Supreme Court Justice Asks If Constitutionally Guaranteeing Same-Sex Marriage Could Lead to Polygamy

downloadDuring Tuesday’s oral arguments in the Supreme Court, Justice Samuel Alito questioned whether the possibility exists that marriages between same-sex individuals could lead to polygamous marriages of more than two people.

When discussing whether the Constitution guarantees the right to same-sex marriages, Justice Alito postulated the idea that ruling in favor of the pro same-sex marriage argument could result in a path to polygamous marriage . . .

Bonauto opined that the possibility to deny them would exist. Elaborating further, she said to Alito:

“There’d be two. One is whether the State would even say that that is such a thing as a marriage, but then beyond that, there are definitely going to be concerns about coercion and consent and disrupting family relationships when you start talking about multiple persons. But I want to also just go back to the wait and see question for a moment, if I may” . . .

The federal lawsuit, Obergfell v. Hodges, takes on the issue of same-sex marriage. The lawsuit alleges that the state of Ohio discriminates against couples who get married in other states where same-sex marriage is legal. (Read more from “Supreme Court Justice Asks If Constitutionally Guaranteeing Same-Sex Marriage Could Lead to Polygamy” HERE)

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