Bad Timing? Texas ‘Clock’-Maker’s Visit With Wanted Sudanese Leader Complicates WH Invite

Ahmed Mohamed, the 14-year old boy arrested after a homemade clock he brought to school was mistaken for a bomb, may be putting President Obama in an awkward situation after meeting with Sudanese president and alleged war criminal Omar al-Bashir just days before a White House event to which he was invited.

Despite the controversy, the White House has not yet announced any change of plans for the invitation or the event – an Astronomy Night scheduled for Monday that brings together NASA astronauts and government scientists with students and teachers . . .

The White House first reached out to Mohamed after he gained national attention for being pulled from class and handcuffed after showing a digital clock to teachers at his Dallas high school. The arrest stirred accusations of Islamaphobia, and Obama offered his support.

But as the boy has gone on a tour across the globe to speak out against racism — meeting with Turkish President Ahmet Davutoğlu in New York, and visiting a number of Middle Eastern countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia — the visit to his father’s home country of Sudan is raising eyebrows . . .

The Sudanese leader is wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes in Darfur, where he is accused of orchestrating genocide and crimes against humanity. Al-Bashir denies the accusations. (Read more from “Bad Timing? Texas ‘Clock’-Maker’s Visit With Wanted Sudanese Leader Complicates WH Invite” HERE)

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