U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Doesn’t Know Texas Has Largest Job Growth in U.S. But She is Sure Texas Has Low Pay, Dangerous Work Conditions and a Lousy Education System.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-09-05 13:52:422011-09-05 13:52:42U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Doesn’t Know Texas Has Largest Job Growth in U.S.
Sheriffs are already starting to thumb their noses at the unconstitutional amnesty that Obama instituted this week. Watch this video with Sheriff Paul Babeu of Arizona.
What Rick Perry actually said was that Bernanke “almost committed treason” while discussing the Fed’s money printing Quantitative Easing policy. He never accused Bernanke of treason. But, Rove and the state-run media pounced on the comment anyway. Karl Rove was on The Factor with Bill O’Reilly last evening. Rove again repeated the smear that Govenor […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00Scott Graveshttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngScott Graves2011-08-24 14:35:222011-08-24 14:35:22Karl Rove Smears Rick Perry Again Just For Kicks
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-23 13:23:182011-08-23 13:23:18Mark Levin – Is That The Act Of A Dictator?
It is hard to fully articulate the greatness of the Obama failure. This video comes close to decscibing it in less than 2 minutes. Please share with others. Every American needs to see this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbe8e1tIqxQ&feature=youtu.be
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-19 13:58:122011-08-19 13:58:12Video: Rush Limbaugh – The Republican And Liberal Media Are Scared To Death Of Sarah Palin
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-18 13:23:102011-08-18 13:23:10Video: Christine O’Donnell Walks Off Piers Morgan Interview
Trump tells FoxNews, “this man takes more vacations than any human being I’ve ever seen.” We hear he will present a jobs package after he emerges from the billionaires enclave of Martha’s Vineyard next month. Watch the latest video at <a href=”https://video.foxnews.com”>video.foxnews.com</a>
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-17 13:31:132011-08-17 13:31:13Video: Trump Lets Loose on Obama
The left is going crazy about remarks made by Gov. Perry about the Federal Reserve. He struck a nerve and the elites that have been destroying the US Dollar are going berserk. Watch and see if you agree that Perry should stick to his guns.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-15 15:20:262011-08-15 15:20:26Obama Justice Dept. Rejects Fallen Agent’s Family as Fast & Furious Crime Victims
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-12 17:53:312011-08-12 17:53:31Video:Newt Gingrich BLASTS Chris Wallace for his “Gotcha” Questions at IA Debate
Sometimes listening to and watching all of the stuff that comes out of Washington becomes a little too much. Take a break and watch this funny video.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-11 15:59:392011-08-11 15:59:39Video: Tired of watching Washington? Take a break and laugh
Cokie Roberts one of the leading voices of the left wing establishment in America masquerading as a journalist lets the truth slip in this important video. Our big problem is the “US Constitution” in her analysis.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-08 14:10:182011-08-08 14:10:18Cokie Roberts- Our Big Problem is the US Constitution
The bigots of big government such as Senator John Kerry are upset about the Tea Party. Here he takes to the airwaves and calls for the media to stop giving the Tea Party equal time and voice with the advocates for growing government.
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-05 14:57:202011-08-05 14:57:20John Kerry-Media Should Not Give Equal Time to Tea Party
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-04 14:56:362011-08-04 14:56:36For The Record : Personhood
Sarah Palin has become one of the most effective defenders of the Tea Party. Last Night on FOXNEWS she took after Democrats that have called them terrorists. Her best line was when she attacked Obama asking: “If We Were Real Domestic Terrorists, Shoot, President Obama Would Be Wanting to Pal Around With Us, Wouldn’t He?” […]
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-03 12:45:042011-08-03 12:45:04Sarah Palin Defends Tea Party
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-02 15:38:592011-08-02 15:38:59Washington Spending 101: How to Stop the Explosion of Debt
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-08-01 16:51:002011-08-01 16:51:00How Big is the U.S. Debt?
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-07-29 15:07:382011-07-29 15:07:38Bachmann on Invoking the Fourteenth Amendment
https://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.png00newseditorhttps://joemiller.us/wp-content/uploads/logotext.pngnewseditor2011-07-22 15:31:462011-07-22 15:31:46U.S. vs. Europe: Who is Handling Their Debt Crisis Better?
U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Doesn’t Know Texas Has Largest Job Growth in U.S.
/8 Comments/in Video /by newseditorU.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis Doesn’t Know Texas Has Largest Job Growth in U.S. But She is Sure Texas Has Low Pay, Dangerous Work Conditions and a Lousy Education System.
Video: Sheriffs refusing to obey Obama’s Unconstitutional Amnesty
/9 Comments/in News, Video /by Scott GravesSheriffs are already starting to thumb their noses at the unconstitutional amnesty that Obama instituted this week. Watch this video with Sheriff Paul Babeu of Arizona.
Karl Rove Smears Rick Perry Again Just For Kicks
/13 Comments/in News, Video /by Scott GravesWhat Rick Perry actually said was that Bernanke “almost committed treason” while discussing the Fed’s money printing Quantitative Easing policy. He never accused Bernanke of treason. But, Rove and the state-run media pounced on the comment anyway. Karl Rove was on The Factor with Bill O’Reilly last evening. Rove again repeated the smear that Govenor […]
Mark Levin – Is That The Act Of A Dictator?
/13 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo: Obama’s Epic Failure
/4 Comments/in Video /by Scott GravesIt is hard to fully articulate the greatness of the Obama failure. This video comes close to decscibing it in less than 2 minutes. Please share with others. Every American needs to see this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbe8e1tIqxQ&feature=youtu.be
Video: Rush Limbaugh – The Republican And Liberal Media Are Scared To Death Of Sarah Palin
/1 Comment/in Video /by newseditorVideo: Christine O’Donnell Walks Off Piers Morgan Interview
/12 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo: Trump Lets Loose on Obama
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorTrump tells FoxNews, “this man takes more vacations than any human being I’ve ever seen.” We hear he will present a jobs package after he emerges from the billionaires enclave of Martha’s Vineyard next month. Watch the latest video at <a href=”https://video.foxnews.com”>video.foxnews.com</a>
Perry threatens Bernanke
/13 Comments/in Video /by newseditorThe left is going crazy about remarks made by Gov. Perry about the Federal Reserve. He struck a nerve and the elites that have been destroying the US Dollar are going berserk. Watch and see if you agree that Perry should stick to his guns.
Obama Justice Dept. Rejects Fallen Agent’s Family as Fast & Furious Crime Victims
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo:Newt Gingrich BLASTS Chris Wallace for his “Gotcha” Questions at IA Debate
/4 Comments/in Video /by newseditorVideo: Tired of watching Washington? Take a break and laugh
/2 Comments/in Video /by newseditorSometimes listening to and watching all of the stuff that comes out of Washington becomes a little too much. Take a break and watch this funny video.
Video: Barack Obama’s Peevish Voice
/2 Comments/in Video /by newseditorIn this LOL Video we see Obama speaking in his most peevish voice. Hollywood couldn’t capture it in greater color.
Rush Limbaugh- Obama Blames Others For Economy
/2 Comments/in Video /by newseditorRush reads six pages of headline of Obama blaming everyone else for the economy.
Cokie Roberts- Our Big Problem is the US Constitution
/6 Comments/in Video /by newseditorCokie Roberts one of the leading voices of the left wing establishment in America masquerading as a journalist lets the truth slip in this important video. Our big problem is the “US Constitution” in her analysis.
John Kerry-Media Should Not Give Equal Time to Tea Party
/11 Comments/in Video /by newseditorThe bigots of big government such as Senator John Kerry are upset about the Tea Party. Here he takes to the airwaves and calls for the media to stop giving the Tea Party equal time and voice with the advocates for growing government.
For The Record : Personhood
/4 Comments/in Video /by newseditorSarah Palin Defends Tea Party
/8 Comments/in Video /by newseditorSarah Palin has become one of the most effective defenders of the Tea Party. Last Night on FOXNEWS she took after Democrats that have called them terrorists. Her best line was when she attacked Obama asking: “If We Were Real Domestic Terrorists, Shoot, President Obama Would Be Wanting to Pal Around With Us, Wouldn’t He?” […]
Washington Spending 101: How to Stop the Explosion of Debt
/0 Comments/in Video /by newseditorHow Big is the U.S. Debt?
/0 Comments/in Video /by newseditorBachmann on Invoking the Fourteenth Amendment
/4 Comments/in Video /by newseditorRep. Chaffetz “Fast and Furious” Witness Questioning
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorSpenditol
/3 Comments/in Video /by newseditorSarah Palin – McConnell Plan ‘Makes No Sense,’ Hands Obama Budget With ‘White Flag’
/2 Comments/in Video /by newseditorU.S. vs. Europe: Who is Handling Their Debt Crisis Better?
/1 Comment/in Video /by newseditor