The exchange was one of several heated debates between the former Nebraska Republican and Republican committee members. Miller Miller2013-02-01 01:32:592016-04-11 11:25:43Video: Chuck in the Muck – Hagel Skewered By Senator Cruz for Calling US “World’s Bully” on Al Jazeera Network
Far from being a system based upon greed and selfishness as some claim, Williams ably demonstrates how free exchange is a way of service and mutual benefit to all, and as such is invested with a positive moral quality. Miller Miller2013-01-30 00:38:242016-04-11 11:25:49Video: Walter Williams On the Morality of the Free Market
If Senator John McCain was hoping to set his amnesty plan up for success, he may have just done the opposite. Miller Miller2013-01-29 03:26:142016-04-11 11:25:52Video: Senator McCain Boasts Gang of Eight Resurrecting Ted Kennedy’s Amnesty Plan
Precisely the kind of subversive propaganda we’ve come to expect from Obama’s surrogates in the media . . . Miller Miller2013-01-28 01:55:232016-04-11 11:25:54Video: CBS Runs Segment Called ‘Let’s Give Up On The Constitution’
Several states are mulling ways to counter the president’s agenda, and many individuals fear the president is putting the U.S. on a path toward confiscating guns. Miller Miller2013-01-27 02:39:152016-04-11 11:25:57Video: Warning to Politicians – People Will Fight for Guns
If you’re a gun control proponent, you need to see this. And if you’re a defender of the second amendment, you’ll want to see it. Miller Miller2013-01-26 01:21:472016-04-11 11:25:59Video: Sixty-Five Year Old Woman With Pistol Routs Five Armed Robbers
Citing the Heller decision, the Chairman made clear from the get-go that the right to keep and bear arms was not on the table for discussion. Perhaps he should familiarize the President with said decision. Miller Miller2013-01-25 03:52:392013-01-25 03:52:39House Gun Task Force Chair: ‘I’m Not Interested in Giving Up My Firearms’
Must-See Video! Senator Paul skewers Secretary Clinton on Benghazi, leaving her with nowhere to hide. Miller Miller2013-01-24 04:07:062013-01-24 04:07:06Video: Rand Paul Smokes Clinton, Says She Should’ve Been Fired Over Benghazi
If looks could kill, John Boehner would have been lying on the floor after the treatment he received from the First Lady at that luncheon. See it here.
A survivor of the Chinese Tiananmen Square uprising has become a United States Citizen and is now speaking at rallies warning Americans that they may suffer “millions” of casualties by their government if they relinquish any of their right to keep and bear arms. Miller Miller2013-01-23 01:28:062013-01-23 01:28:06Video: Tiananmen Square Survivor Says 2nd Amendment is Key to Replacing Criminal Government
Molotov Mitchell takes fight against Christian persecution into his own hands . . . Miller Miller2013-01-23 00:08:222013-01-23 00:08:22Video: How About Some Self-Government?
The 2013 Presidential Inauguration was disturbing on a number of different levels, not the least of which was the almost overt religious theme. See that here along with a video of prolife protester in a tree. Miller Miller2013-01-22 05:22:272013-01-22 05:22:27Video: Man in Tree Disrupts 2013 Inauguration, Yells, ‘What About the Babies?!’
The Tea Party Senator from Texas is proving to be a formidable obstacle to the Left’s agenda. Watch Ted Cruz go toe-to-toe with one of the Democrat’s top spokesmen . . . Miller Miller2013-01-22 01:38:252013-01-22 01:38:25Video: Senators Ted Cruz and Chuck Schumer Debate Gun Control, Debt Ceiling, and More
Our fearless leader standing up for the First Amendment? Miller Miller2013-01-21 23:40:072013-01-21 23:40:07Rapper Kicked Off Stage For Anti-Obama Lyrics At Inaugural Event
An Islamist speaking in French . . . warns (translated by MEMRI): “What we are saying to François Hollande is that the Muslims throughout the world will not rest until Islam dominates France, until Islam dominates the entire world.” Miller Miller2013-01-21 00:15:442013-01-21 00:15:44Video: Islamists Protest French Military Intervention in Mali, Call for Shariah, Jihad in Europe and World
The MRF party represents minority interests in Bulgaria and relies chiefly on the votes of ethnic Turks and other Muslims. Miller Miller2013-01-20 01:30:552013-01-20 01:30:55Video: Failed Assassination Attempt on Bulgarian Politician Captured Live
Watch video of Wayne LaPierre responding to the latest controversy fabricated by the Obama administration and ‘sanctimonious hypocrisy’ of the media . . . Miller Miller2013-01-19 05:03:232013-01-19 05:03:23Video: NRA CEO Responds to Obama’s Gun Plan; Says ‘Americans Are Going to Stand and Fight For Their Freedom’
The 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery and capture land from Native Americans, award winning actor Danny Glover told Texas A&M this week. And that was by no means all. Watch what he says about global warming and other hot button topics. Miller Miller2013-01-19 02:46:272013-01-19 02:46:27Video: Danny Glover Claims 2nd Amendment Was Designed to Protect Slavery, Kill Indians
Well, that’s weird. Gun-free zones are fine for other people. Gun control is fine for other people. But all of a sudden, these high-minded “journalists” realize the benefits of having guns around. And the drawbacks of advertising it when they’re not. Miller Miller2013-01-16 02:55:012013-01-16 02:55:01Video: James O’Keefe Busts Media Hypocrites On Gun-Free Zones
Mark Levin warns the end game is “not very pretty” if Obama continues his rogue behavior vis-a-vis the Constitution. Watch must-see Megyn Kelly interview with ‘The Great One’ . . . Miller Miller2013-01-15 00:24:382013-01-15 00:24:38Mark Levin Calls Out Obama’s UnConstitutional ‘Imperial Presidency,’ Says President’s ‘Arrogant as Hell’
Before we allow the Opportunist-in-Chief to politicize yet another tragedy and grab our guns, it would be instructive to watch this video about how gun control has worked out for the people of Australia. Miller Miller2013-01-15 00:07:552013-01-15 00:07:55Video: Australia Has Already Been Down the Road of Gun Control; See How It Worked Out for Them
“I think having a monarch is what we fought the American Revolution over . . .” Watch more from Rand Paul’s interview . . . Miller Miller2013-01-15 00:05:292013-01-15 00:05:29Video: Rand Paul Says ‘Someone Who Wants to Bypass Congress . . . Is Someone Who Wants to Act Like a King’
Video: Chuck in the Muck – Hagel Skewered By Senator Cruz for Calling US “World’s Bully” on Al Jazeera Network
/6 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Bill Gertz and Adam KredoThe exchange was one of several heated debates between the former Nebraska Republican and Republican committee members.
Video: Rick Santelli Says ‘We’ve Become Europe’
/4 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Noel SheppardSantelli tells it like it is. But one has to wonder how long it will be before the president blames the latest news on – you guessed it – George Bush.
Video: Walter Williams On the Morality of the Free Market
/1 Comment/in Featured, Video /by News EditorFar from being a system based upon greed and selfishness as some claim, Williams ably demonstrates how free exchange is a way of service and mutual benefit to all, and as such is invested with a positive moral quality.
Video: Senator McCain Boasts Gang of Eight Resurrecting Ted Kennedy’s Amnesty Plan
/8 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorIf Senator John McCain was hoping to set his amnesty plan up for success, he may have just done the opposite.
Video: CBS Runs Segment Called ‘Let’s Give Up On The Constitution’
/48 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Breitbart TVPrecisely the kind of subversive propaganda we’ve come to expect from Obama’s surrogates in the media . . .
Video: Warning to Politicians – People Will Fight for Guns
/8 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Drew ZahnSeveral states are mulling ways to counter the president’s agenda, and many individuals fear the president is putting the U.S. on a path toward confiscating guns.
Video: Sixty-Five Year Old Woman With Pistol Routs Five Armed Robbers
/26 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Jason HowertonIf you’re a gun control proponent, you need to see this. And if you’re a defender of the second amendment, you’ll want to see it.
House Gun Task Force Chair: ‘I’m Not Interested in Giving Up My Firearms’
/5 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorCiting the Heller decision, the Chairman made clear from the get-go that the right to keep and bear arms was not on the table for discussion. Perhaps he should familiarize the President with said decision.
Video: Rand Paul Smokes Clinton, Says She Should’ve Been Fired Over Benghazi
/22 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorMust-See Video! Senator Paul skewers Secretary Clinton on Benghazi, leaving her with nowhere to hide.
Video: Michelle Obama Shows Class, Eye Rolls Boehner
/10 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Ed FarnanIf looks could kill, John Boehner would have been lying on the floor after the treatment he received from the First Lady at that luncheon. See it here.
Video: Tiananmen Square Survivor Says 2nd Amendment is Key to Replacing Criminal Government
/13 Comments/in Featured, From Joe's Desk, Video /by Joe MillerA survivor of the Chinese Tiananmen Square uprising has become a United States Citizen and is now speaking at rallies warning Americans that they may suffer “millions” of casualties by their government if they relinquish any of their right to keep and bear arms.
Video: How About Some Self-Government?
/2 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorMolotov Mitchell takes fight against Christian persecution into his own hands . . .
Video: Man in Tree Disrupts 2013 Inauguration, Yells, ‘What About the Babies?!’
/6 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorThe 2013 Presidential Inauguration was disturbing on a number of different levels, not the least of which was the almost overt religious theme. See that here along with a video of prolife protester in a tree.
Video: Senators Ted Cruz and Chuck Schumer Debate Gun Control, Debt Ceiling, and More
/7 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorThe Tea Party Senator from Texas is proving to be a formidable obstacle to the Left’s agenda. Watch Ted Cruz go toe-to-toe with one of the Democrat’s top spokesmen . . .
Rapper Kicked Off Stage For Anti-Obama Lyrics At Inaugural Event
/0 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorOur fearless leader standing up for the First Amendment?
Video: Islamists Protest French Military Intervention in Mali, Call for Shariah, Jihad in Europe and World
/3 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Erica RitzAn Islamist speaking in French . . . warns (translated by MEMRI): “What we are saying to François Hollande is that the Muslims throughout the world will not rest until Islam dominates France, until Islam dominates the entire world.”
Video: Ted Nugent Says Barack Obama ‘An Evil, Dangerous Man Who Hates America, and Hates Freedom’
/11 Comments/in Featured, Updates, Video /by News EditorTed Nugent gives his opinions on the Second Amendment, NRA, Gun Control, Piers Morgan, and President Obama.
Video: Failed Assassination Attempt on Bulgarian Politician Captured Live
/4 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Gregg ReThe MRF party represents minority interests in Bulgaria and relies chiefly on the votes of ethnic Turks and other Muslims.
Video: NRA CEO Responds to Obama’s Gun Plan; Says ‘Americans Are Going to Stand and Fight For Their Freedom’
/14 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorWatch video of Wayne LaPierre responding to the latest controversy fabricated by the Obama administration and ‘sanctimonious hypocrisy’ of the media . . .
Video: Danny Glover Claims 2nd Amendment Was Designed to Protect Slavery, Kill Indians
/12 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Timothy DionisopoulosThe 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery and capture land from Native Americans, award winning actor Danny Glover told Texas A&M this week. And that was by no means all. Watch what he says about global warming and other hot button topics.
Video: NRA Calls Obama An Elitist Hypocrite, Says ‘America Speaks for Itself’
/9 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorIf the NRA is not going to take Obama’s edicts laying down. Now it’s fighting back . . . and calling him out! See this excellent video . . .
Video: James O’Keefe Busts Media Hypocrites On Gun-Free Zones
/5 Comments/in Featured, Video /by Jim TreacherWell, that’s weird. Gun-free zones are fine for other people. Gun control is fine for other people. But all of a sudden, these high-minded “journalists” realize the benefits of having guns around. And the drawbacks of advertising it when they’re not.
Mark Levin Calls Out Obama’s UnConstitutional ‘Imperial Presidency,’ Says President’s ‘Arrogant as Hell’
/11 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorMark Levin warns the end game is “not very pretty” if Obama continues his rogue behavior vis-a-vis the Constitution. Watch must-see Megyn Kelly interview with ‘The Great One’ . . .
Video: Australia Has Already Been Down the Road of Gun Control; See How It Worked Out for Them
/3 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News EditorBefore we allow the Opportunist-in-Chief to politicize yet another tragedy and grab our guns, it would be instructive to watch this video about how gun control has worked out for the people of Australia.
Video: Rand Paul Says ‘Someone Who Wants to Bypass Congress . . . Is Someone Who Wants to Act Like a King’
/7 Comments/in Featured, Video /by News Editor“I think having a monarch is what we fought the American Revolution over . . .” Watch more from Rand Paul’s interview . . .