Federal investigators formally investigated top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin for the crime of embezzlement after confirming this.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-09 22:15:202015-09-09 22:15:20The Huma Files: Feds Investigated Top Hillary Clinton Aide for Embezzlement
As the U.S. presidential campaign exposes contempt for elites and angst over the future, Pope Francis arrives for his first visit with plans to denounce gross inequality and planetary neglect.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-09 22:13:052015-09-09 22:13:05The Pope Is Ready to Trash Capitalism to Money-Loving Americans
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who has been accused by fellow soldiers of abandoning his post in Afghanistan, has been charged with desertion and now this ‘rare’ charge.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-08 22:03:162015-09-08 22:03:16The Army Has Charged Bowe Bergdahl With Something Even Worse Than Desertion
From the pathetically small number of Christians allowed into the US, to the specific numbers by state where Muslims are being inserted by the Feds, this story gives you the breakdown of the numbers.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-08 21:51:132015-09-08 21:51:13Here’s the Number of Syrian Refugees Admitted to the US in 2015 Who Are Muslims
Armed drones could be used by police in this US state after local lawmakers legalized their use.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-08 21:42:232015-09-08 21:42:23Here Is the First State to Legalize the Use of Armed Drones by Police
Kim Davis is to be released from jail in Grayson, Kentucky, a judge ordered today, nearly a week after Davis was jailed for refusing a judge’s order to issue marriage licenses, including to same-sex couples.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-08 21:38:002015-09-08 21:38:00Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Released From Jail
What will happen during the next natural or man-made disaster on the scale of Katrina? Something far worse than this nation has ever seen.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-07 23:27:582015-09-07 23:27:58Impending US Disaster Will Make Katrina Look Like Disney World
By supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, which has contributed to an atmosphere of violent incitement and hatred against police officers across the nation, CAIR has shown what its true feelings about American law enforcement really are.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-07 23:24:182015-09-07 23:24:18Council on American-Islamic Relations Joins Black Lives Matter Movement [+video]
As supporters of jailed Kentucky clerk Kim Davis prepared for a rally featuring Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, Davis remained in jail, even as her attorneys spent the holiday weekend fighting a judge’s order that sent her there.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-07 23:17:282015-09-07 23:17:28Kentucky Clerk Remains Behind Bars After 6 Days, Appeals Judge’s Order
Executives of a Pennsylvania green energy company singled out for praise by Bill Clinton were arrested on fraud charges last week in connection with an alleged Ponzi scheme.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-07 23:14:402015-09-07 23:14:40Green Energy Execs Praised by Clinton Foundation Indicted for $54M Ponzi Scheme
Anger over Obama’s many snubs has reached a boiling point among cops.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-07 23:11:312015-09-07 23:11:31Cop Union Boycotted Obama Speech in Boston
The U.S. Air Force is giving an ultimatum to owners of a remote Nevada property that over time has been surrounded by a vast bombing range including the super-secret Area 51.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-07 23:09:092015-09-07 23:09:09Air Force Wants Owners to Give up Property Near Secret Area 51
For all the talk about Donald Trump allegedly driving minorities away from the Republican Party, could he actually bring people in?
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-06 23:15:472015-09-06 23:15:47Poll: Trump Beats This Presidential Candidate Head-To-Head; Receives 25% of Black Vote in General Election Match-up
As outspoken Donald Trump continues to lead the charge for a swift and decisive response to America’s illegal immigration problem, some Texas officials are trying to take one aspect of that issue into their own hands.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-06 23:13:392015-09-06 23:13:39Some Texas Counties Are Making a Bold Move That Has the Mexican Gov’t Furious
Kim Davis’ husband Joe is not pleased with federal judge David Bunning’s decision last week to throw his wife in jail.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-06 23:09:022015-09-06 23:09:02Kim Davis’ Husband Has a Message for the Judge Who Threw His Wife in Jail
Americans hoped the election of the first black president in 2008 would help heal the racial division that has plagued this country for much of its history, but here’s how many voters think just the opposite has occurred.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-06 23:07:372015-09-06 23:07:37Has Obama Widened the Racial Divide?
This is the second time in three days that a Las Vegas police officer has been shot in the line duty.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-06 23:05:012015-09-06 23:05:01Las Vegas Cop Shot ‘Ambush-Style’ While Sitting in Patrol Car at Traffic Light
The head of the Democratic Party, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, choked up while discussing her “gut wrenching” decision to vote in favor of the Iran nuclear deal.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-06 23:00:592015-09-06 23:00:59DNC Head Chokes up Announcing Iran Deal Vote
Donald Trump has finally commented on the Kentucky clerk situation, and his statement is definitely going to infuriate some of his supporters.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-05 00:26:252015-09-05 00:26:25Trump Just Made a Surprise Statement About Kim Davis That’ll Make Many People Furious
Marion County Circuit Judge Vance Day, a former chairman of the Oregon Republican Party, took steps earlier this week to create a legal defense fund in an apparent response to his decision not to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-05 00:24:422015-09-05 00:24:42Oregon Judge Refuses to Perform Same-Sex Marriages, Cites First Amendment Right to Religious Freedom
A new assault rifle being manufactured in central Florida has drawn fire after the gunmaker branded it with this.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-05 00:23:142015-09-05 00:23:14Florida Gunmaker Produces Assault Rifle ‘Never to Be Used by Muslim Terrorists’
Sitting in for Sean Hannity, Louie Gohmert, in a heartfelt monologue against the Iran deal, promised to not run for re-election if House leaders bring his resolution to the floor next week, requiring that the Iran deal be treated as this.
Renewed calls for more restrictive gun laws, following a succession of fatal shootings in the United States, immediately appear to be generating a boost for the gun industry.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-05 00:15:542015-09-05 00:15:54Renewed Calls for Gun Control Laws Spurring Gun Sales
Donald Trump would not say if he would pardon former George W. Bush White House official Lewis “Scooter” Libby.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Joe Millerhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngJoe Miller2015-09-05 00:07:432015-09-05 00:07:43Former CIA Operations Officer’s Head ‘Spins’ Over Scooter Libby Question to Trump
The Huma Files: Feds Investigated Top Hillary Clinton Aide for Embezzlement
/3 Comments/in Featured, News /by News EditorFederal investigators formally investigated top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin for the crime of embezzlement after confirming this.
The Pope Is Ready to Trash Capitalism to Money-Loving Americans
/3 Comments/in Featured, News /by John FollainAs the U.S. presidential campaign exposes contempt for elites and angst over the future, Pope Francis arrives for his first visit with plans to denounce gross inequality and planetary neglect.
The Army Has Charged Bowe Bergdahl With Something Even Worse Than Desertion
/34 Comments/in Featured, News /by News EditorSgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who has been accused by fellow soldiers of abandoning his post in Afghanistan, has been charged with desertion and now this ‘rare’ charge.
Here’s the Number of Syrian Refugees Admitted to the US in 2015 Who Are Muslims
/6 Comments/in Featured, News /by Ann CorcoranFrom the pathetically small number of Christians allowed into the US, to the specific numbers by state where Muslims are being inserted by the Feds, this story gives you the breakdown of the numbers.
Support for Iran Nuclear Agreement Falls
/2 Comments/in Featured, News /by Pew Research CenterAs Congress prepares to vote on the Iran nuclear agreement, public support for the deal has declined.
Here Is the First State to Legalize the Use of Armed Drones by Police
/0 Comments/in Featured, News /by Henry AustinArmed drones could be used by police in this US state after local lawmakers legalized their use.
Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Released From Jail
/3 Comments/in Featured, News /by Emily ShapiroKim Davis is to be released from jail in Grayson, Kentucky, a judge ordered today, nearly a week after Davis was jailed for refusing a judge’s order to issue marriage licenses, including to same-sex couples.
Impending US Disaster Will Make Katrina Look Like Disney World
/6 Comments/in Featured, News /by News EditorWhat will happen during the next natural or man-made disaster on the scale of Katrina? Something far worse than this nation has ever seen.
Council on American-Islamic Relations Joins Black Lives Matter Movement [+video]
/6 Comments/in Featured, News /by News EditorBy supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, which has contributed to an atmosphere of violent incitement and hatred against police officers across the nation, CAIR has shown what its true feelings about American law enforcement really are.
Kentucky Clerk Remains Behind Bars After 6 Days, Appeals Judge’s Order
/2 Comments/in Featured, News /by Greg ToppoAs supporters of jailed Kentucky clerk Kim Davis prepared for a rally featuring Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, Davis remained in jail, even as her attorneys spent the holiday weekend fighting a judge’s order that sent her there.
Green Energy Execs Praised by Clinton Foundation Indicted for $54M Ponzi Scheme
/3 Comments/in Featured, News /by Lachlan MarkayExecutives of a Pennsylvania green energy company singled out for praise by Bill Clinton were arrested on fraud charges last week in connection with an alleged Ponzi scheme.
Cop Union Boycotted Obama Speech in Boston
/2 Comments/in Featured, News /by News EditorAnger over Obama’s many snubs has reached a boiling point among cops.
Air Force Wants Owners to Give up Property Near Secret Area 51
/2 Comments/in Featured, News /by Associated PressThe U.S. Air Force is giving an ultimatum to owners of a remote Nevada property that over time has been surrounded by a vast bombing range including the super-secret Area 51.
Poll: Trump Beats This Presidential Candidate Head-To-Head; Receives 25% of Black Vote in General Election Match-up
/5 Comments/in Featured, News /by News EditorFor all the talk about Donald Trump allegedly driving minorities away from the Republican Party, could he actually bring people in?
Some Texas Counties Are Making a Bold Move That Has the Mexican Gov’t Furious
/7 Comments/in Featured, News /by B. Christopher AgeeAs outspoken Donald Trump continues to lead the charge for a swift and decisive response to America’s illegal immigration problem, some Texas officials are trying to take one aspect of that issue into their own hands.
Kim Davis’ Husband Has a Message for the Judge Who Threw His Wife in Jail
/5 Comments/in Featured, News /by Randy DeSotoKim Davis’ husband Joe is not pleased with federal judge David Bunning’s decision last week to throw his wife in jail.
Has Obama Widened the Racial Divide?
/4 Comments/in Featured, News /by Rassmussen ReportsAmericans hoped the election of the first black president in 2008 would help heal the racial division that has plagued this country for much of its history, but here’s how many voters think just the opposite has occurred.
Las Vegas Cop Shot ‘Ambush-Style’ While Sitting in Patrol Car at Traffic Light
/4 Comments/in Featured, News /by Dave UrbanskiThis is the second time in three days that a Las Vegas police officer has been shot in the line duty.
DNC Head Chokes up Announcing Iran Deal Vote
/10 Comments/in Featured, News /by Barbara BolandThe head of the Democratic Party, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, choked up while discussing her “gut wrenching” decision to vote in favor of the Iran nuclear deal.
Trump Just Made a Surprise Statement About Kim Davis That’ll Make Many People Furious
/120 Comments/in Featured, News /by Jack DavisDonald Trump has finally commented on the Kentucky clerk situation, and his statement is definitely going to infuriate some of his supporters.
Oregon Judge Refuses to Perform Same-Sex Marriages, Cites First Amendment Right to Religious Freedom
/18 Comments/in Featured, News /by Bryan DensonMarion County Circuit Judge Vance Day, a former chairman of the Oregon Republican Party, took steps earlier this week to create a legal defense fund in an apparent response to his decision not to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.
Florida Gunmaker Produces Assault Rifle ‘Never to Be Used by Muslim Terrorists’
/5 Comments/in Featured, News /by Fox NewsA new assault rifle being manufactured in central Florida has drawn fire after the gunmaker branded it with this.
Louie Gohmert Chooses Country’s Security Over Job Security
/4 Comments/in Featured, News /by Daniel HorowitzSitting in for Sean Hannity, Louie Gohmert, in a heartfelt monologue against the Iran deal, promised to not run for re-election if House leaders bring his resolution to the floor next week, requiring that the Iran deal be treated as this.
Renewed Calls for Gun Control Laws Spurring Gun Sales
/1 Comment/in Featured, News /by Kevin JohnnsonRenewed calls for more restrictive gun laws, following a succession of fatal shootings in the United States, immediately appear to be generating a boost for the gun industry.
Former CIA Operations Officer’s Head ‘Spins’ Over Scooter Libby Question to Trump
/3 Comments/in Featured, News /by Kerry PicketDonald Trump would not say if he would pardon former George W. Bush White House official Lewis “Scooter” Libby.