What’s the current economic situation in the United States? • The United States has a huge federal debt, with many states also having crushing debt loads. • The United States has extremely high unemployment levels, as well as considerable hidden unemployment. • The United States spends billions of dollars importing oil from countries besides Canada. […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-26 12:53:112011-10-26 12:53:11Three Reasons Why We Should Drill For Oil in the United States
A Republican leader in the House is accusing the Obama administration of violating a federal law designed to protect America’s most sensitive technological secrets from the Red Chinese. The most extreme of Obama’s czars, Science Czar John P. Holdren, so flagrantly violated the law that a one-sided Justice Department legal memorandum drawn up to exonerate […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-26 12:50:332011-10-26 12:50:33New Lawbreaking Allegation: Obama Illegally Pushes Green Agenda with China
We have often discussed the incredible peril Network Neutrality poses when placed in the hands of government — it’s the incredible economic and First Amendment damage that can (and will) be done by the federal Leviathan once it gets its Net Neutrality tentacles around the World Wide Web. Nearly as pernicious, are the private big […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-26 12:48:192011-10-26 12:48:19Google: We Want Net Neutrality to Redistribute Your Wealth to Us
While the New York Times was hypersensitive to any signs of racial prejudice among the massive, peaceful Tea Party protests, reporter Joseph Berger raised and dismissed the idea of anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street, in Saturday’s “Cries of Anti-Semitism, But Not at Zuccotti Park.” Just two of many references: Reporter David Herszenhorn assumed racism was […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-25 14:03:092011-10-25 14:03:09NY Times Denies Broad Anti-Semitism at OWS; Quick to Uncover Racism During Tea Party Rallies
NEW YORK – A new book released today documents how President Obama and progressive Democrats are deliberately overloading the U.S. financial system, using socialist designs to remake the economy. “Red Army: The Radical Network that must be defeated to save America” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott unearths the radical origins of Obama’s major […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-25 14:00:542011-10-25 14:00:54Obama now accused of destroying U.S. economy … on purpose!
As with all of Obama’s major voting blocks, Hispanics have begun to drift away from The One. They have come to recognize that they were mistaken to think Obama’s Marxist economics would help them prosper and reach equality in our society. Nevertheless, as a good little socialist, nothing stops Barack Obama from lying to anyone, […]
Most self-affiliated members of Tea Party Nation, one of the largest national organizations for the grassroots conservative movement, would vote for Mitt Romney as president if confronted with a choice between him or President Obama.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-24 15:09:402011-10-24 15:09:40Tea Party Nation poll shows 52 percent will vote for Romney if he is GOP nominee
What’s next for Sarah Palin? She seems at the moment to be finding a role as a general commentator, remarking on Ron Paul’s foreign policy and whatnot. That is, she seems to be at loose ends. There is much more she could do as an Alaskan, in terms of advancing regionalism and states as laboratories, […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-24 15:06:212011-10-24 15:06:21What’s next for Sarah Palin? How about a ‘supercommittee’ of governors?
Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole confirmed on Wednesday that the Obama administration was pulling back all training materials used for the law enforcement and national security communities, in order to eliminate all references to Islam that some Muslim groups have claimed are offensive. “I recently directed all components of the Department of Justice to […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-21 15:51:492011-10-21 15:51:49Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials, official says
Tuesday October 18 proved to be an important day in the slow march towards justice for the families of murdered federal agents Brian Terry and Jaimie Zapata. First, the U.S Senate unanimously voted in favor of an amendment prohibiting funds from going to any future gun-walking type operations. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced the amendment […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-21 15:49:302011-10-21 15:49:30Fast and Furious: What a Tangled Web They Weave
There are a few major problems with wind power, which proponents of this technology don’t want you to know about. Problem with wind power #1. It isn’t that environmentally safe, at least according to environmentalists This first major problem with wind power is exemplified by recent news. We posted a story on our web site […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-21 15:41:052011-10-21 15:41:05Five Problems with Wind Power
(CNSNews.com) — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that under the administration’s policy of exercising “prosecutorial discretion” in the enforcement of the immigration laws, her department is currently authorizing some illegal aliens to work in the United States. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-20 14:54:442011-10-20 14:54:44Napolitano: DHS Authorizing Illegal Aliens to Work in U.S.
Intent upon linking the genesis of ”gunwalking” to the Bush Administration, the Obama Regime has unwittingly revealed compelling leads to the birth of Operation Fast and Furious, its possible father, former Agent in Charge of the ATF’s Phoenix Branch, William Newell and the man who may be the Operation’s D.C Godfather, White House National Security […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-20 14:52:102011-10-20 14:52:10Origins of Fast and Furious accidentally revealed by White House
If you’re not an earth-worshipping, tree-hugging Al Gore acolyte you probably missed the “Rights of Nature Activist Strategy Summit” held in San Francisco in July of this year. Most of us have jobs and don’t consider the earth a living being with “rights,” but those who attended this summit have a different viewpoint. These individuals […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-20 14:49:312011-10-20 14:49:31Did You Miss The “Rights Of Nature” Activist Conference?
Every Republican candidate hoping to take on President Barack Obama says he or she has a plan to get America back on track. But when it comes to offering specifics, most are coy and evasive. Given the country’s precarious budget situation — a national debt just shy of $15 trillion and unfunded liabilities for entitlements […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-19 17:42:002011-10-19 17:42:00Ron Paul’s fiscal plan merits careful consideration
I’m a denier for several reasons. There is no substantive evidence that the planet has warmed significantly or that any significant warming will occur in the future. If any warming does occur, it likely will be concentrated at higher latitudes and therefore be beneficial. Climate research has largely degenerated into pathological science, and the coverage […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-19 17:26:092011-10-19 17:26:09Why I Deny Global Warming
Obama really isn’t very bright, even though he can show flashes of cleverness at times. His handling of the “Green” scams, particularly Solyndra has been clumsy and heavy handed at best. Consequently, unlike other slimy Democrats before him, Obama might not be able to dodge these bullets. Everyday this man who told us his would […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-19 17:22:022011-10-19 17:22:02At Obama’s White House job number one is building a stone wall – but will it work?
During the recent Fox News and Google presidential debate, Ron Paul opined to the crowd, “You ought to have a right to opt out of the public system if you want.” Although he could have been drawing comparisons between Obamacare and European socialized medicine, the congressman was actually referencing America’s socialized educational system. It was […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-18 14:46:582011-10-18 14:46:58Repeal Obamacare – but Keep Socialized Education?
Leftists love to get arrested at protests. It must make them feel like adults and compensates for their otherwise very childish behavior. But new video released exclusively by EAGtv shows the protestors pre-arrange who is to be arrested. That’s right – the arrests are as scripted as a professional wrestling match, at least on the […]
Apparently deciding one ongoing, undeclared war was not enough, our president of peace has committed 100 U.S. soldiers to central Africa to fight the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). That announcement came Friday, two days after deployment. In a letter to House Speaker John Boehner on Friday, Barack Obama wrote “the U.S. forces are combat-equipped,” but […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-18 14:36:542011-10-18 14:36:54Nobel Peace Prize Winner Starts Fifth War
The Republican establishment will lie to get Mitt Romney, the media’s favorite Republican, our nomination for President. They may be able to fool the “newly initiated” to politics, but they can’t fool us. We know the truth about Romney which is why he is virtually flat lining in TEA party polls. It’ s up to […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-17 15:05:152011-10-17 15:05:15TEA partiers must show “newly initiated” the differences between Republicans and conservatives
(CNSNews.com) – U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, a Clinton appointee, has ruled that the Justice Department does not need to release emails Solicitor General Elena Kagan sent from her DOJ email account to people in the White House—in which she discussed her recusal decisions as solicitor general—because the emails were “used for a purely […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-17 15:02:442011-10-17 15:02:44Judge Blocks Release of Recusal-Related Emails Kagan Sent WH—Says They’re ‘Personal’
Prepare for violence. We remember this crowd. The year was 1999 and the anarchists descended on Seattle to stop a meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). We lived there at the time. Floyd was working as a host at Hot Talk 570 KVI, located in downtown near the “peaceful protests” of the meeting of […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-17 14:57:002011-10-17 14:57:00Occupy Wall Street is a Menace, Prepare for Violence
It’s clear that the Democrats have “party envy,” even as they cast sneering glances at the Tea Party, which everyone assumes to be a primarily Republican organization. With the recent formation of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, some Dems are beginning to see the possibilities of having their own Tea Party-like organization in the […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-14 13:41:022011-10-14 13:41:02Founding the Flea Party
There are many theories as to who is orchestrating the “Occupy Wall Street” protests – known in some circles as “Kamp Alinsky” and “Kamp Kvetch” – in lower Manhattan and elsewhere throughout our country. George Soros? President Obama? Could they possibly be spontaneous? No matter. The protesters and their message of social justice, socialism and […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-10-14 13:34:532011-10-14 13:34:53Steve Jobs vs. Wall St. Whiners and Teachers Unions
Three Reasons Why We Should Drill For Oil in the United States
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorWhat’s the current economic situation in the United States? • The United States has a huge federal debt, with many states also having crushing debt loads. • The United States has extremely high unemployment levels, as well as considerable hidden unemployment. • The United States spends billions of dollars importing oil from countries besides Canada. […]
New Lawbreaking Allegation: Obama Illegally Pushes Green Agenda with China
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorA Republican leader in the House is accusing the Obama administration of violating a federal law designed to protect America’s most sensitive technological secrets from the Red Chinese. The most extreme of Obama’s czars, Science Czar John P. Holdren, so flagrantly violated the law that a one-sided Justice Department legal memorandum drawn up to exonerate […]
Google: We Want Net Neutrality to Redistribute Your Wealth to Us
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorWe have often discussed the incredible peril Network Neutrality poses when placed in the hands of government — it’s the incredible economic and First Amendment damage that can (and will) be done by the federal Leviathan once it gets its Net Neutrality tentacles around the World Wide Web. Nearly as pernicious, are the private big […]
NY Times Denies Broad Anti-Semitism at OWS; Quick to Uncover Racism During Tea Party Rallies
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditorWhile the New York Times was hypersensitive to any signs of racial prejudice among the massive, peaceful Tea Party protests, reporter Joseph Berger raised and dismissed the idea of anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street, in Saturday’s “Cries of Anti-Semitism, But Not at Zuccotti Park.” Just two of many references: Reporter David Herszenhorn assumed racism was […]
Obama now accused of destroying U.S. economy … on purpose!
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorNEW YORK – A new book released today documents how President Obama and progressive Democrats are deliberately overloading the U.S. financial system, using socialist designs to remake the economy. “Red Army: The Radical Network that must be defeated to save America” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott unearths the radical origins of Obama’s major […]
Is Obama’s DHS Helping Illegal Aliens Commit Voter Fraud?
/3 Comments/in News /by newseditorAs with all of Obama’s major voting blocks, Hispanics have begun to drift away from The One. They have come to recognize that they were mistaken to think Obama’s Marxist economics would help them prosper and reach equality in our society. Nevertheless, as a good little socialist, nothing stops Barack Obama from lying to anyone, […]
Tea Party Nation poll shows 52 percent will vote for Romney if he is GOP nominee
/4 Comments/in News /by newseditorMost self-affiliated members of Tea Party Nation, one of the largest national organizations for the grassroots conservative movement, would vote for Mitt Romney as president if confronted with a choice between him or President Obama.
What’s next for Sarah Palin? How about a ‘supercommittee’ of governors?
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditorWhat’s next for Sarah Palin? She seems at the moment to be finding a role as a general commentator, remarking on Ron Paul’s foreign policy and whatnot. That is, she seems to be at loose ends. There is much more she could do as an Alaskan, in terms of advancing regionalism and states as laboratories, […]
Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials, official says
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditorDeputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole confirmed on Wednesday that the Obama administration was pulling back all training materials used for the law enforcement and national security communities, in order to eliminate all references to Islam that some Muslim groups have claimed are offensive. “I recently directed all components of the Department of Justice to […]
Fast and Furious: What a Tangled Web They Weave
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorTuesday October 18 proved to be an important day in the slow march towards justice for the families of murdered federal agents Brian Terry and Jaimie Zapata. First, the U.S Senate unanimously voted in favor of an amendment prohibiting funds from going to any future gun-walking type operations. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced the amendment […]
Five Problems with Wind Power
/8 Comments/in News /by newseditorThere are a few major problems with wind power, which proponents of this technology don’t want you to know about. Problem with wind power #1. It isn’t that environmentally safe, at least according to environmentalists This first major problem with wind power is exemplified by recent news. We posted a story on our web site […]
Napolitano: DHS Authorizing Illegal Aliens to Work in U.S.
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditor(CNSNews.com) — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that under the administration’s policy of exercising “prosecutorial discretion” in the enforcement of the immigration laws, her department is currently authorizing some illegal aliens to work in the United States. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, […]
Origins of Fast and Furious accidentally revealed by White House
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorIntent upon linking the genesis of ”gunwalking” to the Bush Administration, the Obama Regime has unwittingly revealed compelling leads to the birth of Operation Fast and Furious, its possible father, former Agent in Charge of the ATF’s Phoenix Branch, William Newell and the man who may be the Operation’s D.C Godfather, White House National Security […]
Did You Miss The “Rights Of Nature” Activist Conference?
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorIf you’re not an earth-worshipping, tree-hugging Al Gore acolyte you probably missed the “Rights of Nature Activist Strategy Summit” held in San Francisco in July of this year. Most of us have jobs and don’t consider the earth a living being with “rights,” but those who attended this summit have a different viewpoint. These individuals […]
Ron Paul’s fiscal plan merits careful consideration
/4 Comments/in News /by newseditorEvery Republican candidate hoping to take on President Barack Obama says he or she has a plan to get America back on track. But when it comes to offering specifics, most are coy and evasive. Given the country’s precarious budget situation — a national debt just shy of $15 trillion and unfunded liabilities for entitlements […]
Why I Deny Global Warming
/3 Comments/in News /by newseditorI’m a denier for several reasons. There is no substantive evidence that the planet has warmed significantly or that any significant warming will occur in the future. If any warming does occur, it likely will be concentrated at higher latitudes and therefore be beneficial. Climate research has largely degenerated into pathological science, and the coverage […]
At Obama’s White House job number one is building a stone wall – but will it work?
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorObama really isn’t very bright, even though he can show flashes of cleverness at times. His handling of the “Green” scams, particularly Solyndra has been clumsy and heavy handed at best. Consequently, unlike other slimy Democrats before him, Obama might not be able to dodge these bullets. Everyday this man who told us his would […]
Repeal Obamacare – but Keep Socialized Education?
/3 Comments/in News /by newseditorDuring the recent Fox News and Google presidential debate, Ron Paul opined to the crowd, “You ought to have a right to opt out of the public system if you want.” Although he could have been drawing comparisons between Obamacare and European socialized medicine, the congressman was actually referencing America’s socialized educational system. It was […]
Occupy Arrest Scam Unmasked
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorLeftists love to get arrested at protests. It must make them feel like adults and compensates for their otherwise very childish behavior. But new video released exclusively by EAGtv shows the protestors pre-arrange who is to be arrested. That’s right – the arrests are as scripted as a professional wrestling match, at least on the […]
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Starts Fifth War
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorApparently deciding one ongoing, undeclared war was not enough, our president of peace has committed 100 U.S. soldiers to central Africa to fight the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). That announcement came Friday, two days after deployment. In a letter to House Speaker John Boehner on Friday, Barack Obama wrote “the U.S. forces are combat-equipped,” but […]
TEA partiers must show “newly initiated” the differences between Republicans and conservatives
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorThe Republican establishment will lie to get Mitt Romney, the media’s favorite Republican, our nomination for President. They may be able to fool the “newly initiated” to politics, but they can’t fool us. We know the truth about Romney which is why he is virtually flat lining in TEA party polls. It’ s up to […]
Judge Blocks Release of Recusal-Related Emails Kagan Sent WH—Says They’re ‘Personal’
/3 Comments/in News /by newseditor(CNSNews.com) – U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, a Clinton appointee, has ruled that the Justice Department does not need to release emails Solicitor General Elena Kagan sent from her DOJ email account to people in the White House—in which she discussed her recusal decisions as solicitor general—because the emails were “used for a purely […]
Occupy Wall Street is a Menace, Prepare for Violence
/2 Comments/in News /by newseditorPrepare for violence. We remember this crowd. The year was 1999 and the anarchists descended on Seattle to stop a meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO). We lived there at the time. Floyd was working as a host at Hot Talk 570 KVI, located in downtown near the “peaceful protests” of the meeting of […]
Founding the Flea Party
/0 Comments/in News /by newseditorIt’s clear that the Democrats have “party envy,” even as they cast sneering glances at the Tea Party, which everyone assumes to be a primarily Republican organization. With the recent formation of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, some Dems are beginning to see the possibilities of having their own Tea Party-like organization in the […]
Steve Jobs vs. Wall St. Whiners and Teachers Unions
/1 Comment/in News /by newseditorThere are many theories as to who is orchestrating the “Occupy Wall Street” protests – known in some circles as “Kamp Alinsky” and “Kamp Kvetch” – in lower Manhattan and elsewhere throughout our country. George Soros? President Obama? Could they possibly be spontaneous? No matter. The protesters and their message of social justice, socialism and […]