Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste…Ever

While speaking at a prayer vigil for victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, Barack Obama, ever the divisive political creature with a burning transformative agenda, could not pass on the opportunity to politicize the event:

In the coming weeks, I’ll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens, from law enforcement, to mental health professionals, to parents and educators, in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this, because what choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine.

Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard?

Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?

Forget about the shock, grief, anguish, pain and suffering of the survivors. Never mind that the vigil was intended to honor the innocent victims, not promote Obama’s ardent agenda to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”

Never let a crisis go to waste … ever.

And to think, there are still people who wonder why America is so divided.

Congratulations Barack … Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.

If Obama is truly devoted to preventing such tragedies, how about he cease and desist being the most divisive American political figure of the 21st century? Anyone who is paying attention knows he is leading a group of like-minded politicians whose strategy is “divide and conquer.”

If Obama is honestly concerned with preventing the routine slaughter of children in schools, schools will no longer be gun free zones. The criminally inclined, mentally deranged people who have perpetrated these shootings clearly have not respected these gun free zones, including America’s shopping malls and other public gathering places.

For “progressives” to use these tragedies as a thinly disguised attempt to alter or abolish Second Amendment Rights for free American Citizens is further evidence that they are attacking, not defending the Constitution of the United States of America. Why is it not surprising that those who desire a “fundamental transformation” of America would be derelict in their duties while ignoring their oath of office?

Here is a clue for Obama and his high falutin, fancy pants, smooth talking, words parsing “progressive” Ivy League chums: the Second Amendment was not written so 21st century Americans could go deer hunting.

America’s Constitution secured the Right of the People to keep and bear arms as the last line of defense against tyrannical government. Having just fought against and defeated King George’s military, America’s founders were keenly aware of the need for all Citizens to be prepared in defense of their Liberties. It matters not whether tyrannical government is imposed by a foreign crown as it was in the 1700s, or from Washington DC, as is being done today. Tyrannical government is tyrannical government.

As Patrick Henry said during debate in the Several State Conventions on the adoption of the U.S. Constitution:

Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?

Barack Obama and his fellow “progressives” are not interested in defending the God given, constitutionally protected Rights of American Citizens. They are interested in ensuring that “progressives” gain a firm, final grasp on unstrained power.

America had better wise up. Fast.

Because of groupthink and a poverty of imagination, the story of American Freedom and of American exceptionalism may end far too soon in a tragic, final chapter.


Michael Fell is a former MCA recording artist from the seminal punk rock era who toured America from coast to coast. Today, he’s a leading voice in the L.A. Tea Party movement, active since the February 2009 inception. Mr. Fell currently chairs the Westwood Tea Party, is a founding member of the L.A. Metro Tea Party Coalition, serves as the Vice Chairman of the Westside Republicans Club in L.A. CA, and is an elected Republican delegate to the L.A. 47th AD Central Committee. He’s been Campaign Manager for a primary winning Congressional candidate, as well as Santa Monica and L.A. City Council candidates. Mr. Fell is a contributing writer for,,,,, and, His opinions on today’s news events and political climate can be found on his blog:

Hillary Clinton Believes Americans Are Stupid, Don’t Care, or Suffer from Alzheimer’s

Previously, when asked to testify in the Benghazi murder investigation of our personnel, Mrs. Clinton claimed she was busy on a pre planned wine tasting trip to Australia.

This time, just before she is scheduled to appear at the re scheduled date, she claims she has a “concussion” and will not be able to face questioners.

This latest excuse will run out the clock on her term as Secretary of State. She has said she will agree to testify at a “future hearing,” but declined to say when that date would be.

Hillary and her allies in politics/media, reinforce the impression they believe Americans are stupid, don’t care and suffer from Alzheimer’s disease…by the collective yawns in the main stream media, perhaps they are right.

But this is Hillary; she has a track record of putting out whoppers.

Hillary has skated through countless tales that would stretch the incredulity radar of anyone ambulatory and conscious enough to have a sense of propriety and end the careers of most public figures.

But that’s not the criteria for those in the media and politics that hold Hillary to a different standard….she gets a free pass on all of it.

But these last few months should raise the hackles on all Americans who care whether their officials have any shred of integrity or accountability. In this case, Americans were murdered and many were wounded. Authorities who are trying to get to the truth of this horrific event are being scoffed at by this administration, including Hillary. This is not a joke and many American citizens are outraged by the utter disregard they feel the victims are being given.

Americans want to know why American embassy and staff were left basically defenseless. Who made those decisions and why? Even though every other country had removed their embassy staff because it was too dangerous…ours remained vulnerable as a target for Al Quaeda on the anniversary of 9/11.

Why repeated calls from the murdered Ambassador for more security, were ignored…Even on the day of the attack 9-11-12 he put out a call for additional security.

Why were US armed forces and personnel in the vicinity of Benghazi told not to come to the beleaguered consulate while it was under attack? Who gave that order?

Why were nearby fighter aircraft not called in to aid in the defense of the consulate? The Navy SEALs at the consulate had laser technology that could have guided precision air strikes and broke the attack.

Why have high ranking US military personnel in that part of the area, been summarily removed from their posts and are not testifying?

Why are the wounded Americans in the attack being kept away from investigators and not able to provide their eye witness testimony?

After 3 months we still have no answers and to let Hillary and this administration off the hook by not having to testify under oath, is a slap in the face to all Americans.


Ed Farnan is the conservative columnist at IrishCentral, where he has been writing on the need for energy independence, strong self defense, secure borders, 2nd amendment, smaller government and many other issues. His articles appear in many publications throughout the USA and world. He has been a guest on Fox News and a regular guest on radio stations in the US and Europe.

New Gun Restrictions Will Not Prevent Tragedies Like the Connecticut School Shooting

Yesterday’s tragic mass shooting of 20 children & 6 adults, has brought out the inevitable calls from around the country to make laws restricting gun ownership.

Many Europeans & Australians decry Americas violence and say we must restrict guns. But America is not a tiny country, just one state, California, has a population bigger and more diverse than most of of these small countries. Australia has less population than the state of Texas.

America is a huge melting pot of cultures, races and religions. We are very diverse geographically as well; with intensely populated urban areas, to sparsely populated rural areas and everything in between.

When you read the statistics, America is a violent country….But 99.9% of the legal gun owners in our country are law abiding peaceful people and never use their firearms for violence. Sometimes Americans have used the firearms to protect their families, see Brave Mom. Yet we have a small segment of our population that skew our statistics.

If you took the city of Chicago out of Americas gun crime statistics, it would change the perception. Chicago has the strictest gun laws, yet they are besieged with violence.

As far as laws go, last time I checked, it is illegal to discharge a firearm in many urban areas, it is illegal for a felon to be in possession of a firearm and it is illegal to murder someone.

But idealistic lawmakers might use this latest tragedy to try to pass a law to restrict gun ownership….i.e.: Never waste a crisis

Even if they outlawed them, guns would still be readily available. Our borders are like sieves; guns drugs, terrorists, criminals and illegal immigrants easily pass through, even though there are strict laws against them.

So sadly and tragically, mass shootings will occur in spite of laws passed by well meaning lawmakers.

The Aurora Colorado theater, site of a mass shooting where 12 people died and 58 were wounded, advertised itself as a gun free zone…The only theater in the area to advertise that fact. Did that play a role in the shooters decision to pick that location for his killing spree? You bet, he knew no one would shoot back.

Colonel Hassan, the American jihadist, who methodically gunned down his fellow soldiers at Fort Bliss Texas, killed 13 and wounded 32, before he was stopped. He opened fire confidently, because he was a coward and knew they were unarmed and could not fire back.

The killer at yesterdays tragic shooting at the Connecticut school, most assuredly knew no one would be armed among the school personnel, it is not allowed, he was safe. If there was a possibility of a legally armed employee on those school grounds yesterday, would that killer have picked this school for a target?

Israel was beset with mass shootings for a time in its past. That little country tried beefing up its security forces to prevent them from happening. They stationed more soldiers and police….but were not able to station enough everywhere. It wasn’t until Israel loosened its gun laws and encouraged its law abiding citizens to carry concealed and unconcealed firearms; did the mass shooting end.

If the demented loners, who go on killing sprees, knew there was a possibility that someone amongst their targets would fire back, it would prevent these mass shootings.

Because at heart, these killers are cowards and want total control of the script for their final 15 minutes of fame…Just the knowledge that one legally armed citizen may be among the planned victims…would disrupt the plan.


Ed Farnan is the conservative columnist at IrishCentral, where he has been writing on the need for energy independence, strong self defense, secure borders, 2nd amendment, smaller government and many other issues. His articles appear in many publications throughout the USA and world. He has been a guest on Fox News and a regular guest on radio stations in the US and Europe.

It’s the Spending, Stupid

Barack Obama, who seemingly has remained in campaign mode since first entering public life, continues to insist House Republicans obey his command to hike tax rates on upper income earners. If Republicans do note cede to his demands, Obama is willing to let everyone’s taxes go up and to cut one trillion dollars from the budget, a disproportionate amount of which will come from defense.
Were Obama sincerely interested in solving America’s fiscal dilemma, this would not be his stance.

He continues to make campaign appearances claiming that these higher tax rates are needed to lower the U.S. deficit and cut the national debt.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The amount of revenue collected by the IRS as a result of such a tax rate increase would fund U.S. federal spending for less than nine days.

According to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office, at current spending levels the federal government is borrowing forty six cents of every dollar it spends. Through the first two months of fiscal year 2013 the government is already almost $300 billion in debt.

Medicare, Social Security and interest on the debt are the biggest drivers of the debt. The true costs of Obamacare have yet to be revealed, but given the U.S. federal government’s track record it is safe to predict that it will be far more expensive than projected and finish in the red every year.

Collecting eight days’ worth of spending from upper level incomes will do nothing to affect the level of spending on any of these programs.

Additionally, Obama willfully ignores that at current tax rates, revenues are up by thirty billion dollars over last year.

Obama, his “progressive” political allies and the obedient lapdogs within the “progressive” Party Pravda continue to foster the notion that raising tax rates on the highest income earners, those who already pay forty percent of all income tax revenue, will be a panacea, the magical elixir needed to solve America’s fiscal woes.

They also continue to lay the blame for today’s deficits on former President George W. Bush. Bush’s highest deficit was $438 billion during his last year in office. Obama’s government is poised to post another $1 trillion deficit, which will mark the fifth straight year of $1 trillion or more deficits.

America’s current financial predicament is the result of wasteful “progressive” spending on big government socialist programs.

That is the reason.

America’s debt and deficit dilemmas can only be solved through reduced spending. If and when the United States falls off a fiscal cliff or receives another credit downgrade, it will be because of “progressives”, not Conservatives.

The conversation should be about how to cut spending, not about how to increase taxes.

Political Party or media employer notwithstanding, anyone who says differently is being intellectually dishonest.


Michael Fell is a former MCA recording artist from the seminal punk rock era who toured America from coast to coast. Today, he’s a leading voice in the L.A. Tea Party movement, active since the February 2009 inception. Mr. Fell currently chairs the Westwood Tea Party, is a founding member of the L.A. Metro Tea Party Coalition, serves as the Vice Chairman of the Westside Republicans Club in L.A. CA, and is an elected Republican delegate to the L.A. 47th AD Central Committee. He’s been Campaign Manager for a primary winning Congressional candidate, as well as Santa Monica and L.A. City Council candidates. Mr. Fell is a contributing writer for,,,,, and, His opinions on today’s news events and political climate can be found on his blog:

A Deficit of Courage

photo credit: the eggplant

At the heart of the impending “fiscal cliff” is a problem more challenging than reaching whatever mix of revenue increases and spending cuts will be needed to bring America’s massive debt under control.

From the halls of government to corporate boardrooms and the corridors of America’s great universities, America seems gripped by fear.

Administration and congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle appear immobilized by their own dread of constituents’ reactions to higher tax rates or austerity measures — or both.

Business leaders, knowing the need for realignment in a changing marketplace, nevertheless stand motionless because of the unknowns of new taxes and regulations and the fear of the reactions of shareholders and analysts.

On the campus of Penn State, it was fear that caused university administrators to sweep the horrendous crimes of an experienced coach under the rug.

Read more from this story HERE.

ObamaCare Will Bring Bureaucracy, Endless Rules And Coercion, But Improve Nothing

A few years ago, my small local hospital asked a senate staffer if she could assist them in obtaining federal money for a new building. So she did, expediting the process by which that particular corner of northern New Hampshire was deemed to be “underserved” and thus eligible for the fed gravy.

At the ribbon-cutting, she was an honored guest, and they were abundant in their praise. Alas, in the fullness of time, the political pendulum swung, her senator departed the scene, and she was obliged to take a job out of state.

Last summer, she returned to the old neighborhood and thought she’d look for a doctor. The sweet old guy with the tweed jacket in the neatly painted cape on Main Street had taken down his shingle and retired.

Most towns in the North Country now have fewer doctors than they did in the 19th century, and the smaller towns have none. The Yellow Pages list more health insurers than physicians, which would not seem to be an obvious business model. So she wound up going to the health center she’d endowed so lavishly with your tax dollars just a few years earlier.

They gave her the usual form to fill in, full of perceptive inquiries on her medical condition: Do you wear a seat belt? Do you own a gun? How many bisexual men are you now having sex with?

Read more from this article HERE.

Boehner Is Giving Away The Farm

photo credit: gage skidmore

House Speaker John Boehner has already conceded the biggest tax increase in history – $800 billion – in negotiations with Barack Obama and Democrats.

But now he is reportedly offering much more than that if the administration will agree to much deeper cuts to entitlement programs.

There are several problems with this that illustrate, again, why it is totally unacceptable for Boehner to remain in the position as the most powerful Republican in Washington.

No. 1: The definition of “cuts” in Washington: Most Americans think of budget cuts as actual money not spent. That is the not the definition Washington uses. Each and every year, spending for entitlements and many other budget line items increases automatically and substantially. When government programs don’t grow as much as they would normally grow, that is considered a “cut” in Washington. Under that definition, even when the budget is growing, in Washingtonese, the politicians say they are “cutting” spending.

No. 2: The only cuts that are really meaningful are those proposed and enacted in the current session of Congress. Most of the “cuts” talked about in these negotiations are phantom cuts Congress will try to impose on future Congresses – something they don’t have the authority and enforcement power to do. That means to have any real impact, the cuts have to be made between January 2013 and January 2015. You have to front load them. Believe me, Obama and the Democrats will never do that.

Read more from this article HERE.

Deterring the Nuclear Option

photo credit: gage skidmore

In our dealings with the Soviet Union in the latter half of the 20th century, a theory of how to stop a nuclear war was known as “mutually assured destruction.” The theory went that the Soviets would not launch a first strike knowing that a counterstrike would inflict similar or worse damage.

Even on a smaller scale, the fallout from a nuclear blast is severe — and it is nearly impossible to tell which way the winds will blow and who will be affected by the fallout.

While obviously hyperbole, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is currently threatening to launch what congressional observers refer to as the “nuclear option” — that is, breaking the current Senate rules to permanently curtail the rights of the minority party by ending the possibility of extended debate and amendments on vital pieces of legislation.

Much like any nuclear alternative, deterrents are available if one is willing to exercise them, and the possible dangers of unforeseen fallout exist. Today, I caution the majority leader that I will not simply stand by and witness his destruction of the rights of senators, nor his power grab through clear breaking of Senate rules and precedents. I will fight back.

Currently, the Senate requires 67 votes, a two-thirds majority, to shut down debate to change its rules. The Senate should be consistent and not changed at the whim of 51 of its members. Sen. Reid knows this, but is insisting that debate on Senate rules can be shut down with 51, and plans to use this tactic to impose his will on the body.

Read more from this article HERE.

The Evangelists’ Failure

Somewhere in America this week, Protestant Christ followers will donate money to fund missionaries. The offering for the Lottie Moon fund will be collected. Mission to the World will get a check. The Foreign Mission Board will be funded and prayed for. The Salvation Army bell will be rung.

Around the nation, Evangelical America will, throughout the year, hear tales of their missions, missionaries, and their money at work drawing people in foreign lands and occasional parts of the United States to Christ. They will hear of using their money to rebuild churches and homes after disaster, to care for the homeless, and to fund retirements of past preachers of the Truth. They will get lists of where their missionaries are, some with the word “Sensitive” in place of the name of China or Syria or Cuba. They will pray.

On Monday morning, many in Evangelical America will get up and take their kids off to a church affiliated school, having chosen to remove their children from declining, failing, and secular government schools. Others will wake and teach their children themselves, sometimes combining with other parents to homeschool.

On Sunday morning, many curious new comers will probably go into a church not called a church lest it deter them, where they will experience a Christ who may or may not be as they seek the Christ who is and was when they were young and more open to receiving him The conversion of the flock is not as difficult when done at an early age when the mind is still open to the miraculous. “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

What Evangelical America will most likely not do this week or this Sunday or any week or any Sunday is write a check to send a stranger’s child in a government school to a Christian school. This is one of the greatest failure of the evangelical church in the United States of America.

Read more from this article HERE.

Republicans Have Failed the Nation

photo credit: donkey hotey

Over the next couple of years, Barack Obama wants to raise the national debt to $18.9 trillion or so.

John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and the congressional Republicans want to raise the national debt to $18.4 trillion or so.

The present leadership of the Republican Party has gone from making the case that government is the problem and the American people are the solution to making the case that Democratic controlled government is the problem and Republican controlled government is the solution.

By giving up on making the case that government is the problem and pivoting to “Democrats are the problem,” the Republican Party has failed the American people. Historically, when parties lost, their leadership went and hid for an appropriate amount of time under a rock after an acceptance of blame and a resignation.

The present Republican leaders in Washington, instead of hiding under a rock, have taken to standing on the rock and demanding conservatives self flagellate. Neither John Boehner nor Mitch McConnell are visionaries. They are survivors. They survive by recognizing the biggest threat to them and trying to befriend it or neutralize it.

Read more from this story HERE.