The Great One is leading the charge in the fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. And he’s right, unprincipled beltway jackals have controlled the party for too long. It is indeed now a matter of Liberty or Tyranny. Miller Miller2012-11-17 03:33:422016-04-11 11:26:24Mark Levin: Tea Party Only Thing That Stands ‘Between Liberty And Tyranny’
Did Jill Kelly’s connection to the White House have anything to do with the outing of Petraeus? Miller Miller2012-11-17 03:00:012016-04-11 11:26:25Woman in Petraeus Scandal Has Been White House Guest On Multiple Occasions
If there’s anything that symbolized America’s greatness in the snack industry, it was the iconic Hostess Twinkie. Perhaps Michelle Obama could offer up some alternative snack suggestions, since the Twinkie is no longer among us. Miller Miller2012-11-17 02:35:352016-04-11 11:26:25End of an Era as Hostess Twinkies Closes Up Shop Forever
EPA doubles down on ethanol fuel standards despite high corn prices due to drought, ignores appeal from state governments and livestock, poultry and food industry groups. Miller Miller2012-11-17 00:45:342016-04-11 11:26:26EPA Refuses to Waive Ethanol Mandate
The latest court decision will undoubtedly embolden the president’s critics, and may trigger a new wave of legal challenges to his signature health care law.
With new revelations on Benghazi attack, will White House come clean on what they knew and when they knew it? Miller Miller2012-11-16 20:09:312016-04-11 11:26:27Petraeus Confirms Early Knowledge That Benghazi Was Al Qaeda Attack; CIA Memo Changed by White House? (+video)
The mainstream press never fails to disappoint . . . and Mark Steyn never fails to offer salient entertainment! Miller Miller2012-11-16 02:23:532016-04-11 11:26:29Mark Steyn Rips White House Press Corps ‘Court Eunuchs’: ‘You made fools of yourselves!’
How far will our enemies go to get our secrets? This is why it is imperative that we have trustworthy leaders. Miller Miller2012-11-16 00:51:202016-04-11 11:26:30Report: “Other Woman” in Petraeus Scandal Helped Hezbollah Infiltrate Central Command; Was “Go To Girl” For Muslim Parties w/ Generals
The tyranny of the minority is the rule of the day as the ACLU continues its assault on American values. Miller Miller2012-11-16 00:00:302016-04-11 11:26:30ACLU Sues to Force Elementary Libraries to Display Lesbian Advocacy Book
The shareholders in America have spoken, and they want senior management to stay out of their homes and to stop spending money we don’t have. The party that can communicate that message is the party that will win over the American electorate come 2014. Miller Miller2012-11-15 03:25:152016-04-11 11:26:31Tea Party Was Not The Election Day Loser
Gingrich hammers Karl Rove for his attack on Akin as well as his own gaffe that he wasn’t held accountable. “If you applied the Todd Akin rule to Joe Biden, he’d be resigning the vice presidency once a week,” Gingrich said in Akin’s defense. Miller Miller2012-11-15 02:35:202016-04-11 11:26:32Gingrich Calls Out Rove and NRSC For Getting Rid of “Trouble-Maker” Akin
Lawmakers have struggled over the past several years to find the right balance between protecting privacy rights and addressing perceived and real cyber threats. Miller Miller2012-11-15 01:55:042016-04-11 11:26:32Revelation: Obama Reportedly Signed Secret Cyber Directive in October
Journalist reveals how members of the press secretly joked and made fun of Romney’s faith. Ironic, given the media’s assumption of Evangelical bigotry.
The president is looking more and more like a one-trick pony. Until he puts something new on the table, it appears like there’s no dice. Miller Miller2012-11-15 01:13:592016-04-11 11:26:33Obama ‘Grand Bargain’ More Gimmick Than Grand
It’s back! With electoral victory for the president, like a bad dream, global warming hysteria returns stage left. Miller Miller2012-11-14 20:43:522016-04-11 11:26:34Obama Has Firm Belief in Man-Caused Global Warming, Says ‘We’ve Got Obligation’ to Act
The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts have already cost the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars, are we going to be asked to pony up again? Miller Miller2012-11-14 20:19:462016-04-11 11:26:34Federal Housing Administration Running Out of Money, May Need Bailout
On, a new petition has been posted that seeks to strip the citizenship of all citizens who have signed secession petitions. It’s rapidly gaining steam. Miller Miller2012-11-14 03:49:382016-04-11 11:26:35White House Petition Frenzy: New Petition to Strip Citizenship of Secession Signers Gains Steam (+video)
Fox News’ Mike Huckabee weighs in on Benghazi and Petraeus scandal. Miller Miller2012-11-14 03:03:362016-04-11 11:26:35Huckabee Says There’s ‘Absolute Certainty’ of a White House Cover-up on Benghazi
With Eric Holder back at the Department of Justice and a Republican controlled House, we can expect a protracted battle over ‘Fast and Furious’ and ‘Benghazi’ scandals. Miller Miller2012-11-13 23:43:042016-04-11 11:26:36Report: Obama Asks Holder to Stay On for Second Term
We at have posted multiple stories on secession petitions as a point of public interest. We in no way endorse the idea. But let’s face it, even if it were a good idea, secession is not a viable option. Miller Miller2012-11-13 22:30:352016-04-11 11:26:36Justice Scalia Shoots Down Idea of Leaving the Union: ‘There Is No Right to Secede’
Mark Levin: Tea Party Only Thing That Stands ‘Between Liberty And Tyranny’
/14 Comments/in Featured, News /by Tony LeeThe Great One is leading the charge in the fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. And he’s right, unprincipled beltway jackals have controlled the party for too long. It is indeed now a matter of Liberty or Tyranny.
Woman in Petraeus Scandal Has Been White House Guest On Multiple Occasions
/2 Comments/in Featured, News /by Kimberly Dozier and Eileen SullivanDid Jill Kelly’s connection to the White House have anything to do with the outing of Petraeus?
End of an Era as Hostess Twinkies Closes Up Shop Forever
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by Ed FarnanIf there’s anything that symbolized America’s greatness in the snack industry, it was the iconic Hostess Twinkie. Perhaps Michelle Obama could offer up some alternative snack suggestions, since the Twinkie is no longer among us.
Ted Cruz: Mitt Romney ‘French-kissed’ Barack Obama
/7 Comments/in Featured, News /by KEVIN ROBILLARDThe Tea Party Senator-Elect from Texas describes why he thinks Mitt Romney lost the election.
EPA Refuses to Waive Ethanol Mandate
/5 Comments/in Featured, News /by Ben GemanEPA doubles down on ethanol fuel standards despite high corn prices due to drought, ignores appeal from state governments and livestock, poultry and food industry groups.
Bible Publisher Beats Obama Abortion-HHS Mandate in Court
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by Steven ErteltThe latest court decision will undoubtedly embolden the president’s critics, and may trigger a new wave of legal challenges to his signature health care law.
Petraeus Confirms Early Knowledge That Benghazi Was Al Qaeda Attack; CIA Memo Changed by White House? (+video)
/8 Comments/in Featured, News, Updates /by Catherine Herridge/FoxNews.comWith new revelations on Benghazi attack, will White House come clean on what they knew and when they knew it?
Denny’s to Charge 5% ‘Obamacare Surcharge’ and Cut Employee Hours to Recoup Costs
/15 Comments/in Featured, News /by James NyeThe US economy has yet to feel the full impact of Obamacare’s chilling effect on the business community. This is just a glimpse of coming attractions.
Mark Steyn Rips White House Press Corps ‘Court Eunuchs’: ‘You made fools of yourselves!’
/5 Comments/in Featured, News /by Jeff PoorThe mainstream press never fails to disappoint . . . and Mark Steyn never fails to offer salient entertainment!
Election Over, Liberals Call For Entitlement Cuts
/2 Comments/in Featured, News /by Merrill MatthewsWho would’ve guessed the Democrats would be talking about entitlement reform? Never mind that the election is over, ‘seeing is believing.’
Report: “Other Woman” in Petraeus Scandal Helped Hezbollah Infiltrate Central Command; Was “Go To Girl” For Muslim Parties w/ Generals
/14 Comments/in Featured, News /by Debbie SchlusselHow far will our enemies go to get our secrets? This is why it is imperative that we have trustworthy leaders.
ACLU Sues to Force Elementary Libraries to Display Lesbian Advocacy Book
/0 Comments/in Education, Featured, News /by Kirsten AndersenThe tyranny of the minority is the rule of the day as the ACLU continues its assault on American values.
Food Stamp President? You Betcha!
/4 Comments/in Featured, News /by Ron MeyerIf every Food Stamp recipient voted for Obama, it would account for more than 75% of his total.
Tea Party Was Not The Election Day Loser
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by MATT KIBBEThe shareholders in America have spoken, and they want senior management to stay out of their homes and to stop spending money we don’t have. The party that can communicate that message is the party that will win over the American electorate come 2014.
Gingrich Calls Out Rove and NRSC For Getting Rid of “Trouble-Maker” Akin
/7 Comments/in Featured, News /by Paul ConnerGingrich hammers Karl Rove for his attack on Akin as well as his own gaffe that he wasn’t held accountable. “If you applied the Todd Akin rule to Joe Biden, he’d be resigning the vice presidency once a week,” Gingrich said in Akin’s defense.
Revelation: Obama Reportedly Signed Secret Cyber Directive in October
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Josh PetersonLawmakers have struggled over the past several years to find the right balance between protecting privacy rights and addressing perceived and real cyber threats.
Reporter Details Journalists’ Private Anti-Mormon Bigotry
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Warner Todd HustonJournalist reveals how members of the press secretly joked and made fun of Romney’s faith. Ironic, given the media’s assumption of Evangelical bigotry.
Obama ‘Grand Bargain’ More Gimmick Than Grand
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Jed GrahamThe president is looking more and more like a one-trick pony. Until he puts something new on the table, it appears like there’s no dice.
Florida Sends Auditors to Investigate Voting Irregularities; Rep. West Holds Out Hope (+video)
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by FoxNews.comOne of the country’s closest Congressional races is apparently still up for grabs. Will the Tea Party favorite pull it out?
Obama Has Firm Belief in Man-Caused Global Warming, Says ‘We’ve Got Obligation’ to Act
/5 Comments/in Featured, News /by David PhillipsIt’s back! With electoral victory for the president, like a bad dream, global warming hysteria returns stage left.
Federal Housing Administration Running Out of Money, May Need Bailout
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by Halah TouryalaiThe Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts have already cost the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars, are we going to be asked to pony up again?
White House Petition Frenzy: New Petition to Strip Citizenship of Secession Signers Gains Steam (+video)
/96 Comments/in Featured, News, Original, Updates /by News EditorOn, a new petition has been posted that seeks to strip the citizenship of all citizens who have signed secession petitions. It’s rapidly gaining steam.
Huckabee Says There’s ‘Absolute Certainty’ of a White House Cover-up on Benghazi
/8 Comments/in Featured, News /by Jim Meyers and Kathleen WalterFox News’ Mike Huckabee weighs in on Benghazi and Petraeus scandal.
Report: Obama Asks Holder to Stay On for Second Term
/3 Comments/in Featured, News /by Mary ChastainWith Eric Holder back at the Department of Justice and a Republican controlled House, we can expect a protracted battle over ‘Fast and Furious’ and ‘Benghazi’ scandals.
Justice Scalia Shoots Down Idea of Leaving the Union: ‘There Is No Right to Secede’
/28 Comments/in Featured, News, Updates /by Mytheos HoltWe at have posted multiple stories on secession petitions as a point of public interest. We in no way endorse the idea. But let’s face it, even if it were a good idea, secession is not a viable option.