Has the US Administration decided to get rid of Jordan’s King Abdullah? This is the question that many Jordanians have been asking in the past few days. Find out why here.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-21 00:09:572016-04-11 11:26:12Is the US Attempting to Foment Another Muslim Brotherhood Takeover?
Seriously? This is the stuff that conspiracy theories are made of. The bankers aren’t too concerned with the world’s major economies melting down, but global warming? The sky really is falling!
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-20 02:59:352016-04-11 11:26:14Al Gore Redux: World Bank Report Warns of ‘Devastating’ Global Warming
As Israel becomes increasingly isolated in the region, will the United States stand firm?
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-20 02:11:202016-04-11 11:26:15Turkish Prime Minister: ‘Israel Is A Terrorist State’
Catholic faithful across France rally to the Pope’s challenge to speak out against the government’s plans to adopt gay ‘marriage’ as state policy.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-19 02:48:462016-04-11 11:26:18Protestors Rally Against Homosexual ‘Marriage’ in France
Iran is testing the limits again, this time with cyber warfare. So far, Israel’s defenses seem to be holding.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-19 00:44:512016-04-11 11:26:19Iran Hacks Into Israel’s Military: ‘Gaza will become the graveyard of your soldiers’
It is a sad fact that Hamas terrorists know exactly what it takes to manipulate the mainstream media. It appears truth has again fallen victim to propaganda.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-18 23:15:272016-04-11 11:26:19Dead Palestinian Boy Used As Symbol of Israeli Aggression Apparently Killed by Hamas
Blame for the release of a terrorist who was responsible for taking American lives is being laid squarely at the feet of President Obama who failed to extradite the Hezbollah commander when the US relinquished military control of Iraq.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-18 00:03:032016-04-11 11:26:21GOP Lawmakers Blast Obama Over Release of Iraqi Terrorist
Iron Dome intercepted 245 projectiles in total, maintaining a 90% intercept rate. Only 27 of the rockets, about 4 percent, ultimately landed in urban areas.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-17 19:03:212016-04-11 11:26:23Iron Dome Intercepts Missiles Aimed at Tel Aviv (+video)
With Israel’s buildup of troops along the border, the conflict in Gaza appears to intensifying. And Egypt’s showing of solidarity with the Palestinian Authority may portend yet further instability in the region.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-17 00:00:552016-04-11 11:26:26Signs of Possible Israeli Plan to Invade Gaza; Ground Troops Mass Along Border
The middle east stands on the brink of a regional conflict. Can an escalation of hostilities be averted?
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-16 04:21:102016-04-11 11:26:27War Looms Over Gaza as Israel Mobilizes Troops Near Border (+video)
The fundamental un-seriousness of our federal government is perhaps the greatest national security threat we face. That our president could be preoccupied with trifles like climate change when the world is burning is truly astonishing.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-16 03:14:552016-04-11 11:26:29CIA: ‘Rise of the Oceans’ More Important than Rising Terrorism
The growing threat of Islamic terror allied with Mexican drug cartels is one of the most serious threats facing our homeland today. Find out more.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-15 23:59:282016-04-11 11:26:31Congressional Report Ties Middle East Terrorists to Mexican Drug Cartels
Videographer who caught ‘firenado’ on tape in Australian Outback demonstrates integrity by refusing Al Gore’s money-for-propaganda scheme.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-14 00:21:382016-04-11 11:26:35Filmmaker Declines to Sell Footage of ‘Firenado’ to Al Gore Because ‘Science Isn’t Settled’ (+video)
The provocation continues: more than 110 rockets and mortars fired into Israel in last four days, according to report. Can Israel avert a regional conflict?
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-13 18:55:582016-04-11 11:26:38Israel Under Siege
IDF targets Syria for first time since Yom Kippur War. Beginning of new hostilities?
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-12 00:11:592016-04-11 11:26:44Israel Fires First Shot at Syrian Military Since 1973 Yom Kippur War
As America races toward the fiscal cliff, will Congress find the courage to stand up to the President’s reckless agenda? Find out what life is like on the streets of Greece.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-10 03:19:542016-04-11 11:26:52Obama’s America? Ripped Apart by Financial Crisis, Greek Society in Free-fall
Just 24 hours removed from the election, we learn that the Obama Administration has signed off on a deal to engage in talks to shut down the sale of guns internationally. Critics of the treaty claim it will curtail gun sales inside the United States as well.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-08 04:45:492016-04-11 11:26:58Obama Wins, U.S. Now Backing New U.N. Arms Treaty Talk
Iran is believed to be responsible for several cyber attacks already, and some experts fear they may become bolder in their efforts to harm US interests.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2012-11-08 00:11:092016-04-11 11:26:59Cyberattacks: Major Iranian Threat
Egypt’s Morsi Grants Himself Far-reaching Powers
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by Breitbart News/Associated PressIt’s looking more and more like the ‘democracy movement’ in the Middle East will descend into tyranny.
Is the US Attempting to Foment Another Muslim Brotherhood Takeover?
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by Khaled Abu ToamehHas the US Administration decided to get rid of Jordan’s King Abdullah? This is the question that many Jordanians have been asking in the past few days. Find out why here.
Al Gore Redux: World Bank Report Warns of ‘Devastating’ Global Warming
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by Ben GemanSeriously? This is the stuff that conspiracy theories are made of. The bankers aren’t too concerned with the world’s major economies melting down, but global warming? The sky really is falling!
Turkish Prime Minister: ‘Israel Is A Terrorist State’
/3 Comments/in Featured, International /by WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP)As Israel becomes increasingly isolated in the region, will the United States stand firm?
Hamas Missile Strike Gets Personal
/2 Comments/in Featured, International, Original /by Asaf ErezA Hamas missile strike in Sderot less than 24 hours ago gets personal for Joe Miller and author Asaf Erez.
Protestors Rally Against Homosexual ‘Marriage’ in France
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by AFPCatholic faithful across France rally to the Pope’s challenge to speak out against the government’s plans to adopt gay ‘marriage’ as state policy.
Iran Hacks Into Israel’s Military: ‘Gaza will become the graveyard of your soldiers’
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by Reza KahliliIran is testing the limits again, this time with cyber warfare. So far, Israel’s defenses seem to be holding.
Dead Palestinian Boy Used As Symbol of Israeli Aggression Apparently Killed by Hamas
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by Sharona SchwartzIt is a sad fact that Hamas terrorists know exactly what it takes to manipulate the mainstream media. It appears truth has again fallen victim to propaganda.
GOP Lawmakers Blast Obama Over Release of Iraqi Terrorist
/3 Comments/in Featured, International, Updates /by Donovan SlackBlame for the release of a terrorist who was responsible for taking American lives is being laid squarely at the feet of President Obama who failed to extradite the Hezbollah commander when the US relinquished military control of Iraq.
Iron Dome Intercepts Missiles Aimed at Tel Aviv (+video)
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by Yaakov Lappin and Michael Omer-MaIron Dome intercepted 245 projectiles in total, maintaining a 90% intercept rate. Only 27 of the rockets, about 4 percent, ultimately landed in urban areas.
Signs of Possible Israeli Plan to Invade Gaza; Ground Troops Mass Along Border
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by Matthew DalyWith Israel’s buildup of troops along the border, the conflict in Gaza appears to intensifying. And Egypt’s showing of solidarity with the Palestinian Authority may portend yet further instability in the region.
War Looms Over Gaza as Israel Mobilizes Troops Near Border (+video)
/3 Comments/in Featured, International /by FoxNews.comThe middle east stands on the brink of a regional conflict. Can an escalation of hostilities be averted?
CIA: ‘Rise of the Oceans’ More Important than Rising Terrorism
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by AWR HawkinsThe fundamental un-seriousness of our federal government is perhaps the greatest national security threat we face. That our president could be preoccupied with trifles like climate change when the world is burning is truly astonishing.
Congressional Report Ties Middle East Terrorists to Mexican Drug Cartels
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by Matthew BoyleThe growing threat of Islamic terror allied with Mexican drug cartels is one of the most serious threats facing our homeland today. Find out more.
Russia Expands Treason Law, Critics Fear Crackdown
/1 Comment/in Featured, International /by VLADIMIR ISACHENKOVPutin’s Russia cracks down on outside influence and stifles free speech. Many fear return to an unbridled police state.
Israel Kills Hamas’s Chief Military Leader (+video)
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by Brandon DarbyIsrael has begun a campaign to remove the threat coming from Gaza. Will it be successful, or will it only escalate tensions in the region?
Filmmaker Declines to Sell Footage of ‘Firenado’ to Al Gore Because ‘Science Isn’t Settled’ (+video)
/2 Comments/in Featured, International, Video /by Liz KlimasVideographer who caught ‘firenado’ on tape in Australian Outback demonstrates integrity by refusing Al Gore’s money-for-propaganda scheme.
Israel Under Siege
/0 Comments/in Featured, International /by Adam KredoThe provocation continues: more than 110 rockets and mortars fired into Israel in last four days, according to report. Can Israel avert a regional conflict?
Iran Launches Massive War Simulation
/0 Comments/in International /by Paul D. ShinkmanIs Iran engaging in preparation or provocation? Recent behavior by the regime might lead one to believe the latter.
Israel Fires First Shot at Syrian Military Since 1973 Yom Kippur War
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by YAAKOV LAPPINIDF targets Syria for first time since Yom Kippur War. Beginning of new hostilities?
Obama’s America? Ripped Apart by Financial Crisis, Greek Society in Free-fall
/2 Comments/in Featured, International /by Associated PressAs America races toward the fiscal cliff, will Congress find the courage to stand up to the President’s reckless agenda? Find out what life is like on the streets of Greece.
Obama Wins, U.S. Now Backing New U.N. Arms Treaty Talk
/4 Comments/in Featured, International /by Louis CharbonneausJust 24 hours removed from the election, we learn that the Obama Administration has signed off on a deal to engage in talks to shut down the sale of guns internationally. Critics of the treaty claim it will curtail gun sales inside the United States as well.
Cyberattacks: Major Iranian Threat
/0 Comments/in International /by David GoldmanIran is believed to be responsible for several cyber attacks already, and some experts fear they may become bolder in their efforts to harm US interests.
Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri: Benghazi Attack Signifies American Weakness
/1 Comment/in International /by Tiffany GabbayIt appears the President’s claim of having Al Qaeda on the run are exaggerated. A leader of the terrorist organization says it’s the other way round.
Kremlin Cheers Obama Election
/1 Comment/in International /by Kirit RadiaWhy is the Russian government so happy about Obama’s second term? Does it have something to do with the President’s new-found flexibility?