Journalist reveals how members of the press secretly joked and made fun of Romney’s faith. Ironic, given the media’s assumption of Evangelical bigotry.
The president is looking more and more like a one-trick pony. Until he puts something new on the table, it appears like there’s no dice. Miller Miller2012-11-15 01:13:592016-04-11 11:26:33Obama ‘Grand Bargain’ More Gimmick Than Grand
It’s back! With electoral victory for the president, like a bad dream, global warming hysteria returns stage left. Miller Miller2012-11-14 20:43:522016-04-11 11:26:34Obama Has Firm Belief in Man-Caused Global Warming, Says ‘We’ve Got Obligation’ to Act
The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts have already cost the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars, are we going to be asked to pony up again? Miller Miller2012-11-14 20:19:462016-04-11 11:26:34Federal Housing Administration Running Out of Money, May Need Bailout
On, a new petition has been posted that seeks to strip the citizenship of all citizens who have signed secession petitions. It’s rapidly gaining steam. Miller Miller2012-11-14 03:49:382016-04-11 11:26:35White House Petition Frenzy: New Petition to Strip Citizenship of Secession Signers Gains Steam (+video)
Fox News’ Mike Huckabee weighs in on Benghazi and Petraeus scandal. Miller Miller2012-11-14 03:03:362016-04-11 11:26:35Huckabee Says There’s ‘Absolute Certainty’ of a White House Cover-up on Benghazi
With Eric Holder back at the Department of Justice and a Republican controlled House, we can expect a protracted battle over ‘Fast and Furious’ and ‘Benghazi’ scandals. Miller Miller2012-11-13 23:43:042016-04-11 11:26:36Report: Obama Asks Holder to Stay On for Second Term
We at have posted multiple stories on secession petitions as a point of public interest. We in no way endorse the idea. But let’s face it, even if it were a good idea, secession is not a viable option. Miller Miller2012-11-13 22:30:352016-04-11 11:26:36Justice Scalia Shoots Down Idea of Leaving the Union: ‘There Is No Right to Secede’
Email techniques used by terrorists to conceal information revealed by media. Is somebody at the FBI is speaking out of turn? Miller Miller2012-11-13 21:00:012016-04-11 11:26:37USA Today: Petraeus and Broadwell Used Common ‘Email Trick’ Used by Terrorists
New polling reveals that attitudes toward the economy are sharply divided between Democrats (positive) and Republicans(negative). Independents are slightly more pessimistic than before the election.
The nebulous angst afflicting many right-of-center Americans has now spread to all 50 States. Given that nothing concrete has changed since November 6, is it justified? Miller Miller2012-11-13 19:00:162016-04-11 11:26:38Now What? White House ‘Secede’ Petitions Reach 660,000 Signatures, 50-State Participation
With the integrity of the outcome still in doubt, the West campaign may take legal action unless they are satisfied that the votes were cast legally and counted properly. Miller Miller2012-11-13 17:29:342016-04-11 11:26:39Allen West Digs In
Unless the economy miraculously revives, private charity will be picking up the tab for the needy . Miller Miller2012-11-13 04:12:312016-04-11 11:26:39Ohioans’ Food Stamp Aid To Be Reduced
What should be a no-brainer for any Representative who cares about the health of constituents suffering with asthma is now controversial. But what should we expect from a Congress that took up a tax on cow farts? Miller Miller2012-11-13 02:56:212016-04-11 11:26:40House to Defy Ozone Treaty, Allow Sale of Asthma Inhalers
Mark Levin rejected the notion that the GOP should become more moderate to win over voters and blasted several commentators who suggested otherwise. Read what his shocking statement about Karl Rove. Miller Miller2012-11-13 02:40:332016-04-11 11:26:40Mark Levin to Karl Rove: “Get the Hell Off the Stage”
The big spending George W. Bush has taken a beating for the price tag of his “compassionate conservatism,” even being called unpatriotic by the current occupant of the White House. Uh . . . what does that make Obama? Miller Miller2012-11-13 02:37:142016-04-11 11:26:41Obama Holds Record for Four Largest Deficits in U.S. History
With at least two states now reaching the 25K signature threshold for review, according to petition guidelines the White House must now address the issue. Miller Miller2012-11-13 02:24:242016-04-11 11:26:41It Grows: Protesters from Forty-seven States Now Petitioning White House to ‘Secede’
Paul Broadwell, CIA Chief General Petraeus’ mistress, claimed that the Benghazi annex that was attached held jihadist prisoners. Find out here why the CIA is aggressively denying this claim.
It appears there aren’t enough votes for a change in the filibuster rule, but that doesn’t mean Democrats will stop trying. Miller Miller2012-11-13 01:56:472016-04-11 11:26:41Harry Reid Short on Votes for ‘Nuclear Option’ to Change Filibuster Rule
The spectacle of Obama’s Justice Department suddenly obsessing over adultery would suggest a smokescreen to cover up something much bigger. Miller Miller2012-11-13 00:56:002016-04-11 11:26:42Probe Widens: Petraeus Scandal Leads to Investigation of Commander in Afghanistan
What is the FBI looking for? Are they trying to get to the bottom of the situation, or are they seizing evidence to keep it concealed from public view? Miller Miller2012-11-13 00:37:592016-04-11 11:26:42FBI Reportedly Searches Home of Petraeus Mistress
Reporter Details Journalists’ Private Anti-Mormon Bigotry
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Warner Todd HustonJournalist reveals how members of the press secretly joked and made fun of Romney’s faith. Ironic, given the media’s assumption of Evangelical bigotry.
Obama ‘Grand Bargain’ More Gimmick Than Grand
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Jed GrahamThe president is looking more and more like a one-trick pony. Until he puts something new on the table, it appears like there’s no dice.
Florida Sends Auditors to Investigate Voting Irregularities; Rep. West Holds Out Hope (+video)
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by FoxNews.comOne of the country’s closest Congressional races is apparently still up for grabs. Will the Tea Party favorite pull it out?
Obama Has Firm Belief in Man-Caused Global Warming, Says ‘We’ve Got Obligation’ to Act
/5 Comments/in Featured, News /by David PhillipsIt’s back! With electoral victory for the president, like a bad dream, global warming hysteria returns stage left.
Federal Housing Administration Running Out of Money, May Need Bailout
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by Halah TouryalaiThe Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts have already cost the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars, are we going to be asked to pony up again?
White House Petition Frenzy: New Petition to Strip Citizenship of Secession Signers Gains Steam (+video)
/96 Comments/in Featured, News, Original, Updates /by News EditorOn, a new petition has been posted that seeks to strip the citizenship of all citizens who have signed secession petitions. It’s rapidly gaining steam.
Huckabee Says There’s ‘Absolute Certainty’ of a White House Cover-up on Benghazi
/8 Comments/in Featured, News /by Jim Meyers and Kathleen WalterFox News’ Mike Huckabee weighs in on Benghazi and Petraeus scandal.
Report: Obama Asks Holder to Stay On for Second Term
/3 Comments/in Featured, News /by Mary ChastainWith Eric Holder back at the Department of Justice and a Republican controlled House, we can expect a protracted battle over ‘Fast and Furious’ and ‘Benghazi’ scandals.
Justice Scalia Shoots Down Idea of Leaving the Union: ‘There Is No Right to Secede’
/28 Comments/in Featured, News, Updates /by Mytheos HoltWe at have posted multiple stories on secession petitions as a point of public interest. We in no way endorse the idea. But let’s face it, even if it were a good idea, secession is not a viable option.
Google Reports Growing Government Surveillance
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by Jennifer MartinezThere has been a precipitous rise in government requests for information in 2012. Should we be concerned?
House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Rejects Carbon Tax Proposal
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Zack Colman and Ben GemanThe best laid plans of statists in both the White House and the Senate Energy Committee may be thwarted by the House Energy Committee Chairman.
USA Today: Petraeus and Broadwell Used Common ‘Email Trick’ Used by Terrorists
/0 Comments/in Featured, News, Updates /by Donna Leinwand LegerEmail techniques used by terrorists to conceal information revealed by media. Is somebody at the FBI is speaking out of turn?
Economic Optimism Plunges In Post-Election IBD/TIPP Poll
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Terry JonesNew polling reveals that attitudes toward the economy are sharply divided between Democrats (positive) and Republicans(negative). Independents are slightly more pessimistic than before the election.
Obama’s Interior Secretary Threatens Colorado Springs Reporter: ‘I’ll Punch You Out’
/6 Comments/in Featured, News /by Jason HowertonObama Administration officials are becoming more and more unhinged. Where does this end?
Now What? White House ‘Secede’ Petitions Reach 660,000 Signatures, 50-State Participation
/3 Comments/in Featured, News, Updates /by David MartoskoThe nebulous angst afflicting many right-of-center Americans has now spread to all 50 States. Given that nothing concrete has changed since November 6, is it justified?
Allen West Digs In
/2 Comments/in Featured, News /by Alex IsenstadtWith the integrity of the outcome still in doubt, the West campaign may take legal action unless they are satisfied that the votes were cast legally and counted properly.
Ohioans’ Food Stamp Aid To Be Reduced
/10 Comments/in Featured, News /by KATE GIAMMARISEUnless the economy miraculously revives, private charity will be picking up the tab for the needy .
House to Defy Ozone Treaty, Allow Sale of Asthma Inhalers
/3 Comments/in Featured, News /by Pete KasperowiczWhat should be a no-brainer for any Representative who cares about the health of constituents suffering with asthma is now controversial. But what should we expect from a Congress that took up a tax on cow farts?
Mark Levin to Karl Rove: “Get the Hell Off the Stage”
/33 Comments/in Featured, News /by Jeff PoorMark Levin rejected the notion that the GOP should become more moderate to win over voters and blasted several commentators who suggested otherwise. Read what his shocking statement about Karl Rove.
Obama Holds Record for Four Largest Deficits in U.S. History
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by William BigelowThe big spending George W. Bush has taken a beating for the price tag of his “compassionate conservatism,” even being called unpatriotic by the current occupant of the White House. Uh . . . what does that make Obama?
It Grows: Protesters from Forty-seven States Now Petitioning White House to ‘Secede’
/27 Comments/in Featured, News /by David MartoskoWith at least two states now reaching the 25K signature threshold for review, according to petition guidelines the White House must now address the issue.
Petraeus Mistress Claimed Benghazi Annex Held Jihadist Prisoners
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by Neil MunroPaul Broadwell, CIA Chief General Petraeus’ mistress, claimed that the Benghazi annex that was attached held jihadist prisoners. Find out here why the CIA is aggressively denying this claim.
Harry Reid Short on Votes for ‘Nuclear Option’ to Change Filibuster Rule
/2 Comments/in Featured, News /by Alexander BoltonIt appears there aren’t enough votes for a change in the filibuster rule, but that doesn’t mean Democrats will stop trying.
Probe Widens: Petraeus Scandal Leads to Investigation of Commander in Afghanistan
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by MARIA ABI-HABIBThe spectacle of Obama’s Justice Department suddenly obsessing over adultery would suggest a smokescreen to cover up something much bigger.
FBI Reportedly Searches Home of Petraeus Mistress
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by Tony LeeWhat is the FBI looking for? Are they trying to get to the bottom of the situation, or are they seizing evidence to keep it concealed from public view?