CNN’s Anderson Cooper comes out of the closet on “TV Take out the Trash Day”

Anderson Cooper very cautiously came out of the closet on TV Take Out the Trash Day, in an e-mail to longtime pal/The Daily Beast columnist-blogger Andrew Sullivan.

“The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud,” Cooper said in the e-mail, which Sullivan said he had Cooper’s permission to share with the world.

Cooper’s announcement appears to have been carefully, cautiously timed: The day before a national holiday — known in the TV industry as Take out the Trash Day — is when potentially hot-and-maybe-not-in-a-good-way news is unveiled, in hopes that lots of people are on vacation and won’t notice.

In its coverage of of the news, ABC — for which Cooper worked as a “Mole” host and news correspondent before migrating to cable news — noted that in the past “the 45-year-old CNN journalist has dodged questions about his sexuality in the public eye.”

But Sullivan explained in his Monday morning post that he got in touch with Cooper for “reasons that are probably obvious to most,” on the occasion of Entertainment Weekly publishing an article called “The New Art of Coming Out: How Gay Stars Are Now Carefully — and Surprisingly — Going Public About Their Private Lives.”

Read more from this story HERE.

Photo credit: mroach