing on the shoulders of great philosophers, derived from the wisdom of the ages an all-important lesson, one subsequently distilled for all time by British historian Lord Acton: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” In other words, any normal man is susceptible to the temptations of power, from which it follows that a society that wishes to remain free and just must avoid granting its governing authority excessive powers. Placing one’s trust in the integrity of one’s elected officials while handing them “legal” means to wipe out or circumscribe all your natural rights at their discretion is, as the great advocates of (true) liberalism understood, foolhardy in the extreme, for such blind trust presumes exactly what history and sound reasoning teach us never to presume, namely that the world is comprised of pure and untainted souls on one side, and evil and corrupt souls on the other, such that choosing good leaders is merely a matter of electing one of the “pure” souls.

Obviously, Barack Obama is a Marxist subversive, so there is every reason to fear that excessive power cannot be trusted in his hands. It does not follow, however, that such power can or should be trusted in the hands of a better man. To reason that way would be to forfeit or deny the awareness of man’s inherent imperfection, an awareness which used to be standard issue with every new package of adult common sense.

Hence the case for limited government, and the rule of law. For those educated in public schools, the word “limited” in that first phrase means “limited in power.” The purpose of such a foundational principle is not to cast aspersions on the integrity of any particular man in government, but rather to acknowledge a sobering fact of life, which is that we are all, in principle, morally susceptible to the temptations presented by the opportunity for perceived personal advantage gained without fear of retribution. Thus, although government is a useful and necessary instrument for protecting life, property, and civil order, and therefore an aid in the pursuit of virtue and happiness — or rather, precisely because it is such a necessary and useful instrument — a governing authority that becomes too expansive in its capability to control and manipulate the population from which it derives its purpose loses its legitimacy.

The American Founders were quite clear, and enormously wise, in their insistence that the people must always reserve the right to resist, and even overthrow, their government, if and when its founding purpose has been abrogated. But this injunction requires that the people actually have the practical capacity to resist. In other words, it requires that the institutionalized disparity in strength and material advantage between the government and the people never become insuperable; for if that should happen, the people would be left entirely at the mercy of the good will and honorable intentions of their leaders.

Read more from this story HERE.

If the GOP is This Stupid, it Deserves to Die

Democrats terrify Hispanics into thinking they’ll be lynched if they vote for Republicans, and then turn around and taunt Republicans for not winning a majority of the Hispanic vote.

This line of attack has real resonance with our stupidest Republicans. (Proposed Republican primary targets: Sens. Kelly Ayotte, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio.) Which explains why Republicans are devoting all their energy to slightly increasing their share of the Hispanic vote while alienating everyone else in America.

It must be fun for liberals to manipulate Republicans into focusing on hopeless causes. Why don’t Democrats waste their time trying to win the votes of gun owners?

As journalist Steve Sailer recently pointed out, the Hispanic vote terrifying Republicans isn’t that big. It actually declined in 2012. The Census Bureau finally released the real voter turnout numbers from the last election, and the Hispanic vote came in at only 8.4 percent of the electorate — not the 10 percent claimed by the pro-amnesty crowd.

The sleeping giant of the last election wasn’t Hispanics; it was elderly black women, terrified of media claims that Republicans were trying to suppress the black vote and determined to keep the first African-American president in the White House.

Read more from this story HERE.

Sorry, Mr. Obama, The Constitution is Not Negotiable (+video)

Photo Credit: Fox News

In the United States, we are supposed to have a government that is limited with its parameters established by our Constitution. This notion that the federal government can monitor everyone’s phone data is a major departure from how Americans have traditionally viewed the role of government.

If this is acceptable practice, as the White House and many in both parties now say it is, then there are literally no constitutional protections that can be guaranteed anymore to citizens.

In the name of security, say our leaders, the Constitution has become negotiable. This is what the White House is saying when it defends the National Security Agency’s gathering of Verizon’s client data en masse, or what President Obama calls a “modest encroachment” on our rights, as he assures us that “Nobody is listening to your phone calls.”

Perhaps he can also assure us that nobody at the Internal Revenue Service is targeting political dissidents.

Perhaps he can assure us that nobody at the Justice Department is seizing reporters’ phone records.

Read more from this story HERE.

Sen. Rand Paul: We Fought a Revolution Over this Kind of Tyranny

When Americans expressed outrage last week over the seizure and surveillance of Verizon’s client data by the National Security Agency, President Obama responded: “In the abstract, you can complain about Big Brother . . . but when you actually look at the details, I think we’ve struck the right balance.”

How many records did the NSA seize from Verizon? Hundreds of millions. We are now learning about more potential mass data collections by the government from other communications and online companies. These are the “details,” and few Americans consider this approach “balanced,” though many rightly consider it Orwellian.

These activities violate the Fourth Amendment, which says warrants must be specific—”particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” And what is the government doing with these records? The president assures us that the government is simply monitoring the origin and length of phone calls, not eavesdropping on their contents. Is this administration seriously asking us to trust the same government that admittedly targets political dissidents through the Internal Revenue Service and journalists through the Justice Department?

…Monitoring the records of as many as a billion phone calls, as some news reports have suggested, is no modest invasion of privacy. It is an extraordinary invasion of privacy. We fought a revolution over issues like generalized warrants, where soldiers would go from house to house, searching anything they liked. Our lives are now so digitized that the government going from computer to computer or phone to phone is the modern equivalent of the same type of tyranny that our Founders rebelled against.

Read more from this story HERE.

The Perfect Leak

Photo Credit: AP

In his dealings with the media, Edward Snowden played his hand like a pro.

Snowden, 29, was looking to disclose top-secret information about the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs to the world — and to do so he arranged a powerful one-two combination punch with the press that provided both mainstream credibility (Barton Gellman and The Washington Post) and someone who shared his ideological inclinations (Glenn Greenwald), according to media observers and whistleblower experts.

As more and more agenda-driven outlets, reporters and bloggers hit the media scene, leakers such as Snowden find themselves with a wealth of potential options to get their information out. It’s a seismic shift from the old media landscape, when would-be leakers had only one clear path to ensuring widespread attention for their stories: a successful pitch to a handful of national newspapers or TV networks.

But the traditional national security media heavyweights — led by The New York Times and The Washington Post — still have outsize influence on stories about intelligence gathering and potential overreach by the government.

So at the end of the day, experts told POLITICO, Snowden found a way to pull off what was in effect the perfect leak. He established parallel tracks with the MSM — The Washington Post and The Guardian — and also found a member of the media who was sympathetic to his cause. Snowden’s material was given widespread exposure and credibility in the traditional press and at the same time had the hand of a friendly journalist on the wheel for at least part of the ride.

Read more from this story HERE.

Will the U.S. Even Survive Obama’s Last Term?

Photo Credit: WND

The rash of scandals facing Barack Obama and his administration in recent days has some people wondering if the president can survive his full term through January 2017.

Britain’s Telegraph newspaper is even running the headline: “You have to wonder: Will Obama see out his full term?”

But U.S. radio giant Rush Limbaugh says that’s the wrong question to ask.

“That’s not the question. The question is: Will America last through Obama’s full term?” Limbaugh said on his program Monday.

He continued:

Will the country survive the implementation of Obamacare? Will the country survive all this spying and all this data collecting? Will the country survive amnesty, will the country survive every plan this man’s got? That’s the question. The question is not will he serve out his second term ’cause that’s a no-brainer. Yet the UK Telegraph, ’cause they live in the real world and think, my gosh, the population of any country learning this about their president, they’d be livid. Not here. Not here. The racial component alone is not gonna permit it. It’s not gonna allow it. That coupled with the basic ignorance of the low-information voter.

There’s no real uptick on jobs. There aren’t any careers being created. People have lost jobs. Jobs are vanishing. Taxes are going up, skyrocketing high. The divide between rich and poor is only gonna get worse. Obamacare’s gonna be fully implemented. If it is, folks, 20 grand for a family to be insured? Then we’re talking immigration, amnesty, 11, 12 million people. Look at what’s on tap. If Obama could he’d wipe out the Second Amendment, if he could. You know who he is; I know who he is; you know where he’s headed. Everybody in this administration’s headed the same way. Look at the IRS scandal. Look at what the FDA is doing and the EPA and the autocratic-like, dictatorial regulations coming out of the various branches and cabinet positions of this administration, and the question is not is Obama gonna survive. The question, will America as founded.

Read more from this story HERE.